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Communication Engineering,
Block Schematic of Communication System.Analog and Digital base band signals and their bandwidth requirements.Necessity of modulation and types of modulation-AM, FM and PM.Amplitude ModulationBlock schematic of DSBFC, DSBSC, SSB, VSB and ISB transmitters. Generation methods, Mathematical analysis, modulation index, frequency spectrum, power requirement.Block schematic of receivers for above transmission. Mixers, detectors, Tracking, AGC. Modulator and demodulator ICs.Performance parameters for receiver such as selectivity, sensitivity, fidelity, image frequency rejection.Double conversion technique in Communication receivers.Frequency ModulationBlock schematic of FM transmitters, Narrow band and wide band FM generation. Direct and Indirect methods of generation, Mathematical Analysis, modulation index, frequency spectrum and bandwidth requirement.Block schematic of FM receivers, FM discriminators, pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.Comparison of AM and FM, Noise triangle. FM modulator and demodulator ICs.Pulse ModulationNyquist Criteria, PAM, PWM, generation and detection.PCM & Multiplexing-Techniques.Radiation and PropagationConcept of radiation, basic antenna system - antenna gain, directivity and radiation pattern. Dipole antenna, Different R.F. bands used in communication, Mechanism of propagation. Groundwave, spacewave and skywave propagation, duct propagation, tropospheric scattering, fading, Diversity reception.Audio CommunicationMicrophones, Loudspeakers, loudspeaker enclosures, PA systems, Graphic equalizer, stereophony/Hi fi Systems, Recent trends in sound recording.TelephonyPrinciples of telephony, various tones, electronic telephone exchanges, DTMF pulsing techniques.NoiseSources of noise, Johnson noise, SNR, Noise figure, noise temperature.Internet Technology, basic architecture, Applications.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Analog Communication,
Communication / Pulse Modulation Block schematic of Communication System, Base Band Signals and their bandwidth requirements, RF Bands, Types and Communication Channels (Transmission Lines, Parallel Wires, Co-axial Cables, Waveguides and Optical Fiber). Necessity of Modulation, Types of Modulation : AM, FM, PM and Pulse Modulation.Block schematic of PAM, PWM, PPM. Multiplexing : TDM, FDM.Amplitude Modulation Mathematical treatment and expression for AM, Frequency Spectrum, Modulation Index, Power Relation as applied to Sinusoidal Signals, Representation of AM wave, Mathematical treatment as applied to general signals in Communication, Generation of AM using non-linear property.Types of AM TransmittersDSB-FC, DSB-SC, SSB, ISB & VSB, their generation methods and Comparison in terms of Bandwidth and Transmission Power requirements & Complexity (Block diagram treatment only)Angle ModulationMathematical analysis of FM and PM using Sinusoidal Signals, Frequency spectrum, Mathematical treatment as applied to general non-sinusoidal Signals, Modulation index, Bandwidth requirements (all three relations). Narrowband and Wideband FM, Comparison of FM and PM, Direct and Indirect methods of FM generation, Need for Pre-emphasis, Comparison of AM and FM.AM & FM Receivers Block diagram of AM and FM receivers, Superheterodyne Receiver, Performance characteristics : Sensitivity, Selectivity, Fidelity, Image Frequency Rejection, IFRR, Tracking, De-emphasis, Mixers.AM DetectionEnvelope detection, Synchronous detection, Practical diode detection, AGC. SSB and DSB detection methods.FM DetectionPhase discriminatior and Ratio Detector, Mathematical analysis of FM Detection.Noise Sources of Noise, Types of Noise, White Noise, SNR, Noise Figure, Noise Temperature, Friis formula for Noise Figure, Noise Bandwidth, Performance of AM (DSB, SSB & VSB) and FM in presence of Noise : Mathematical treatmentRadiation and Propagation Concept of Radiation, Basic Antenna System (Dipole), Antenna parameters, Yagi Antenna. Mechanism of Propagation : Ground Wave, Sky Wave, Space Wave, Duct, Tropospheric Scatter and Extraterrestrial Propagation. Concept of Fading and diversity reception.
