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The Psychology of Communication,
This book is designed to capture the complexity of the vast domain of the psychology of communication by adding overlays of different logical approaches to the topic. Each chapter will focus on a different approach. Chapters 2 (behavioristic approach), 3 (humanistic approach), and 4 (interactionist approach) are presented as thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. They focus respectively on input, stored, and fedback information. Chapters 5 (phylogenetic approach) and 6 (ontogenetic approach) place psychology firmly where it belongs as the study of organisms rather than of mechanisms. Development from animal to human and from child to adult is emancipation from tyranny of environment. Chapter 7 (pathological approach) explores functional disorders of person-in-environment, since the nervous system “knows” its environment. Chapter 8 (phenomenological approach) deals with the further complexity that the nervous system can be viewed from the inside (experience) as well as from the outside (behavior). Chapters 9 (simulation approach) and 10 (mediational approach) focus on artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligence amplification (IA). Computers can be used to emulate or to extend human intelligence. Chapters 11 (biological approach) and 12 (sociological approach) deal with the complexities arising from the fact that the nervous system is embedded in a hierarchy of systems within systems. They focus on emergence from the level below psychology (biology) and reduction from the level above (sociology). Each approach will cast some light on the topic from its peculiar perspective. The cumulative effect will be to illuminate the domain in all its complexity.
by W. Lambert Gardiner
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Social Psychology in Sport,
The book is designed to allow readers to study issues in isolation or as part of a course or a module. The five main parts are Relationships in Sport, Coach Leadership and Group Dynamics, Motivational Climate, Key Social and Cognitive Processes in Sport, and The Athlete in the Wider Sport Environment. Each chapter is cross-referenced and provides a clear description of the topic and a concise theoretical overview along with a discussion of existing research. The chapters also introduce new research ideas, suggest practical research applications, and conclude with summaries and questions to help instructors engage the class in discussion and to help students follow the key points."--Publisher's website.
by Sophia Jowett
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Interpersonal Communication and Psychology for Health Care Professionals,Theory and Practice
This book offers nursing students and professionals a unique opportunity to explore both interpersonal communication and psychology in the context of health care delivery. It is an ideal text for communication training on nursing courses from diploma to degree level. The main focus is on self-awareness, through self-reflection, encouraging practitioners to understand and improve their interpersonal skills. Interactive nature - plenty of exercises to engage the reader Well illustrated to enhance understanding of key concepts Integrated approach, drawing on theory, with practical applications
by Dev. M. Rungapadiachy
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A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication,
A Cognitive Psychology of Mass Communication is the go-to text for any course that adopts a cognitive and psychological approach to the study of mass communication. In its sixth edition, it continues its examination of how our experiences with media affect the way we acquire knowledge about the world, and how this knowledge influences our attitudes and behavior. Using theories from psychology and communication along with reviews of the most up-to-date research, this text covers a diversity of media and media issues ranging from commonly discussed topics, such as politics, sex, and violence, to lesser-studied topics, such as sports, music, emotion, and prosocial media. This sixth edition offers chapter outlines and recommended readings lists to further assist readability and accessibility of concepts, and a new companion website that includes recommended readings, even more real-world examples and activities, PowerPoint presentations, sample syllabi, and an instructor guide.
by Richard Jackson Harris
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Psychology of Entertainment,
As entertainment becomes a trillion-dollar-a-year industry worldwide, as our modern era increasingly lives up to its label of the "entertainment age," and as economists begin to recognize that entertainment has become the driving force of the new world economy, it is safe to say that scholars are beginning to take entertainment seriously. The scholarly spin on entertainment has been manifested in traditional ways, as well as innovative ones. Representing the current state of theory and research, Psychology of Entertainment promises to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date volume on entertainment. It serves to define the new area of study and provides a theoretical spin for future work in the area. Divided into three basic parts, this book: *addresses the fundamental mechanisms and processes involved in orienting to and selecting entertainment fare, as well as receiving and processing it; *explores the mechanisms and processes by which we are entertained by the media messages we select and receive; and *provides an opportunity for the application of well-established as well as emerging psychological and psychobiological theories to be applied to the study of entertainment in ways that seldom have been utilized previously. Psychology of Entertainment will appeal to scholars, researchers, and graduate students in media studies and mass communication, psychology, marketing, and other areas contributing to the entertainment studies area.
