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Communication Engineering,
Block Schematic of Communication System.Analog and Digital base band signals and their bandwidth requirements.Necessity of modulation and types of modulation-AM, FM and PM.Amplitude ModulationBlock schematic of DSBFC, DSBSC, SSB, VSB and ISB transmitters. Generation methods, Mathematical analysis, modulation index, frequency spectrum, power requirement.Block schematic of receivers for above transmission. Mixers, detectors, Tracking, AGC. Modulator and demodulator ICs.Performance parameters for receiver such as selectivity, sensitivity, fidelity, image frequency rejection.Double conversion technique in Communication receivers.Frequency ModulationBlock schematic of FM transmitters, Narrow band and wide band FM generation. Direct and Indirect methods of generation, Mathematical Analysis, modulation index, frequency spectrum and bandwidth requirement.Block schematic of FM receivers, FM discriminators, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.Comparison of AM and FM, Noise triangle. FM modulator and demodulator ICs.Pulse ModulationNyquist Criteria, PAM, PWM, generation and detection.PCM & Multiplexing-Techniques.Radiation and PropagationConcept of radiation, basic antenna system - antenna gain, directivity and radiation pattern. Dipole antenna, Different R.F. bands used in communication, Mechanism of propagation. Groundwave, spacewave and skywave propagation, duct propagation, tropospheric scattering, fading, Diversity reception.Audio CommunicationMicrophones, Loudspeakers, loudspeaker enclosures, PA systems, Graphic equalizer, stereophony/Hi fi Systems, Recent trends in sound recording.TelephonyPrinciples of telephony, various tones, electronic telephone exchanges, DTMF pulsing techniques.NoiseSources of noise, Johnson noise, SNR, Noise figure, noise temperature.Internet Technology, basic architecture, Applications.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Analog Communication,
IntroductionIntroduction to communication system, Need for modulation, Frequency division multiplexing, Amplitude modulation, Definition, Time domain and frequency domain description, Single tone modulation, Power relations in AM waves, Generation of AM waves, Square law modulator, Switching modulator, Detection of AM waves, Square law detector, Envelope detector.DSB ModulationDouble side band suppressed carrier modulators, Time domain and frequency domain description, Generation of DSBSC waves, Balanced modulators, Ring modulator, Coherent detection of DSB-SC modulated waves, COSTAS loop)SSB ModulationFrequency domain description, Frequency discrimination method for generation of AM SSB modulated wave, Time domain description, Phase discrimination method for generating AM SSB modulated waves, Demodulation of SSB waves, Vestigial side band modulation : Frequency description, Generation of VSB modulated wave, Time domain description, Envelope detection of a VSB, Wave pulse carrier, Comparison of AM techniques, Applications of different AM systems.Angle ModulationBasic concepts, Frequency modulation : Single tone frequency modulation, Spectrum analysis of sinusoidal FM wave, Narrow band FM, Wide band FM, Constant average power, Transmission bandwidth of FM wave - Generation of FM waves, Direct FM, Detection of FM waves : Balanced frequency discriminator, Zero crossing detector, Phase locked loop, Comparison of FM and AM.NoiseNoise in analog communication system, Noise in DSB and SSB system, Noise in AM system, Noise in angle modulation system, Threshold effect in angle modulation system, Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.TransmittersRadio transmitter - Classification of transmitter, AM transmitter, Effect of feedback on performance of AM transmitter, FM transmitter - Variable reactance type and phase modulated FM transmitter, Frequency stability in FM transmitter.ReceiversRadio receiver - Receiver types - Tuned radio frequency receiver, Superheterodyne receiver, RF section and characteristics - Frequency changing and tracking, Intermediate frequency, AGC, FM receiver, Comparison with AM receiver, Amplitude limiting.Pulse ModulationTime division multiplexing, Types of pulse modulation, PAM (single polarity, double polarity) PWM : Generation and demodulation of PWM, PPM, Generation and demodulation of PPM.
