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Telecommunication Engineering,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Network Analysis And Synthesis,
Circuit Elements & Kirchoff's LawsLumped & Discrete Circuit Elements, Characterization of Resistors, Capacitors & Inductors in Terms of Their Livearity & Time Dependence Nature, Characteristics of Independent & Dependent Sources, KCL & KVL forCircuits with Dependent & Independent. Sources, Terminal Characteristics of Active Circuit Elements like Diodes, OPAMPS & transistors, Dot Convention for Coupled Inductor.Time Domain Analysis of CircuitsInitial and Final Conditions on Network Elements, Differential Equations & integrodifferential Equations of First-and Second Order System, Step and Impulse response of First and Second-Order System, Zero-Input & Zero-State Response.Sinusoidal Steady-State AnalysisDifference of Sinusoidal Steady^ State, Difference between a Phasor and a Vector.Concept of Impedance and Admittance, Node & Mesh Analysis in the Sinusoidal Steady State, Network Theorems Like Superposition, Thevenin's & Superposition in'the Sinusoidal Steady State, Present Circuits (both Series & Parallel) Coupling Elements and Coupled CircuitsCoupled Inductors & Their Characterisation, Co-efficient of Coupling, Multiwin'ding Inductors & their I Inductance Matrix, Double Tuned Circuits.Transform Domain Analysis of NetworksThe philosophy of Transform Methods, The Laplace Transform, Use of Laplace Transform for the Solution of Integra. Differential Equations, Transforms of Wave Forms Synthesized with Step, Rampm Gate and Sinusoidal Fuctions, The transformed Network, Network Theorems (the Venin, Norton, Maximum power. Superposition & Reciprocity) in transform Domain.Network FunctionsThe concept of complex frequency, Concept of Ports, Network Functions of one Port & Two ports, Calculation of Network Functions for General Networks, Pole & Zeros ofNetwork Functions of Different Kinds, Time Domain Behaviour from Pole-Zero plots.Two Port NetworksRelationship ofTwo-port Variables, Short Circuit Admittance & Parameters, Open Circuit Impedance, Transmission Parameters, Hybrid Parameters, Relationship between Parameters Sets, Interconnection between Two-ports, Terminated Two-ports.Fourier Series & Fourier TransformsConcept of Signal Spectra, Fourier Series Co-efficients of a periodic Wave-form, Waveform Symmetrics, Exponential Form of Fourier Series, Steady State Response to Periodic Signals, Fourier integral & transform. Properties of Fourier Transform, Applications in Network analysis.Network Synthesis of One-port Networks with Two Kind of ElementsConcept of Positive real functions, Hurwitz polynomials, Properties of L-C, RL & RC immittance function, Synthesis of RC, RL & LC immittance functions in cauer, Foster & mixed cannonical form.Topological Analysis of electrical NetworksConcept of Network Graphs, Incidence matrix. Cut-sets and loops. Fundamental cut-set and loop matrices, Dual graphs. Cut-set and loop Analysis.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Fundamentals of Wireless Communication,
The past decade has seen many advances in physical layer wireless communication theory and their implementation in wireless systems. This textbook takes a unified view of the fundamentals of wireless communication and explains the web of concepts underpinning these advances at a level accessible to an audience with a basic background in probability and digital communication. Topics covered include MIMO (multi-input, multi-output) communication, space-time coding, opportunistic communication, OFDM and CDMA. The concepts are illustrated using many examples from real wireless systems such as GSM, IS-95 (CDMA), IS-856 (1 x EV-DO), Flash OFDM and UWB (ultra-wideband). Particular emphasis is placed on the interplay between concepts and their implementation in real systems. An abundant supply of exercises and figures reinforce the material in the text. This book is intended for use on graduate courses in electrical and computer engineering and will also be of great interest to practising engineers.
by David Tse
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Mobile Wireless Communications,
A 2004 introduction to digital mobile wireless networks, illustrating theoretical underpinnings with real-world examples.