by Uday A. Bakshi
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Communication Engineering,
Modulation Systems Time and frequency domain representation of signals, Amplitude modulation and demodulation, Frequency modulation and demodulation, Super heterodyne radio receiver. Frequency division multiplexing, Pulse width modulation.Transmission Medium Transmission lines - Types, Equivalent circuit, Losses, Standing waves, Impedance matching, Bandwidth: Radio propagation - Ground wave and space wave propagation, Critical frequency maximum usable frequency, Path loss, White Gaussian noise.Digital Communication Pulse code modulation, Time division multiplexing, Digital T-carrier system. Digital radio system. Digital modulation: Frequency and phase shift keying - Modulator and demodulator, Bit error rate calculation.Data Communication and Network Protocol Data communication codes, Error control, Serial and parallel interface, Telephone network, Data modem, ISDN.LAN.ISO-OSI seven layer architecture for WAN.Satellite and Optical Fibre Communications Orbital satellites, Geostationary satellites, Look angles, Satellite system link models, satellite system link equations: advantages of optical fibre communication - Light propagation through fibre, Fibre loss, Light sources and detectors.
by J.S.Chitode
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Basic Electrical And Electronics Engineering,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Basics Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering,
Electrical Circuits and MeasurementsOhm's law, Kirchoff's laws, Steady state solution of DC circuits, Introduction to AC circuits, Waveforms and RMS value, Power and power factor, Single phase and three phase balanced circuits.Operating principles of moving coil and moving iron instruments (Ammeters and voltmeters), Dynamometer type watt meters and energy meters.Electrical MachinesConstruction, Principle of operation, Basic equations and applications of DC generators, DC motors, Single phase transformer, Induction motors and stepper motors.Semiconductor Devices and ApplicationsCharacteristics of PN junction diode, Zener effect, Zener diode and its characteristics, Half wave and full wave rectifiers, Voltage regulation.Bipolar junction transistor, CB, CE, CC configurations and characteristics, Necessity of biasing, Principles of biasing circuits, Elementary treatment of small signal amplifier.Characteristics and simple applications of SCR, DIAC, TRIAC and UJT.Digital ElectronicsBinary number system, Logic gates, Boolean algebra, Half and full adders, Flip-flops, Registers and counters, A/D and D/A conversions.Fundamentals of Communication EngineeringTypes of signals : Analog and digital signals - Modulation and demodulation : Principles of amplitude and frequency modulations.Communication systems : Radio, TV, Fax, Microwave, Satellite and optical fibre.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Computer Architecture & Organisation,
History and evolution of computers, Architecture of a general purpose computer, Stored program computer operation.Data Path DesignComputer system design, Gate level design, Register level design and processor level design, Fixed point arithmetic, Data paths of Two s complement addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, Booths algorithm for multiplication, Floating point arithmetic and data path of floating point ALU.Processor DesignCPU organization and operation, Accumulator based CPU, CPU with general registers, Instruction types, Formats and addressing arithmetic - logic unit design, Sequential ALUs, Structure of a basic sequential ALU, Register files, Co-processors and pipeline processors, RISC and CISC computers.Control DesignGeneral structure of hardwired and micro-programmed control units, Hardwired control design, State tables, Greatest common divisor processor, Classical design of the gcd processor control unit, Design of a typical of CPU control unit, Micro-programmed control, Control unit organization, Microinstruction addressing and timing, Micro-program sequences, Pipeline control, Instruction pipeline, Structure multistage pipeline, Organization of CPU with multistage instruction pipeline, Pipeline performance, Measures.Memory OrganizationOrganization of multilevel memory system in a computer, Main memory: Random access memory organization, Semiconductor RAMs, RAM's design structure of D-RAM chip, Secondary memory : Several access memory, Access methods, Memory organization magnetic disc and tape reluctant array of inexpensive disks, Memories, Optical memory and read out devices.High Speed Cache Memory SystemCache and virtual memory, Address translation with segmentation and paging with caches, Cache organization, Operation address mapping associative memory, Cache types and performance.System Buses and I/O, CommunicationBuses, Bus interfacing timing bus arbitration, I/O and system control, I/O control methods, Programmed I/O, I/O processors: I/O instruction types, Measures, I/OP organization, CPU and IOP interaction.Multiple Advanced Processor OrganizationsParallel processing shared and distributed memory computers, Processor interconnection network structures and performance, Multiprocessors(MIMD).
