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Color Atlas of Embryology,
The complex but fascinating field of embryology is presented in this easy-to-understand Thieme Flexibook, complete with 176 color plates. Since the information relevant to medical students is separated from that needed by biologists, both can learn in a focused and time-saving manner. The overview at the beginning of each chapter is also an excellent aid to students. Physicians, biologists and students can delve into any number of topics: from the basics of reproductive biology to general embryology, including the hot topics related to cellular and molecular biology.
by Ulrich Drews
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Veterinary Anatomy of Domestic Mammals,Textbook and Colour Atlas
A revised third edition of this bestselling textbook. It contains a unique blend of text, colour photographs, imaging and diagrams describing the gross systematic and topographical anatomy of domestic mammals. Throughout the book the authors focus on anatomical relationships to clinical conditions and where appropriate, to microscopic anatomy, histology, embryology and physiology. Greatest emphasis is given to dog and cat and horse, with relevant information on ox/cow, pig, sheep, goat and rabbit. The book combines meticulous science and superb illustrations, and will be a life-long source of reference for veterinary students, practitioners, educators and researchers.
by Horst Erich König
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Color Atlas of Clinical Embryology,
Outlining the most important concepts of clinical embryology, the second edition of this full color atlas gives a well-illustrated overview of human development before birth. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised with the most up-to-date information. Accompanied by authoritative descriptions, this superb resource provides a step-by-step review of normal and abnormal embryonic and fetal development through hundreds of color photographs, 3-dimensional drawings, electron micrographs, sonograms, MR images, and pen-and-ink sketches. It also includes photographs and tables indicating periods when tissue and organ formations may be affected by teratogenic agents.
by Keith L. Moore
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Imaging of Urogenital Diseases,A Color Atlas
Nowadays, there is tremendous interest in an integrated imaging approach to urogenital diseases. This interest is tightly linked to the recent technological advances in ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine. Significant improvements in image quality have brought numerous clinical and diagnostic benefits to every medical specialty. This book is organized in nine parts and twenty-seven chapters. The first six chapters review the normal macroscopic and radiological anatomy of the urogenital system. In subsequent chapters, urogenital malformations, lithiasis, as well as infectious and neoplastic disorders of the kidneys, bladder, urinary collecting system, and male and female genitalia are extensively discussed. The pathologic, clinical, and diagnostic (instrumental and not) features of each disease are described, with particular emphasis, in neoplastic pathologies, on primitive tumors and disease relapse. The statics and dynamics of the pelvic floor are addressed as well and there is a detailed presentation of state-of-the-art interventional radiology. The volume stands out in the panorama of the current medical literature by its rich iconography. Over 1000 anatomical illustrations and images, with detailed captions, provide ample evidence of how imaging can guide the therapeutic decision-making process. Imaging of Urogenital Diseases is an up-to-date text for radiologists, urologists, gynecologists, and oncologists, but it also certainly provides an invaluable tool for general practitioners. Its succinct, well-reasoned approach integrates old and new knowledge to obtain diagnostic algorithms. This information will direct the clinician to the imaging modality best-suited to yielding the correct diagnosis.
by Lucio Olivetti
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Atlas de embriología clínica,

by Keith L. Moore
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Color Doppler, 3D and 4D Ultrasound in Gynecology, Infertility and Obstetrics,
Doody Rating: 3 stars: Over the last decade impressive improvements in computer and ultrasound technology have promoted a wide use of ultrasound in clinical practice. With the advent of color and power Doppler ultrasound, and more recently three- (3D) and four-dimensional (4D) ultrasound, research expansion in the field of human reproduction, obstetrics and gynecologic oncology has occurred. Ultrasound has simplified guided techniques such as oocyte collection and breast biopsy, but has also become an important technique in the assessment of the follicular growth and endometrial development, as well as in evaluation of the uterine and ovarian perfusion. Significant studies have been made in the gynecological application of Doppler sonography and screening for ovarian and uterine malignancy. In obstetrics, Doppler sonography has allowed unprecedented insight in the pathophysiology of human fetal development. In a relatively short period of time, 3D and 4D ultrasound has proved to be a useful clinical tool in almost all sections of gynecology and obstetrics. In this book the authors explain the significance of each of the discussed subjects in an effective way, by integrating important and updated information and illustrative examples. The contributors of this edition have made significant improvements, included updated information and a few unique illustrations. Each chapter has been reviewed and revised to focus on the clinicians needs in ultrasound practice. The educational impact of the book is further enhanced by adding a manual for sonographers and physicians entitled Clinical Sonographic Pearls that was created for better organization of important clinical presentation-based information."
by Sanja Kupesic Plavsic
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Histologa, embriologa e ingeniera tisular bucodental / Histology, embryology and oral tissue engineering,
Obra que incorpora los conceptos b sicos de la ingenieria tisular en los que se asientan actualmente la nueva terapia celular y tisular en odontologia. En cada uno de sus capitulos, tras la exposicion sistem tica y actualizada de los contenidos histologicos y embriologicos, realiza una exposicion de los distintos mecanismos histofisiologicos y biopatologicos que explican tanto las actividades funcionales m s importantes como las principales patologias de la region. Incluye un CD-ROM con una amplia presentacion de los contenidos del libro e im genes seleccionadas.
by María Elsa Gómez de Ferraris
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Atlas en color y texto de anatomía oral,histología y embriología
El objetivo de este libro ha sido reunir los diversos elementos de la anatomía oral para obtener una perspectiva integrada de la materia. De este modo, la obra cubre los temas básicos para enseñar anatomía oral en la mayoría de las facultades de Odontología. La obra cubre los temas básicos para enseñar anatomía oral en la mayoría de las facultades de Odontología. Translation of Berkovitz: Color Atlas & Text of Oral Anatomy, Histology & Embryology, 2e
by B. K. B. Berkovitz
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Donald School Atlas of Clin. Application of Ultrasound in Obs/ Gyn.,