by U.A.Bakshi A.P.Godse
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Analog Communication,
Communication / Pulse Modulation Block schematic of Communication System, Base Band Signals and their bandwidth requirements, RF Bands, Types and Communication Channels (Transmission Lines, Parallel Wires, Co-axial Cables, Waveguides and Optical Fiber). Necessity of Modulation, Types of Modulation : AM, FM, PM and Pulse Modulation.Block schematic of PAM, PWM, PPM. Multiplexing : TDM, FDM.Amplitude Modulation Mathematical treatment and expression for AM, Frequency Spectrum, Modulation Index, Power Relation as applied to Sinusoidal Signals, Representation of AM wave, Mathematical treatment as applied to general signals in Communication, Generation of AM using non-linear property.Types of AM TransmittersDSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB, ISB & VSB, their generation methods and Comparison in terms of Bandwidth and Transmission Power requirements & Complexity (Block diagram treatment only)Angle ModulationMathematical analysis of FM and PM using Sinusoidal Signals, Frequency spectrum, Mathematical treatment as applied to general non-sinusoidal Signals, Modulation index, Bandwidth requirements (all three relations). Narrowband and Wideband FM, Comparison of FM and PM, Direct and Indirect methods of FM generation, Need for Pre-emphasis, Comparison of AM and FM.AM & FM Receivers Block diagram of AM and FM receivers, Superheterodyne Receiver, Performance characteristics : Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity, Image Frequency Rejection, IFRR, Tracking, De-emphasis, Mixers.AM DetectionEnvelope detection, Synchronous detection, Practical diode detection, AGC. SSB and DSB detection methods.FM DetectionPhase discriminatior and Ratio Detector, Mathematical analysis of FM Detection.Noise Sources of Noise, Types of Noise, White Noise, SNR, Noise Figure, Noise Temperature, Friis formula for Noise Figure, Noise Bandwidth, Performance of AM (DSB, SSB & VSB) and FM in presence of Noise : Mathematical treatmentRadiation and Propagation Concept of Radiation, Basic Antenna System (Dipole), Antenna parameters, Yagi Antenna. Mechanism of Propagation : Ground Wave, Sky Wave, Space Wave, Duct, Tropospheric Scatter and Extraterrestrial Propagation. Concept of Fading and diversity reception.
by Uday A. Bakshi
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Basics Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering,
Electrical Circuits and MeasurementsOhm's law, Kirchoff's laws, Steady state solution of DC circuits, Introduction to AC circuits, Waveforms and RMS value, Power and power factor, Single phase and three phase balanced circuits.Operating principles of moving coil and moving iron instruments (Ammeters and voltmeters), Dynamometer type watt meters and energy meters.Electrical MachinesConstruction, Principle of operation, Basic equations and applications of DC generators, DC motors, Single phase transformer, Induction motors and stepper motors.Semiconductor Devices and ApplicationsCharacteristics of PN junction diode, Zener effect, Zener diode and its characteristics, Half wave and full wave rectifiers, Voltage regulation.Bipolar junction transistor, CB, CE, CC configurations and characteristics, Necessity of biasing, Principles of biasing circuits, Elementary treatment of small signal amplifier.Characteristics and simple applications of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and UJT.Digital ElectronicsBinary number system, Logic gates, Boolean algebra, Half and full adders, Flip-flops, Registers and counters, A/D and D/A conversions.Fundamentals of Communication EngineeringTypes of signals : Analog and digital signals - Modulation and demodulation : Principles of amplitude and frequency modulations.Communication systems : Radio, TV, Fax, Microwave, Satellite and optical fibre.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Elements Of Power Systems,
Power System ComponentsSingle line diagram of power system, Brief description of power system elements : Synchronous machine, Transformer, Transmission line, Bus bar, Circuit breaker and isolator.Supply SystemDifferent kinds of supply system and their comparison, Choice of transmission voltage.Transmission LinesConfigurations, Types of conductors, Resistance of line, Skin effect, Kelvin's law, Proximity effect.Overhead Transmission LinesCalculation of inductance and capacitance of single phase, Three phase, Single circuit and double circuit transmission lines, Representation and performance of short, medium and long transmission lines, Ferranti effect. Surge impedance loading.Corona and InterferencePhenomenon of corona, Corona formation, Calculation of potential gradient, Corona loss, Factors affecting corona, Methods of reducing corona and interference. Electrostatic and electromagnetic interference with communication lines.Overhead Line InsulatorsType of insulators and their applications, Potential distribution over a string of insulators, Methods of equalizing the potential, String efficiency.Mechanical Design of Transmission LineCatenary curve, Calculation of sag and tension, Effects of wind and ice loading, Sag template, Vibration dampers.Insulated CablesType of cables and their construction, Dielectric stress, Grading of cables, Insulation resistance, Capacitance of single phase and three phase cables, Dielectric loss, Heating of cables.Neutral GroundingNecessity of neutral grounding, Various methods of neutral grounding, Earthing transformer, Grounding practices.Electrical Design of Transmission LineDesign consideration of EHV transmission lines, Choice of voltage, Number of circuits, Conductor configuration, Insulation design, Selection of ground wires.EHV AC and HVDC TransmissionIntroduction to EHV AC and HVDC transmission and their comparison, Use of bundle conductors, Kinds of DC links, And incorporation of HVDC into AC system.
