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An Introduction to Combustion,Concepts and Applications
Introduction to Combustion is the leading combustion textbook for undergraduate and graduate students because of its easy-to-understand analyses of basic combustion concepts and its introduction of a wide variety of practical applications that motivate or relate to the various theoretical concepts. This is a text that is useful for junior/senior undergraduates or graduate students in mechanical engineering and practicing engineers. The third edition updates and adds topics related to protection of the environment, climate change, and energy use. Additionally, a new chapter is added on fuels due to the continued focus on conservation and energy independence.
by Stephen R. Turns
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Combustion Science and Engineering,
Students embarking on their studies in chemical, mechanical, aerospace, energy, and environmental engineering will face continually changing combustion problems, such as pollution control and energy efficiency, throughout their careers. Approaching these challenges requires a deep familiarity with the fundamental theory, mathematics, and physical concepts of combustion. Based on more than two decades of teaching experience, Combustion Science and Engineering lays the necessary groundwork while using an illustrative, hands-on approach. Taking a down-to-earth perspective, the book avoids heavy mathematics in the first seven chapters and in Chapter 17 (pollutants formation and destruction), but considers molecular concepts and delves into engineering details. It begins with an outline of thermodynamics; basics of thermochemistry and chemical equilibrium; descriptions of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels; chemical kinetics and mass transfer; and applications of theory to practical systems. Beginning in chapter 8, the authors provide a detailed treatment of differential forms of conservation equations; analyses of fuel combustion including jet combustion and boundary layer problems; ignition; flame propagation; interactive and group combustion; pollutant formation and control; and turbulent combustion. In addition, this textbook includes abundant examples, illustrations, and exercises, as well as spreadsheet software in combustion available for download. This software allows students to work out the examples found in the text. Combustion Science and Engineering imparts the skills and foundational knowledge necessary for students to successfully approach and solve new problems.
by Kalyan Annamalai
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Environmental Engineering Dictionary,
Environmental Engineering Dictionary is a comprehensive reference of more than 14,000 technical and regulatory engineering terms that are used in pollution control technologies, monitoring, risk assessment, sampling and analysis, quality control, and environmental engineering and technology. Not only are many newly created terms included in this edition, but the original definitions have also been thoroughly revised to keep pace with the rapid changes in technology. Fuel cell technology terms, special definitions that focus on environmental management systems, and basic environmental calculations have also been added to this edition. Users of this dictionary will find exact and official Environmental Protection Agency definitions for environmental terms that are statute related, regulation related, science related, and engineering related, including terms from the following legal documents: Clean Air Act; Clean Water Act; CERCLA; EPCRA; Federal Facility Compliance Act; Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act; FIFRA; Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendment; OSHA; Pollution Prevention Act; RCRA; Safe Drinking Water Act; Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act; and TSCA. The terms included in this dictionary feature timesaving citations to the definitions' sources, including the Code of Federal Regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Energy. A list of the reference source documents is also included.
by C. C. Lee
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Applied Combustion, Second Edition,
The second edition of this practical text offers a broad introduction to the engineering principles of chemical energy conversion. Eugene L. Keating, Ph.D., P.E., a recognized authority within academia, government, and industry, examines combustion science and technology using fundamental principles. Thermochemical engineering data and design formulations of basic performance relationships appear in dual SI and English engineering dimensions and units, helping you save time and avoid conversion errors. New in the Second Edition Streamlined organization that progressively develops fundamental concepts Extended section on fuel cells New section on the nitrogen-oxygen reaction system Additional coverage of environmental aspects of specific combustion characteristics New chapter on thermal destruction Furnishing examples that demonstrate a proper engineering analysis as well as important concepts relevant to the nature of combustion devices, Applied Combustion, Second Edition explores the ideal oxidation-reaction equation, fuel heat release rates, chemical equilibrium, incomplete combustion, chemical kinetics, and detonation, thermal explosion, and basic flame theories. The book treats the features of chemical energy resources and presents a thermochemical overview of current and potential solid, liquid, and gaseous natural and synthetic fuel resources. It also describes the fuel-engine interface characteristics of important external and internal combustion heat engines in terms of fuel compatibility, consumption rates, pollution characteristics, emission controls, and energy conversion efficiencies.