by Mischa Schwartz
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Principles of Wireless Networks,A Unified Approach
A unified foundation for understanding and building any wireless network. A true systems approach to wireless networking Air interference design and network operation Planning, mobility management, radio resources, power management, and security 3G, WLANs, HIPERLAN, WATM, Bluetooth, WPAN, OFDM, UWB, wireless geolocation, and more This is the first book to present a unified common foundation for understanding and building any contemporary wireless network, voice or data—from PCS to wireless LANs, Bluetooth to IMT-2000 3G. Using extensive practical examples, Kaveh Pahlavan and Prashant Krishnamurthy present a true systems approach, illuminating the principles, commonalities, key differences, and specific implementation issues associated with virtually every leading wireless system. Coverage includes: Air interference design: wireless medium characteristics, media access, and an exceptionally thorough discussion of physical layer issues Wireless network operation: planning, mobility management, radio resources, power management, and security Implementation of cellular telephone and mobile data networks based on CDMA, TDMA, and GSM Key wideband local access technologies: IEEE 802.11 WLANs, HIPERLAN, and connection-based voice-oriented WATM Emerging OFDM and Ultrawideband (UWB) technologies Ad hoc networking, Bluetooth, and WPAN Wireless geolocation and indoor positioning techniques and systems The most detailed discussions of channel characteristics and deployment tools available in any book Whether you're an electrical engineer, telecommunications/networking specialist, or software professional,Principles of Wireless Networksbrings together the insights and techniques you need to begin building any wireless system.
by Kaveh Pahlavan
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Basic Electronics,
Semiconductor Diodes and Applications p-n junction diode, Characteristics and parameters, Diode approximations, DC load line, Temperature dependence of p-n characteristics, AC equivalent circuits, Zener diodes, Half-wave diode rectifier, Ripple factor, Full-wave diode rectifier, Other full-wave circuits, Shunt capacitor - Approximate analysis of capacitor filters, Power supply performance, Zener diode voltage regulators, Numerical examples as applicable.Transistors Bipolar junction transistor, Transistor voltages and currents, Amplification, Common base, Common Emitter and Common Collector Characteristics, DC load line and bias point. Biasing MethodsBase bias, Collector to base bias, Voltage divider bias, Comparison of basic bias circuits, Bias circuit design, Thermal stability of bias circuits (Qualitative discussions only). Other DevicesSilicon Controlled Rectifier (S.C.R.), SCR control circuits, More S.C.R. applications ; Unijunction transistor, UJT applications, Junction field effect transistors (Exclude fabrication and packaging), JFET characteristics, FET amplifications, Numerical examples as applicable.Amplifiers and OscillatorsDecibels and half power points, Single stage CE amplifier and capacitor coupled two stage CE amplifier (Qualitative discussions only), Series voltage negative feedback and additional effects of negative feed back (Qualitative discussions only), The Barkhausen criterion for oscillations, BJT RC phase shift oscillator, Hartley Colpitts and crystal oscillator (Qualitative discussions only,) Numerical problems as applicable.Introduction to Operational Amplifiers Ideal Op-amp, Saturable property of an Op-amp, Inverting and noninverting Op-amp circuits, Need for Op-amp, Characteristics and applications - Voltage follower, Addition, Subtraction, Integration, Differentiation ; Numerical examples as applicable, Cathode Ray oscilloscope (CRO).Communication SystemsBlock diagram, Modulation, Radio systems, Superhetrodyne receivers, Numerical examples as applicable.Number SystemsIntroduction, Decimal system, Binary, Octal and hexadecimal number systems, Addition and subtraction, Fractional number, Binary coded decimal numbers.Digital LogicBoolean algebra, Logic gates, Half-adder, Full-adder, Parallel binary adder.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Information Storage and Management,Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information