by M.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Basic Electronics,
Semiconductor Diodes and Applications p-n junction diode, Characteristics and parameters, Diode approximations, DC load line, Temperature dependence of p-n characteristics, AC equivalent circuits, Zener diodes, Half-wave diode rectifier, Ripple factor, Full-wave diode rectifier, Other full-wave circuits, Shunt capacitor - Approximate analysis of capacitor filters, Power supply performance, Zener diode voltage regulators, Numerical examples as applicable.Transistors Bipolar junction transistor, Transistor voltages and currents, Amplification, Common base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Characteristics, DC load line and bias point. Biasing MethodsBase bias, Collector to base bias, Voltage divider bias, Comparison of basic bias circuits, Bias circuit design, Thermal stability of bias circuits (Qualitative discussions only). Other DevicesSilicon Controlled Rectifier (S.C.R.), SCR control circuits, More S.C.R. applications ; Unijunction transistor, UJT applications, Junction field effect transistors (Exclude fabrication and packaging), JFET characteristics, FET amplifications, Numerical examples as applicable.Amplifiers and OscillatorsDecibels and half power points, Single stage CE amplifier and capacitor coupled two stage CE amplifier (Qualitative discussions only), Series voltage negative feedback and additional effects of negative feed back (Qualitative discussions only), The Barkhausen criterion for oscillations, BJT RC phase shift oscillator, Hartley Colpitts and crystal oscillator (Qualitative discussions only,) Numerical problems as applicable.Introduction to Operational Amplifiers Ideal Op-amp, Saturable property of an Op-amp, Inverting and noninverting Op-amp circuits, Need for Op-amp, Characteristics and applications - Voltage follower, Addition, Subtraction, Integration, Differentiation ; Numerical examples as applicable, Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO).Communication SystemsBlock diagram, Modulation, Radio systems, Superhetrodyne receivers, Numerical examples as applicable.Number SystemsIntroduction, Decimal system, Binary, Octal and hexadecimal number systems, Addition and subtraction, Fractional number, Binary coded decimal numbers.Digital LogicBoolean algebra, Logic gates, Half-adder, Full-adder, Parallel binary adder.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Basic Electronics,
by A.P.Godse
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Electronic Measurement Systems,
Accuracy, Resolution, Precision, Linearity of measuring instruments, Voltage, Current, Resistance, Measurement using DMM and , Autozero, Autoranging, True RMS measurement principle, Method and application, Phase and magnitude measurement at high frequency using instruments such as vector voltmeter and vector impedance meter, LCR-Q meter, Principle of digital LCR-Q meter, Important specification and application.Standards - Primary, secondary, working. Need of calibration, Procedure, Traceability and it s requirements, Statistical analysis - Mean, Mode, Deviation, Variance and Probability for error finding. Regression analysis, Various methods and it s advantages, Time, Frequency, Ratio, Time interval, Period and Multiple Period averaging using digital universal frequency counter, High frequency measurements on frequency counter using various techniques such as pre-scalar, Heterodyne, Time standards - Stability using oscillators like TCXO, OCXO.Overview of analog CRO, Dual/Multi-trace CRO, Block diagram, Functioning, Specifications and applications, Various CRO probes and its applications.Digital Storage Oscilloscope - Block diagram, Functioning, Specifications and applications, Advantages as compared to analog CRO, Sampling speed and memory depth of DSO, Design considerations, Attachments to DSO for enhancing the functionality / Measurements such as FFT, MATHS functions, Automatic measurements.Signal analyzing instrument, Harmonic and wave analyzer, Distortion factor meter spectrum analyzer - FFT analyzer, Logic analyzer, Protocol analyzer, For all above mentioned instruments explanation of block diagram with function of each block, Important specification and applications of each.Communication measurements, Measurements on transmitter and receiver : Sensitivity, Selectivity, Phase jitter, s/n ratio, Co-channel interference, SINAD test etc. Network analyzer - system element, Measurement accuracy, Scalar network analyzer, Vector network analyzer, S-parameter measurement using network analyzer.Computer controlled test measurements, Virtual measurements and its application in TDM, FDM, ASK, PSK, IEEE 488, PCI/PCI express, Buses, Introduction of Lab view.