by Jennings Bryant
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The Handbook of the Psychology of Communication Technology,

by S. Shyam Sundar
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Psychology of Women,A Handbook of Issues and Theories
This updated and revised edition of the award-winning 1993 handbook includes historical developments, courses and international aspects, as well as chapters addressing specific topics such as leadership, career, friendship, romance, the menstrual cycle effects, health, mental health, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, and rape.
by Florence Denmark
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Creating Images and the Psychology of Marketing Communication,
Aims to advance the understanding of the concept of image as it is applied to various areas of interest. This book also serves to meet the growing interest in image-related studies by the public and academics, and provides an innovative and holistic approach to the study of image.
by Lynn R. Kahle
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Industrial Psychology & Sociology,

by Mr. B. V. Pathak
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The Handbook of Intergroup Communication,
The Handbook of Intergroup Communication brings together research, theory and application on traditional as well as innovative intergroup situations, exploring the communication aspect of these groups. The volume is organized into four domains – cross-disciplinary approaches to intergroup study; types/processes of communication between groups; communication between specific group types; and arenas in which intergroup communication takes place. Editor Howard Giles worked with an internationally-based advisory board to develop and review content, and the contributors included here represent those scholars doing innovative and well-regarded work around the globe. The "intergroup" umbrella integrates and transcends many traditional conceptual boundaries in communication (including media, health, intercultural, organizational); hence the Handbook will appeal to scholars and graduate students not only in the core area of intergroup communication itself, but across varying terrains of study in communication and beyond, including intergroup relations and social psychology.
by Howard Giles
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Cultural Sport Psychology,
"Cultural Sport Psychology" is the first full text to focus entirely on cultural awareness, and its timeliness will undeniably spark increased discussion, reflection, and research of cultural considerations in sport psychology practice.
by Robert Schinke
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The Dynamics of Intergroup Communication,
The Dynamics of Intergroup Communication provides a timely and comprehensive review of work at the intersection of intergroup relations and communication. Chapters written by experts in the field overview current research and present directions for the future. The book is divided into sections addressing specific groups, intergroup communication processes, and core contexts in which intergroup communication occurs. Written in an engaging and accessible manner, and featuring short yet detailed chapters, the book should appeal to scholars looking for a broad overview of this growing area, as well as being appropriate for use as a text in undergraduate and graduate classes.
by Howard Giles
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From Communication to Presence,Cognition, Emotions, and Culture Towards the Ultimate Communicative Experience : Festschrift in Honor of Luigi Anolli
Communication is the core activity for an educator, conveying and sharing information from one person to another, from one organization to another. This work includes contributions which encompass a series of topics in communication psychology.
by Giuseppe Riva
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International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology 2010,
This is the twenty-fifth volume in the most prestigious annual series for the field of industrial and organizational psychology. Continuing the tradition of providing scholarly, up-to-the-minute reviews and updates of theory and research, this volume surveys developments in such familiar areas as employee selection, team cognition and adaptation, leadership, and diversity management. Newer topics include corporate communications, coaching, and positive organizational behavior. Each chapter offers a comprehensive and critical survey of the topic and is supported by a valuable bibliography.
by Gerard P. Hodgkinson
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Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research,A New Approach to Studying the Effects of Modern Technologies on Human Behavior
The point of Information System (IS) EP research then is that these evolved psychological traits very likely influence our behavior toward modern technologies, and a deeper understanding of how technology affects behavior might be achieved by applying concepts and theories from EP. Springer author Ned Kock (Information Systems Action Research: An Applied View of Emerging Concepts and Methods) is probably the leading scholar in IS-EP research, and he is proposing an AoIS volume to gather together for the first time invited papers on EP concepts and theories that can be used as a basis for future research; examples of ongoing IS-EP research; and a look at the current debate on IS-EP research. Kock will invite leading scholars in IS and IS-EP research as well as the leading scholars in pure EP (see attached proposal for all names) to contribute papers. Topics to be covered include basic human behavior toward technology; interface design; online dating and consumer behavior; information search and use behavior; and autopoiesis and self-organizing information systems.
by Ned Kock
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