The spiraling growth of digital information makes the ISM book a "must have" addition to your IT reference library. This exponential growth has driven information management technology to new levels of sophistication and complexity, exposing a skills gap that challenge IT managers and professionals alike. The ISM book, written by storage professionals from EMC Corporation, takes an ‘open’ approach to teaching information storage and management, focusing on concepts and principles – rather that product specifics – that can be applied in all IT environments The book enables existing and aspiring IT professionals, students, faculty, and those simply wishing to gain deeper insight to this emerging pillar of IT infrastructure to achieve a comprehensive understanding of all segments of information storage technology. Sixteen chapters are organized into four sections. Advanced topics build upon the topics learned in previous chapters. Section 1, "Information Storage and Management for Today’s World": Four chapters cover information growth and challenges, define a storage system and its environment, review the evolution of storage technology, and introduce intelligent storage systems. Section 2, "Storage Options and Protocols": Six chapters cover the SCSI and Fibre channel architecture, direct-attached storage (DAS), storage area networks (SANs), network-attached storage (NAS), Internet Protocol SAN (IP-SAN), content-addressed storage (CAS), and storage virtualization. Section 3, "Business Continuity and Replication": Four chapters introduce business continuity, backup and recovery, local data replication, and remote data replication. Section 4, "Security and Administration": Two chapters cover storage security and storage infrastructure monitoring and management. The book’s supplementary web site provides up-to-date information on additional learning aids and storage certification opportunities.
by EMC Education Services
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Data Communications and Networking,
by Behrouz A. Forouzan
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Advanced Engineering Mathematics,
The tenth edition of this bestselling text includes examples in more detail and more applied exercises; both changes are aimed at making the material more relevant and accessible to readers. Kreyszig introduces engineers and computer scientists to advanced math topics as they relate to practical problems. It goes into the following topics at great depth differential equations, partial differential equations, Fourier analysis, vector analysis, complex analysis, and linear algebra/differential equations.
by Erwin Kreyszig
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A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field,
Hardcover reprint of the original 1865 edition - beautifully bound in brown cloth covers featuring titles stamped in gold, 8vo - 6x9. No adjustments have been made to the original text, giving readers the full antiquarian experience. For quality purposes, all text and images are printed as black and white. This item is printed on demand. Book Information: Maxwell, J.. A Dynamical Theory of The Electromagnetic Field. Indiana: Repressed Publishing LLC, 2012. Original Publishing: Maxwell, J.. A Dynamical Theory of The Electromagnetic Field, . Royal Society of London, 1865. Subject: Proceedings of the Royal Society of London
by J. Maxwell
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Information Storage and Management,Storing, Managing, and Protecting Digital Information in Classic, Virtualized, and Cloud Environments
The new edition of a bestseller, now revised and update throughout! This new edition of the unparalleled bestseller serves as a full training course all in one and as the world's largest data storage company, EMC is the ideal author for such a critical resource. They cover the components of a storage system and the different storage system models while also offering essential new material that explores the advances in existing technologies and the emergence of the "Cloud" as well as updates and vital information on new technologies. Features a separate section on emerging area of cloud computing Covers new technologies such as: data de-duplication, unified storage, continuous data protection technology, virtual provisioning, FCoE, flash drives, storage tiering, big data, and more Details storage models such as Network Attached Storage (NAS), Storage Area Network (SAN), Object Based Storage along with virtualization at various infrastructure components Explores Business Continuity and Security in physical and virtualized environment Includes an enhanced Appendix for additional information This authoritative guide is essential for getting up to speed on the newest advances in information storage and management.
by EMC Education Services
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Advances in Computer Science and Information Technology. Computer Science and Information Technology,Second International Conference, CCSIT 2012, Bangalore, India, January 2-4, 2012. Proceedings
The three volume set LNICST 84 - LNICST 86 constitute the refereed proceedings ofthe Second International Conference on Computer Science and InformationTechnology, CCSIT 2012, held in Bangalore, India, in January 2012. The 55 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed andselected from numerous submissions. The papers are organized in topical sectionson advances in computer science and information technology; and ad hoc andubiquitous computing.