by Kurjak
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Recerca en Biomedicina,Resums 2008-2012
Aquesta publicació recull els resums dels treballs de recerca portats a terme pels alumnes de "Recerca en Biomedicina - Alumne Intern" corresponents al cursos 2008-2012. Hi han participat alumnes dels ensenyaments de Medicina, Nutrició Humana i Dietètica i Fisioteràpia que han treballat amb els Grups de Recerca de la Facultat de Medicina i Ciències de la Salut, de l’Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus i de l'Hospital Universitari Joan XXIII de Tarragona.
by Marta Romeu Ferran
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El parto en la evolución humana,

by Miguel Tortajada Martínez
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Embriologia Clínica,
Compreenda e atualize seus estudos de embriologia humana com este livro didático orientado para a clínica, que aborda este assunto tão complexo de forma mais detalhada e visualmente sofisticada. Escrito por anatomistas mundialmente reconhecidos, apresenta vistas, de cada semana e fase, dos sistemas e órgãos fetais em desenvolvimento, explica porque e quando as malformações congênitas ocorrem e as funções da placenta e membranas fetais no desenvolvimento. • Entenda todos os mais recentes avanços na embriologia, incluindo os estudos da embriogênese normal e anormal, das causas das malformações congênitas e do papel dos genes no desenvolvimento humano. • Veja como as descobertas na biologia molecular, incluindo as novas técnicas sofisticadas de DNA recombinante e a manipulação de células-tronco, têm influenciado a prática clínica. • Prepare-se para exames de licenciamento com as apresentações de casos clínicos, destacadas em quadros especiais, que demonstram como os conceitos de embriologia se relacionam com a prática clínica. • Acesse o conteúdo completo do livro on-line em studentconsult.com - assim como 16 incríveis animações que avivam o desenvolvimento embriológico normal e anormal, imagens para download e centenas de questões e respostas de revisão adicionais para testar o seu domínio da matéria. • Compreenda todos os detalhes da embriologia humana com o livro de conteúdo orientado para a clínica mais abrangente e ricamente ilustrado, escrito pelos principais especialistas do mundo. • Prepare-se eficientemente para exames com as questões e respostas de revisão ao final de cada capítulo.
by Keith Moore
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Langman's Medical Embryology,
Langman's Medical Embryology covers embryology for medical, nursing, and health professions students with a strong clinical emphasis. The text is highly valued as a teaching and learning resource for its clinical correlation boxes, summaries, problems to solve, illustrations and clinical images, and clear, concise writing style—all of which make the subject matter accessible to students and relevant to instructors. Online material includes Simbryo—an animation program showing processes, organs, and systems developing in human embryos—as well as review questions and full text online. A separate Faculty Image Bank and PowerPoint presentations are also available.
by Thomas W. Sadler
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Donald School Textbook of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology,
- Written by experts from the Ian Donald Inter-university school of Medical ultrasound, this book represents the current knowledge on one of the newest achievements in orbits and gynecologic ultrasonography, transvaginal sonography. - Illustrates the most exciting developments-color Doppler and translational sonography. Ultrasonography, transvaginal sonography. Their combination in the same vaginal probe provides for superb simultaneous visualization of structural and those information and offers new insights into dynamic studies of blood flow within the female pelvis. - Contributed by eminent authors, selected for their access to outhlanding visual material and their ability to explain the significance of it in an effective and lucid way. - Contain 550 original (black and with and colour) ultrasound pictures as well as diagrams and photographs of babies after delivery. - The book is divided into 5reetions with a total of 40 chapters covering genial aspics, obstetrics gynecology and infertility, Doppler sonography and 3D and 4D translational sonography.
by Asim Kurjak
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Human Embryology and Developmental Biology,with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
Master the concepts you need to know with Human Embryology and Developmental Biology. Dr. Bruce M. Carlson's clear explanations provide an easy-to-follow "road map" through the most up-to-date scientific knowledge, giving you a deeper understanding of the key information you need to know for your courses, exams, and ultimately clinical practice. Consult this title on your favorite e-reader with intuitive search tools and adjustable font sizes. Elsevier eBooks provide instant portable access to your entire library, no matter what device you're using or where you're located. Visualize normal and abnormal development with hundreds of superb clinical photos and embryological drawings. Access the fully searchable text online, view animations, answer self-assessment questions, and much more at www.studentconsult.com. Grasp the molecular basis of embryology, including the processes of branching and folding - essential knowledge for determining the root of many abnormalities. Understand the clinical manifestations of developmental abnormalities with clinical vignettes and Clinical Correlations boxes throughout.
by Bruce M. Carlson
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