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Data Communications and Networking,
Data Communications and Networking, 3/e provides a comprehensive and current introduction to networking technologies. The book is accessible to students from all backgrounds and uses hundreds of figures to visually represent concepts. The new edition has been completely updated to reflect the constantly changing world of network technologies. Enhanced coverage of bluetooth, wireless, satellites, as well as four new chapters on security have been added. The third edition has transitioned from using the 7-layer OSI model to the 5-layer Internet Model. More time is spent on TCP/IP in the new organization. Forouzan's book continues to be supported by an On-line Learning Center (OLC) that contains many extra resources for students and instructors. Some of the features include PowerPoints, solutions, self-quizzing, and Flash animations that illustrate concepts.
by Behrouz A. Forouzan
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Primarily intended as a text for undergraduate courses in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Computer Science, IT courses, and Computer Applications, this up-to-date and accessible text gives an indepth analysis of data communications and computer networks in an easy-to-read style. Though a new title, it is a completely revised and fully updated version of the author's earlier book Data Communications. The rapid strides made during the last decade in the fields of data communication and networking, and the close link between these two subjects have prompted the author to add several chapters on computer networks in this text. The book gives a masterly analysis of topics ranging from the principles of data transmission to computer networking applications. It also provides standard protocols, thereby enabling to bridge the gap between theory and practice. What's more, it correlates the network protocols to the concepts, which are explained with the help of numerous examples to facilitate students' understanding of the subject. This well-organized text presents the latest developments in the field and details current topics of interest such as Multicasting, MPLS, IPv6, Gigabit Ethernets, IPSec, SSL, Auto-negotiation, Wireless LANs, Network security, Differentiated services, and ADSL. Besides students, the practicing professionals would find the book to be a valuable resource.
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Contemporary Business Communication,
Contemporary Business Communication prepares students for business communication by employing a hands-on approach--connecting topics, examples, and exercises to the modern workplace. The text provides ample opportunity for students to practice their oral and written skills, and includes strategies for using email, voicemail, the Internet, and other innovations in communication technology. The streamlined Seventh Edition has been completely updated to reflect current trends and practices in the world of business. The revised textbook package now features a web-based version of the Urban Systems Case Study Simulation with an updated, student-friendly BusCom online writing tutorial. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Scot Ober
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Proceedings of The Fifth International Network Conference 2005 (INC 2005),

by Steven Furnell
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Wired/Wireless Internet Communications,Third International Conference, WWIC 2005, Xanthi, Greece, May 11-13, 2005, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, WWIC 2005, held in Xanthi, Greece in May 2005. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 117 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sessions on mobility management, transport protocols and congestion control, QoC and routing, quality of service, wireless multi-hop networks and cellular networks, ad-hoc networks, IEEE 802.11 and other MAC protocols, and energy efficiency and resource optimization.
by Torsten Braun
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Business Data Communications and Networking,
Over the past few years, many fundamental changes have occurred in data communications and networking that will shape the future for decades to come. Updated with the latest advances in the field, Jerry FitzGerald and Alan Dennis' 10th Edition of Business Data Communications and Networking continues to provide the fundamental concepts and cutting-edge coverage applications that students need to succeed in this fast-moving field. Authors FitzGerald and Dennis have developed a foundation and balanced presentation from which new technologies and applications can be easily understood, evaluated, and compared.
by Jerry FitzGerald
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Wireless Communications & Networks,
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Wireless Communications and Networks, 2e, provides one of the most up-to-date and accurate overviews of wireless principles, technology, and application. It is ideal for courses in wireless networking, wireless communications, wireless data communications or wireless technology in departments of Computer Science, Engineering, IT, and Continuing Education. The rapid growth of mobile telephone use, satellite services, and the wireless Internet are generating tremendous changes in telecommunications and networking. Combining very current technical depth with a strong pedagogy and advanced Web support, this new edition provides a comprehensive guide to wireless technology—exploring key topics such as technology and architecture, network types, design approaches, and the latest applications.
by William Stallings
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Ad Hoc Networks,Second International Conference, ADHOCNETS 2010, Victoria, BC, Canada, August 18-20, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Ad hoc networks, which include a variety of autonomous networks for specific purposes, promise a broad range of civilian, commercial, and military applications. These networks were originally envisioned as collections of autonomous mobile or stationary nodes that dynamically auto-configure themselves into a wireless network without relying on any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. With the significant advances in the last decade, the concept of ad hoc networks now covers an even broader scope, referring to the many types of autonomous wireless networks designed and deployed for a specific task or function, such as wireless sensor networks, vehicular networks, home networks, and so on. In contrast to the traditional wireless networking paradigm, such networks are all characterized by sporadic connections, highly error-prone communications, distributed autonomous operation, and fragile multi-hop relay paths. The new wireless networking paradigm necessitates reexamination of many established concepts and protocols, and calls for developing a new understanding of fundamental problems such as interference, mobility, connectivity, capacity, and security, among others. While it is essential to advance theoretical research on fundamental and practical research on efficient policies, algorithms and protocols, it is also critical to develop useful applications, experimental prototypes, and real-world deployments to achieve an immediate impact on society for the success of this wireless networking paradigm.
by Jun Zheng
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Management Principles And Practices,
This Is The First Edition Of The Book On Management Principles And Practices . It Is A Comprehensive Text Book Which Provides A Good Coverage Of The Fundamentals Of Management. The Discussion On Various Chapters Has Been Done In A Simple And Easy To Understand Manner Keeping The Students Of Commerce And Management In View.The Salient Features Of This Book Are: * A Wider Coverage Of The Syllabi Of Ba/B.Com. (Corporate Secretaryship), B.Com., Bba And Bism Of Madras University, Bharathiar University, Bharathidasan University, Anna University, Alagappa University And Pondicherry University (Both Regular And Correspondence). * The Book Is Covering The Syllabus Of M.Com. /Mba/Ma Corporate Secretaryship Of Various Universities In Tamilnadu. * It Covers Master Of Management Programmes As Well As Post-Graduate Management Diploma Programmes Of Distance Education, Pondichery University. * The Explanation Of Various Management Principles And Practices In A Very Comprehensive Manner. * The Book Has The Unique Feature Of Dealing With Case Studies Of Bba And Mba Programmes.
by M.Sakthivel Murugan
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Distributed computing network reliability,