by Natarajan Meghanathan
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Modern Power System Analysis,
by D. P. Kothari
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Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases,
Bridging the gap between theory and practice, ENGINEERING ETHICS, Fifth Edition, will help you quickly understand the importance of your conduct as a professional and how your actions can affect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. ENGINEERING ETHICS, Fifth Edition, provides dozens of diverse engineering cases and a proven and structured method for analyzing them; practical application of the Engineering Code of Ethics; focus on critical moral reasoning as well as effective organizational communication; and in-depth treatment of issues such as sustainability, acceptable risk, whistle-blowing, and globalized standards for engineering. Additionally, a new companion website offers study questions, self-tests, and additional case studies. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Charles Harris, Jr.
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Cisco CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide, Academic Edition,
CCENT/CCNA ICND1 100-101 Official Cert Guide, Academic Edition is a comprehensive textbook and study package for a beginner-level networking course. This book has been completely revised to align to Cisco's new CCENT 100-101 ICND1 exam. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing student's retention and recall of exam topics. The book is printed in four color, allowing students to benefit from carefully crafted figures that utilize color to convey concepts. Students will organize their study through the use of the consistent features in these chapters, including: * Foundation Topics - These sections make up the majority of the page count, explaining concepts, configurations, with emphasis on the theory and concepts, and with linking the theory to the meaning of the configuration commands. * Key Topics - Inside the Foundation Topics sections, every figure, table, or list that should absolutely be understood and remembered for the exam is noted with the words "Key Topic" in the margin. This tool allows the reader to quickly review the most important details in each chapter. * Chapter-ending Summaries - These bulleted lists provide a quick and concise review of the key topics covered in each chapter. * Chapter-ending Review Questions - Each chapter provides a set of multiple choice questions that help student's test their knowledge of the chapter concepts, including answers and full explanations. * Chapter-ending Exercises - Each chapter concludes with a series of exercises designed to help students increase their retention of the chapter content including key term reviews, key topic tables, command review exercises, and memory table exercises. * Part Reviews - This new edition includes a new part review feature that helps students consolidate their knowledge of concepts presented across multiple chapters. A new mind mapping exercise helps students build strong mental maps of concepts. A new exam bank of part review questions helps students test themselves with scenario-based questions that span multiple topics. In addition to these powerful chapter learning, review, and practice features, this book also contains several other features that make it a truly effective and comprehensive study package, including: * A Getting Started chapter at the beginning of the book offer terrific advice for how to use the book features and build an effective study plan. * The DVD contains over 90 minutes of video mentoring from the author on challenging topics such as CLI navigation, router configuration, switch basics, VLANs, and subnetting. * The book comes complete with the CCENT/CCNA ICND1 Network Simulator Lite software, providing students with the opportunity to practice their hands-on command line interface skills with Cisco routers and switches. The 13 labs included for free with this product cover a range of IP addressing configuration and troubleshooting exercises. * The Pearson IT Certification Practice Test software that comes with the book includes 4 full ICND1 exams and 4 full CCNA exams, providing tons of opportunities to assess and practice. Including the book review questions and part review questions, the exam bank includes more than 600 unique practice questions. * This book also comes with a free version of the Premium Edition eBook, allowing students to access the digital copy in PDF, EPUB, or Kindle format on their computer or mobile device. * A Final Preparation Chapter helps students review for final exams and prepare to take the official Cisco CCNA exams, if they want to achieve that certification. * A Study Plan Template is included on the DVD to help students organize their study time. The 1 hour 14 minute presentation found at the following link was given by Wendell Odom to cover "Teaching the New CCENT ICND1 100-101 & CCNA ICND2 200-101 Exam Material."
by Wendell Odom
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