by Eugene L. Keating
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Microscale Combustion and Power Generation,
Recent advances in microfabrication technologies have enabled the development of entirely new classes of small-scale devices with applications in fields ranging from biomedicine, to wireless communication and computing, to reconnaissance, and to augmentation of human function. In many cases, however, what these devices can actually accomplish is limited by the low energy density of their energy storage and conversion systems. This breakthrough book brings together in one place the information necessary to develop the high energy density combustion-based power sources that will enable many of these devices to realize their full potential. Engineers and scientists working in energy-related fields will find: • An overview of the fundamental physics and phenomena of microscale combustion; • Presentations of the latest modeling and simulation techniques for gasphase and catalytic micro-reactors; • The latest results from experiments in small-scale liquid film, microtube, and porous combustors, micro-thrusters, and micro heat engines; • An assessment of the additional research necessary to develop compact and high energy density energy conversion systems that are truly practical.
by Christopher Cadou
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Solutions Manual to Accompany an Introduction to Combustion,Concepts and Applications

by Stephen R. Turns
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Industrial Combustion Testing,
Until now, anyone conducting industrial combustion tests had to either rely on old methods, go scurrying through the literature to find proven applicable methodologies, or hire top-shelf consultants such as those that work for cutting-edge companies like John Zink. Manufacturers can no longer take industrial combustion for granted. Air and noise pollution standards must be met, and today no one can afford the inefficient use of fuel. Drawing on three decades of experience, Charles Baukal Jr. is not only aware of the best methods but is responsible for designing and implementing a number of them, owning 11 patents of his own, as well as having hundreds of articles to his credit. Providing busy engineers with a convenient reference that gives them state-of-the-art techniques without having to cull through the literature, this practical compendium: Demonstrates how to conduct meaningful experiments with industrial scale combustion equipment Illustrates a number of methods through case studies Includes detailed pictures, figures, graphs, and tables, to explain processes and make sense of the data Presents valuable information on advanced diagnostics, burner and flare testing, and testing in combustors, including techniques for a variety of kilns, furnaces, and boilers Written to make better practioners out of academicians and better scholars out of hands-on engineers, this unique volume teaches academics how to work at the large scales associated with industrial combustion, while also teaching engineers the rigorous approach needed for successful modeling.
by Charles E. Baukal, Jr.
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Internal Combustion Engines,

by R.K. Rajput
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Flow and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines,
Optimization of combustion processes in automotive engines is a key factor in reducing fuel consumption in conventional and advanced gasoline and diesel engines. This volume investigates and describes flow and combustion processes in diesel and gasoline engines. It consists of eight chapters written by world experts from industry, government laboratories and academia. Each of the chapters is self-contained and, therefore, independent from the other in that it covers its central theme in depth, although prior knowledge of the fundamentals remains a prerequisite. The book bridges a serious gap between conventional textbooks and the significant technological breakthroughs presented in worldwide conferences during the last ten years on direct-injection gasoline engines, advanced diesels and homogeneous-charge compression-ignition engines. As such, it is an essential reference text for engineers involved in research and development in global automotive and consultancy companies, research engineers involved in fundamental and applied research on various aspects of the flow, mixture preparation and combustion in reciprocating engines. The authors are eminent researchers from universities and industry.