by K.A.Bakshi A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Transmission And Distribution,
Structure of electric power system: Various levels such as generation, Transmission and Distribution; HVDC and EHV AC transmission: Comparison of economics of transmission, Technical performance and Reliability, Application of HVDC transmission system. FACTS (qualitative treatment only): TCSC, SVC, STATCOM, UPFC.Transmission Line ParametersParameters of Single and Three phase transmission lines with Single and Double circuits: Resistance, Inductance and Capacitance of solid, Stranded and Bundled conductors: Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical spacing and Transposition: application of Self and Mutual GMD; Skin and Proximity effects; Interference with neighbouring communication circuits. Typical configuration, Conductor types and Electrical parameters of 400, 220, 110, 66 and 33 kV lines. Modelling and Performance of Transmission LinesClassification of lines: Short line, Medium line and Long line; Equivalent circuits, Attenuation constant, Phase constant, Surge impedance; Transmission efficiency and Voltage regulation; Real and Reactive power flow in lines: Power-angle diagram : Surge-impedance Loading, loadability limits based on thermal loading. Angle and Voltage stability considerations; Shunt and Series compensation; Ferranti effect and Corona loss.Insulators and CablesInsulators: Types, voltage distribution in insulator string and grading, Improvement of string efficiency. Underground cables: Constructional features of LT and HT cables, Capacitance, Dielectric stress and Grading, Thermal characteristics.Substation, Grounding System and Distribution SystemTypes of substations; Bus-bar arrangements; Substation bus schemes: Single bus scheme, Double bus with Double breaker, Double bus with Single breaker, Main and Transfer Bus, Ring Bus, Breaker-and-a-Half with Two main buses, Double bus-bar with Bypass isolators.Resistance of grounding systems: Resistance of driven rods, Resistance of grounding point electrode, Grounding grids; Design principles of substation grounding system; Neutral grounding.Radial and Ring-main distributors; Interconnectors; AC distribution: AC distributor with Concentrated load; Three-phase four-wire distribution system; Sub-mains; Stepped and Tapered mains.
by M.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Optical Communications,
Overview of optical fiber communication - Historical development, The general system, Advantages of optical fiber communications. Optical fiber waveguides- Introduction, Ray theory transmission, Total internal reflection, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, Skew rays. Cylindrical fibers- Modes, V-number, Mode coupling, Step index fibers, Graded index fibers. Single mode fibers- Cut-off wavelength, Mode field diameter, Effective refractive index. Fiber materials - Glass, Halide, Active glass, Chalgenide glass, Plastic optical fibers. Signal distortion in optical fibers- Attenuation, Absorption, Scattering and Bending losses, Core and Cladding losses. Information capacity determination, Group delay, Types of dispersion - Material dispersion, Waveguide dispersion, Polarization mode dispersion, Intermodal dispersion. Pulse broadening. Optical fiber connectors- Connector types, Single mode fiber connectors, Connector return loss. Fiber splicing- Splicing techniques, Splicing single mode fibers. Fiber alignment and joint loss- Multimode fiber joints, Single mode fiber joints, Optical sources- LEDs, Structures, Materials, Quantum efficiency, Power, Modulation, Power bandwidth product. Injection laser diodes- modes, Threshold conditions, External quantum efficiency, Laser diode rate equations, Resonant frequencies. Reliability of LED & ILD. Source to fiber power launching - Output patterns, Power coupling, Power launching, Equilibrium numerical aperture, Laser diode to fiber coupling. Optical detectors- Physical principles of PIN and APD, Detector response time, Temperature effect on Avalanche gain, Comparison of Photodetectors. Optical receiver operation- Fundamental receiver operation, Digital signal transmission, Error sources, Receiver configuration, Digital receiver performance, Probability of error, Quantum limit, Analog receivers. Optical system design - Considerations, Component choice, Multiplexing.Point-to- point links, System considerations, Link power budget with examples.Overall fiber dispersion in Multimode and single mode fibers, Rise time budget with examples. Transmission distance, Line coding in optical links, WDM, Necessity , Principles, Types of WDM, Measurement of attenuation and dispersion, Eye pattern.
