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The Pearson Guide to the SSC Combined Graduate Level (Preliminary) Examination,

by Thorpe Showick
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The Pearson Guide to the SSC Combined Graduate Level Preliminary Examination:,
The Pearson Guide to the SSC Graduate Level (Preliminary) Examination is a systematically structured book, comprehensively covering all topics as per the syllabus of the SSC’s written examination. This book facilitates preparation and practice for the examination through ample examples and exercises for both Paper-A and Paper-B. The topics are treated at optimal depth to enhance understanding and to enable the candidates to face the examination with confidence. Additional resources provided in the book to enhance proficiency of students make this book a useful self-study text.
by Thorpe
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Ssc Combined Graduate Level-Tier Ii & Tier Iii Exam Guide ( R-1298),

by Rph Editorial Board
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Guide to Objective Arithmetic,

by Khattar
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S.S.C. Combined Graduate Level Exam. (For Tier I & II),

by Dr. Sharma & Singh
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SSC Graduate Level Combined Preliminary Examination,

by V.V.K. Subburaj
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Ssc Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam,

by Sanjeev Joon
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Complete Guide for SSC,

by Sanjeev Joon
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The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career,A Portable Mentor for Scholars from Graduate School through Tenure
Is a career as a professor the right choice for you? If you are a graduate student, how can you clear the hurdles successfully and position yourself for academic employment? What's the best way to prepare for a job interview, and how can you maximize your chances of landing a job that suits you? What happens if you don't receive an offer? How does the tenure process work, and how do faculty members cope with the multiple and conflicting day-to-day demands? With a perpetually tight job market in the traditional academic fields, the road to an academic career for many aspiring scholars will often be a rocky and frustrating one. Where can they turn for good, frank answers to their questions? Here, three distinguished scholars—with more than 75 years of combined experience—talk openly about what's good and what's not so good about academia, as a place to work and a way of life. Written as an informal conversation among colleagues, the book is packed with inside information—about finding a mentor, avoiding pitfalls when writing a dissertation, negotiating the job listings, and much more. The three authors' distinctive opinions and strategies offer the reader multiple perspectives on typical problems. With rare candor and insight, they talk about such tough issues as departmental politics, dual-career marriages, and sexual harassment. Rounding out the discussion are short essays that offer the "inside track" on financing graduate education, publishing the first book, and leaving academia for the corporate world. This helpful guide is for anyone who has ever wondered what the fascinating and challenging world of academia might hold in store. Part I - Becoming a Scholar * Deciding on an Academic Career * Entering Graduate School * The Mentor * Writing a Dissertation * Landing an Academic Job Part II - The Academic Profession * The Life of the Assistant Professor * Teaching and Research * Tenure * Competition in the University System and Outside Offers * The Personal Side of Academic Life
by John A. Goldsmith
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The Guide to Graduate Environmental Programs,
The Guide to Graduate Environmental Programs provides over 160 profiles of graduate programs across the country that offer curricula related to the environment. Because it was impossible to include every program in the book, and because these programs are constantly changing, Island Press welcomes suggested changes and additions to the profiles. While Island Press is not the official "author" of the book, we are eager to receive new or updated information to be included in the next edition. Drawing from this information, Island Press has created an online listing of programs that were not profiled in the book. To submit your contribution, either fill out the postcard included in the book itself, or e-mail the name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the "contact person" for that program; someone will contact that person for further information as the second edition is developed. If you would like to correct an error or to provide specific "update" information, please e-mail that information or return the card included in the book. Following is a description of how the book was researched and the profiles compiled: The research process began with a list, drawn up by career center staff at University of California at Santa Barbara, of 412 environmental programs, departments, and schools within universities across the country. The list was based on a literature search, queries over the Internet, and contact with environmental professionals and associations. Certificate-only programs were not included. Selection preference was given to programs mentioned repeatedly by environmental professionals, and to those drawing a more diverse student body. Postcards requesting information and course catalogues were sent to all 412 programs. A survey was mailed to faculty representing each program. Of the 412 graduate programs queried, 156 programs completed and returned their surveys. Each completed survey was reworked into a profile. Schools that did not respond to the mailing were contacted twice by phone to remind them to return the survey. To supplement this information, and to ensure that the most noteworthy programs were included in the guide, additional profiles were compiled for a select number of key programs that failed to return their surveys. These latter profiles were based on literature review and personal interviews. In all, each program was contacted three times – once by mail and twice by phone – to encourage them to submit their surveys, and to verify and update information. The absence of a particular profile, or segment of a profile, reflects no editorial judgement on the part of the authors. Rather, if a specific program was not profiled, the most likely explanation is that the program in question did not return its survey. If you have information on other graduate environmental programs, please pass that information on to us, so that we can include them in future editions of the guide. Most of the information provided was accurate as of November 1994 – the date by which the surveys were completed – and some follow-up verification was conducted during the summer of 1996, before the book went into production. There are an ever-expanding number of programs in the environmental field, and existing programs are constantly evolving. Readers should therefore expect to continue to encounter ongoing changes in names, titles, and phone numbers.
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Biomedical Graduate School: A Planning Guide to the Admissions Process,
Many undergraduate students who have an interest in science careers do not receive appropriate information on how to identify potential career options or maximize opportunities during different periods in their academic development. Guide to Biomedical Graduate School Admissions identifies what college students need to do throughout their undergraduate education to become competitive for and be accepted into biological or biomedical PhD or MD-PhD programs. This book guides students step-by-step through the many facets of the graduate school admissions process, including helping students identify potential career options, the interview process and how to maximize their academic credentials, determining which extracurricular activities and research experiences they need to attain, and much more. Guide to Biomedical Graduate School Admissions is a must-have resource for the undergraduate student planning to successfully move on PhD or MD-PhD program.
by David McKean
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The Ph.D. Process : A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences,A Student's Guide to Graduate School in the Sciences

by Dale F. Bloom
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The Black Student's Guide to Graduate an,

by Vernon Farmer
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The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology,
The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology is an indispensable guide for graduate students and post-docs as they enter that domain red in tooth and claw: the job market. An academic career in the biological sciences typically demands well over a decade of technical training. So it’s ironic that when a scholar reaches the most critical stage in that career—the search for a job following graduate work—he or she receives little or no formal preparation. Instead, students are thrown into the job market with only cursory guidance on how to search for and land a position. Now there’s help. Carefully, clearly, and with a welcome sense of humor, The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology leads graduate students and postdoctoral fellows through the perils and rewards of their first job search. The authors—who collectively have for decades mentored students and served on hiring committees—have honed their advice in workshops at biology meetings across the country. The resulting guide covers everything from how to pack an overnight bag without wrinkling a suit to selecting the right job to apply for in the first place. The authors have taken care to make their advice useful to all areas of academic biology—from cell biology and molecular genetics to evolution and ecology—and they give tips on how applicants can tailor their approaches to different institutions from major research universities to small private colleges. With jobs in the sciences ever more difficult to come by, The Chicago Guide to Landing a Job in Academic Biology is designed to help students and post-docs navigate the tricky terrain of an academic job search—from the first year of a graduate program to the final negotiations of a job offer.
by C. Ray Chandler
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REA's Authoritative Guide to the Top 100 Business Schools,
This directory provides detailed profiles of the top 100 graduate schools of business in the United States and abroad. A quick- reference chart presents important comparative data at a glance. In addition, information on admissions, applications procedures, financial aid, the GMAT, and pre-admission advice is given in introductory essays.
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