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Analog Communication,
IntroductionIntroduction to communication system, Need for modulation, Frequency division multiplexing, Amplitude modulation, Definition, Time domain and frequency domain description, Single tone modulation, Power relations in AM waves, Generation of AM waves, Square law modulator, Switching modulator, Detection of AM waves, Square law detector, Envelope detector.DSB ModulationDouble side band suppressed carrier modulators, Time domain and frequency domain description, Generation of DSBSC waves, Balanced modulators, Ring modulator, Coherent detection of DSB-SC modulated waves, COSTAS loop)SSB ModulationFrequency domain description, Frequency discrimination method for generation of AM SSB modulated wave, Time domain description, Phase discrimination method for generating AM SSB modulated waves, Demodulation of SSB waves, Vestigial side band modulation : Frequency description, Generation of VSB modulated wave, Time domain description, Envelope detection of a VSB, Wave pulse carrier, Comparison of AM techniques, Applications of different AM systems.Angle ModulationBasic concepts, Frequency modulation : Single tone frequency modulation, Spectrum analysis of sinusoidal FM wave, Narrow band FM, Wide band FM, Constant average power, Transmission bandwidth of FM wave - Generation of FM waves, Direct FM, Detection of FM waves : Balanced frequency discriminator, Zero crossing detector, Phase locked loop, Comparison of FM and AM.NoiseNoise in analog communication system, Noise in DSB and SSB system, Noise in AM system, Noise in angle modulation system, Threshold effect in angle modulation system, Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis.TransmittersRadio transmitter - Classification of transmitter, AM transmitter, Effect of feedback on performance of AM transmitter, FM transmitter - Variable reactance type and phase modulated FM transmitter, Frequency stability in FM transmitter.ReceiversRadio receiver - Receiver types - Tuned radio frequency receiver, Superheterodyne receiver, RF section and characteristics - Frequency changing and tracking, Intermediate frequency, AGC, FM receiver, Comparison with AM receiver, Amplitude limiting.Pulse ModulationTime division multiplexing, Types of pulse modulation, PAM (single polarity, double polarity) PWM : Generation and demodulation of PWM, PPM, Generation and demodulation of PPM.
by U.A.Bakshi A.P.Godse
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Basic Electronics Engineering,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Computer Organization,
Structure of a Computer System Brief history of computers, Von Neumann architecture, Functional units, Bus structures and Interconnection networks, Performance.Data Types and Computer Arithmetic Scalar data types, Fixed and floating point numbers, Signed numbers, Integer arithmetic, 2 s Complement multiplication, Booths algorithm, Hardware Implementation, Division restoring and Non-restoring algorithms, Floating point representations, IEEE standards, Floating point arithmetic.Control Unit DesignMachine instructions and addressing modes, Single bus CPU, Control unit operation: Instruction sequencing, Micro-operations, (Register Transfer).Hardwired control : Design methods, Design examples : Multiplier CU.Micro-programmed control : Basic concepts, Microinstruction-sequencing and execution, Micro-program control, Applications of microprogramming, Emulator.Processor DesignCPU Architecture, Register organization, Instruction set-instruction types, instruction formats (Intel, Motorola processors), Instruction cycles, Instruction pipelining, Types of operands, Addressing modes (Intel, Motorola processors), ALU design-ALU organization. Memory Organisation Characteristics of memory systems, Internal and external memory, Chip packaging. Main Memory - ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, RAM : SRAM, DRAM, SDRAM, RDRAM, error correction.High-speed memories : Cache memory, Organization and mapping, Replacement algorithms, Cache coherence, MESI protocol.Interleaved and associative memories, Performance characteristics, Virtual memory : Main memory allocation, Segmentation, Paging.Secondary storage : Magnetic disk, Tape, DAT, RAID, Optical memory, CDROM, DVD.I/O OrganisationInput/output systems, Programmed I/O, Interrupt Driven I/O, I/O channels, Direct Memory Access (DMA), Buses and standard Interfaces : Synchronous, Asynchronous, Parallel, Serial, PCI, SCSI, USB Ports.Peripherals : Keyboard, Mouse, Scanners, Video Displays, Dot-matrix, Desk-jet, Laser Printers,ultiprocessor ConfigurationsClosely coupled and loosely coupled multiprocessor architectures, Problems of bus contentions. Interprocess communications, Coprocessor and I/O Processor, Bus controller, Bus arbitration, System Bus-Uni-Bus, Multibus.RISC and Superscalar Processors : RISC - features, Register file, RISC Vs CISC, Superscalar processors - Overview, Organization.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Power Electronics,