by Suresh Rai
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The Grammar of Technology Development,
This book includes a keynote lecture and fourteen selected papers that describe a general guideline and supporting concepts and tools of technology development as a grammar. Recent advances in scientific and engineering fields require new disciplines, tools, and concepts. For example, advances in computer simulation demand new approaches to statistical techniques to utilize that simulation efficiently for technology development. Increasingly, researchers and academicians are drawn to develop a grammar of technology development as a standardized approach. The papers collected in this book focus on such new approaches based on these practical requirements and represent the pioneering directions and advanced knowledge stemming from this field. Divided into three parts, the book contains discussions and case studies dealing with systematic approaches to technology development, the design of experiments in digital engineering, and statistical methods for technology development. This valuable collection will contribute to the acceleration of technology development through the application of the grammar of technology.
by Hiroe Tsubaki
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Recent Trends in Wireless and Mobile Networks,Third International Conferences, WiMo 2011 and CoNeCo 2011, Ankara, Turkey, June 26-28, 2011. Proceedings
The CCIS series is devoted to the publication of proceedings of computer science conferences. Its aim is to efficiently disseminate original research results in informatics in printed and electronic form. While the focus is on publication of peer-reviewed full papers presenting mature work, inclusion of reviewed short papers and abstracts reporting on work in progress is welcome, too. Besides globally relevant meetings with internationally representative program committees guaranteeing a strict peer-reviewing and paper selection process, conferences run by societies or of high regional or national relevance are considered for publication as well.
by Abdulkadir Özcan
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International Conference on Computer Applications 2012 :: Volume 04,

by Kokula Krishna Hari K
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Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications,8th International Conference, WASA 2013, Zhangjiajie, China, August 7-10,2013, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, WASA 2013, held in Zhangjiajie, China, in August 2013. The 25 revised full papers presented together with 18 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 80 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: effective and efficient state-of-the-art algorithm design and analysis, reliable and secure system development and implementations, experimental study and testbed validation, and new application exploration in wireless networks.
by Kui Ren
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Parallel Computing Technologies,8th International Conference, PaCT 2005, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, September 5-9, 2005, Proceedings
The PaCT 2005 (Parallel Computing Technologies) conference was a four-day conference held in Krasnoyarsk, September 5–9, 2005. This was the Eighth - ternational conference in the PaCT series. The conferences are held in R- sia every odd year. The ?rst conference, PaCT '91, was held in Novosibirsk (Academgorodok), September 7 – 11, 1991. The next PaCT conferences were held in Obninsk (near Moscow), August 30 – September 4, 1993, in St. Pete- burg, September 12–15, 1995, in Yaroslavl, September, 9–12 1997, in Pushkin (near St. Petersburg) September, 6–10 1999, in Academgorodok (Novosibirsk), September 3–7, 2001, and in Nizhni Novgorod, September 15–19, 2003. The PaCT proceedings are published by Springer in the LNCS series. PaCT 2005 was jointly organized by the Institute of Computational Mat- maticsandMathematicalGeophysicsoftheRussianAcademyofSciences(RAS), theInstituteofComputationalModelingalsooftheRASandtheStateTechnical University of Krasnoyarsk. The purpose of the conference was to bring together scientists working on theory, architecture, software, hardwareand the solution of large-scaleproblems in order to provide integrated discussions on Parallel Computing Technologies. The conference attracted about 100 participants from around the world. - thorsfrom20countriessubmitted78papers.Ofthosesubmitted, 38paperswere selected for the conference as regular ones; there was also 1 invited paper. In addition there were a number of posters presented. All the papers were inter- tionally reviewed by at least three referees. The demo session was organized for the participants. PaCT 2007 is planned to be held in Irlutsk, near lake Baikal, in September as usual.
by Viktor Ä–mmanuilovich Malyshkin
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