by V.S.Bagad
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Cellular and Mobile Communications,
by V.Jeyasri Arokiamary
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Digital Communications,
Pulse Digital ModulationElements of digital communication systems, Advantages of digital communication systems, Elements of PCM : Sampling, Quantization & Coding, Quantization error, Compading in PCM systems. Differential PCM systems (DPCM).Delta ModulationDelta modulation, its drawbacks, Adaptive delta modulation, Comparison of PCM and DM systems, Noise in PCM and DM systems.Digital Modulation TechniquesIntroduction ASK, FSK, PSK, DPSK, DEPSK, QPSK, M-ary, PSK, ASK, FSK, similarity of BFSK and BPSK.Data TransmissionBase band signal receiver, Probability of error, the optimum filter, Matched filter, Probability of error using matched filter, Coherent reception, Non-coherent detection of FSK, Calculation of error probability of ASK, BPSK, BFSK, QPSK.Information TheoryDiscrete messages, Concept of amount of information and its properties, Average information, Entropy and its properties, Information rate, Mutual information and its properties.Source CodingIntroduction, Advantages, Shannon's theorem, Shannon-Fano coding, Huffman coding, Efficiency calculations, Channel capacity of discrete and analog channels, Capacity of a Gaussian channel, Bandwidth-S/N trade off.Linear Block CodesIntroduction, Matrix description of Linear Block codes, Error detection and error correction capabilities of Linear block codes, Hamming codes, Binary cyclic codes, Algebraic structure, Encoding, Syndrome calculation, BCH Codes.Convolution CodesIntroduction, Encoding of convolution codes, Time domain approach, Transform domain approach, Graphical approach : state, Tree and trellis diagram decoding using Viterbi algorithm.
by J.S.Chitode
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Electronic Measurements,
Principle of MeasurementInstrument classification, Static\Dynamic characteristic of instruments, Instrument calibration standards, Calibration methodology, Validation, Traceability, Measurement, System errors - Schematic, Random and Gross; Statistical distribution functions, Confidence in intervals, Comparison of means statistics conditions of data, Regression analysis.Voltage, Current and Resistance Measuring InstrumentsMeasurement of Voltage, Current, Resistance, Inductance, Capacitance and Frequency with digital techniques, Sources of measurement errors. DMM, DVM, Digital LCR meter, True RMS voltmeter, Complex impedance measurement meters.OscilloscopeGeneral oscilloscope concept, Concept of bandwidth, Triggering sources, Multitrace CRO technique, Plug in units for CRO. Typical oscilloscope specification, High frequency and Sampling CRO, Power scope. Digital storage CRO, Block diagram, Acquisition methods, Enhance features, Automatic measurements, Oscilloscope probes - Attenuated, High impedance, Active, Differential, Current and Hall effect probe.Time and Frequency Measurement Techniques (Digital)Time and Frequency standards. Frequency period and Ratio measurement, Digital timer/Counter plug-in modules for counter.Signal SourcesKinds of signal waveforms. Standard signal generator, Synthesized signal source, Synthesized sweeper, Programmable pulse generator, Arbitrary waveform synthesizer.Measuring Instruments(Working principle, Block diagram and Applications) Wave analyzer, Total harmonic distortion analyzer, Spectrum analyzer, Digital FFT analyzer, Logic analyzer and Signature analyzer, Network analyzer and OTDR.Communication MeasurementSelectivity, Sensitivity measurement. Communication analyzer, Digital transmission analyzer, Case study - Digital ratio test measurement like power, Adjacent channel power, Frequency occupied bandwidth, Modulation occupancy.Power Measurement TechniquesAudio, Radio, Microwave and Optical power measurement technique.Automatic Test EquipmentsStandard instrument Buses - like IEEE 488, VXI.Analog and Digital board testing setup. Computer based and Computer control system.Case study - PC based instrument test system.Guarding Techniques, Radiated and Conducted Measurement SetupEMI / EMC standards such as IEC, VDE, FCC, CISPER, MIL
by V.U.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Principles Of Communication,
Communication process, Source of information, Communication channels, Base-band and Pass-band signals, Representation of signal and systems, The modulation process, Primary communication resources, Analog versus digital communications.Amplitude modulationFrequency division and time division multiplexing, Suppressed carrier systems, Single side band transmission, Amplitude modulation with carrier power, Effect of frequency and phase errors in synchronous detection, Comparison of various AM systems, Vestigial side band transmission.Angle ModulationNarrow and wide band FM, Multiple frequency and square wave modulation, Linear and Non-linear modulation, Phase modulation, Demodulation of FM signals, Noise reduction.Pulse Modulation Pulse amplitude modulation, Other forms of pulse modulation, Bandwidth required for transmission PAM signals, Comparison of frequency division and Time division multiplexed systems.NoiseDifferent types of noise, Noise calculations, Equivalent noise bandwidth, Noise figures, Effective noise temperature, Noise figure in cascaded stages.Performance of Communication SystemsNoise calculation in communication systems, Noise in amplitude modulated, angle modulated and pulse modulated systems, Comparison of coded and un-coded systems.Information TransmissionMeasures of information, Channel capacity, transmission of continuous signals, Exchange of bandwidth for signal to noise ratio, Efficiency of PCM systems.
by J.S.Chitode
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