Power Semiconductor Devices Structure, Operation and characteristics of SCR, TRIAC, Power transistor, MOSFET and IGBT. Driver and snubber circuits of MOSFET - Turn-on and turn-off characteristics and switching losses.Phase Controlled Converters 2-pulse, 3-pulse and 6-pulse converters - Inverter operation of fully controlled converter - Effect of source inductance - Distortion and displacement factor -Ripple factor - Single phase AC voltage controllers.DC to DC Converters Step-down and step-up choppers - Time ratio control and current limit control - Switching mode regulators : Buck, Boost, Buck-boost and cuk converter - Resonant switching based SMPS.Inverters Single phase and three phase (both 120o mode and 180o mode) inverters - PWM techniques : Sinusoidal PWM, Modified sinusoidal PWM and multiple PWM - Voltage and harmonic control - Series resonant inverter - Current source inverters.Applications Uninterrupted power supply topologies - Flexible AC transmission systems - Shunt and series static VAR compensator - Unified power flow controller - HVDC transmission.
by J.S.Chitode
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Linear Integrated Circuits,
IC Fabrication IC classification, Fundamental of monolithic IC technology, Epitaxial growth, Masking and etching, Diffusion of impurities. Realisation of monolithic ICs and packaging.Characteristics of Op-amp Ideal Op-amp characteristics. DC characteristics, AC characteristics, Offset voltage and current : Voltage series feedback and shunt feedback amplifiers, Differential amplifier; Frequency response of Op-amp; Basic applications of Op-amp-Summer, Differentiator and Integrator.Applications of Op-ampInstrumentation amplifier, First and second order active filters, V/I and I/V converters, Comparators, Multivibrators, Waveform generators, Clippers, Clampers, Peak detector, S/H circuit, D/A converter (R-2R ladder and weighted resistor types), A/D converter-Dual slope, Successive approximation and Flash types.Special Ics555 Timer circuit - Functional block, Characteristics and applications ; 566-Voltage controlled oscillator circuit; 565-Phase lock loop circuit functioning and applications, Analog multiplier ICs.Application IcsIC voltage regulators - LM317, 723 regulators, Switching regulator, MA 7840, LM 380 power amplifier, ICL 8038 function generator IC, Isolation amplifiers, Opto coupler, Opto electronic Ics.
by A.V.Bakshi A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Protection And Switchgear,
by U.A.Bakshi
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Digital Logic Circuits,
by A.P.Godse
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Electronics Engineering,
by A.P.Godse
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Electron Devices,
Line generation : Points, lines, planes, pixels and frame buffers, vector and character generation.Graphics primitives : Display devices, primitive devices, display file structure, display control text.Polygon : Polygon representation, entering polygons, filling polygons.Segments : Segments table, creating, deleting and renaming segments, visibility, image transformations.Transformations : Matrices transformation, transformation routines, displays procedure.Windowing and clipping : Viewing transformation and clipping, generalize clipping, multiple windowing.Three dimension : 3D geometry primitives, transformations, projection clipping. Interaction : Hardware input devices handling algorithms, event handling, echoing, interactive techniques.Hidden line and surface : Back-face removal algorithms, hidden line methods. Rendering and illumination : Introduction to curve generation, Bezier, Hermite and B-spline algorithms and their comparisons.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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