by C. Arcoumanis
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Internal Combustion Engines,

by V. Ganesan
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Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines,
Now in its fourth edition, Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines remains the indispensable text to guide you through automotive or mechanical engineering, both at university and beyond. Thoroughly updated, clear, comprehensive and well-illustrated, with a wealth of worked examples and problems, its combination of theory and applied practice is sure to help you understand internal combustion engines, from thermodynamics and combustion to fluid mechanics and materials science. Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines: - Is ideal for students who are following specialist options in internal combustion engines, and also for students at earlier stages in their courses - especially with regard to laboratory work - Will be useful to practising engineers for an overview of the subject, or when they are working on particular aspects of internal combustion engines that are new to them - Is fully updated including new material on direct injection spark engines, supercharging and renewable fuels - Offers a wealth of worked examples and end-of-chapter questions to test your knowledge - Has a solutions manual availble online for lecturers at www.palgrave.com/engineering/stone
by Richard Stone
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Flashback Mechanisms in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion,
Blending fuels with hydrogen offers the potential to reduce NOx and CO2 emissions in gas turbines, but doing so introduces potential new problems such as flashback. Flashback can lead to thermal overload and destruction of hardware in the turbine engine, with potentially expensive consequences. The little research on flashback that is available is fragmented. Flashback Mechanisms in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion by Ali Cemal Benim will address not only the overall issue of the flashback phenomenon, but also the issue of fragmented and incomplete research. Presents a coherent review of flame flashback (a classic problem in premixed combustion) and its connection with the growing trend of popularity of more-efficient hydrogen-blend fuels Begins with a brief review of industrial gas turbine combustion technology Covers current environmental and economic motivations for replacing natural gas with hydrogen-blend fuels
by Ali Cemal Benim
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Combustion Technology for a Clean Environment,Selected Papers for the Proceedings of the Third International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 3-6, 1995
The more than 90 refereed papers in this volume continue a series of biannual benchmarks for technologies that maximize energy conversion while minimizing undesirable emissions. Covering the entire range of industrial and transport combustion as well as strategies for energy research and development, these state-of-the-art will be indispensable to mechanical and chemical engineers in academia and industry and technical personnel in military, energy and environmental government agencies. The topics covered in this book include wood, oil, gas and coal combustion, combustion of alternative fuels, co-combustion and co-gasification, catalytic combustion, NO, SO, soot fundamentals, advanced diagnostics, burners, fluidized bed combustion, incineration, engines, advanced cycles, gas clean-up, control strategy and clean combustion in process industries.
by Maria Carvalho
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Applications of Turbulent and Multi-Phase Combustion,
A hands-on, integrated approach to solving combustion problems in diverse areas An understanding of turbulence, combustion, and multiphase reacting flows is essential for engineers and scientists in many industries, including power genera-tion, jet and rocket propulsion, pollution control, fire prevention and safety, and material processing. This book offers a highly practical discussion of burning behavior and chemical processes occurring in diverse materials, arming readers with the tools they need to solve the most complex combustion problems facing the scientific community today. The second of a two-volume work, Applications of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion expands on topics involving laminar flames from Professor Kuo's bestselling book Principles of Combustion, Second Edition, then builds upon the theory discussed in the companion volume Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion to address in detail cutting-edge experimental techniques and applications not covered anywhere else. Special features of this book include: Coverage of advanced applications such as solid propellants, burning behavior, and chemical boundary layer flows A multiphase systems approach discussing basic concepts before moving to higher-level applications A large number of practical examples gleaned from the authors' experience along with problems and a solutions manual Engineers and researchers in chemical and mechanical engineering and materials science will find Applications of Turbulent and Multiphase Combustion an indispensable guide for upgrading their skills and keeping up with this rapidly evolving area. It is also an excellent resource for students and professionals in mechanical, chemical, and aerospace engineering.
by Kenneth Kuan-yun Kuo
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Combustion and Gasification in Fluidized Beds,
Besides being one of the best Clean Coal Technologies, fluidized beds are also proving to be the most practical option for biomass conversion. Although the technology is well established, the field lacks a comprehensive guide to the design and operating principles of fluidized bed boilers and gasifiers. With more than 30 years of research and industrial experience, Prabir Basu answers this pressing need with Combustion and Gasification in Fluidized Beds. This book is a versatile resource that explains how fluidized bed equipment works and how to use the basic principles of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics in design while providing insight into planning new projects, troubleshooting existing equipment, and appreciating the capabilities and limitations of the process. From hydrodynamics to construction and maintenance, the author covers all of the essential information needed to understand, design, operate, and maintain a complete fluidized bed system. It is a must for clean coal technology as well as for biomass power generation. Beginning with a general introduction to fossil or biofuel conversion choices, the book surveys hydrodynamics, fundamentals of gasification, combustion of solid fuels, pollution aspects including climate change mitigation, heat transfer in fluidized beds, the design and operation of bubbling and circulating fluidized bed boilers, and various supporting components such as distributor grates, feeding systems, and gas-solid separators.
by Prabir Basu
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