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Cognitive Penetrability of Perception,Attention, Action, Strategies, and Bottom-up Constraints
The issue of the cognitive impenetrability or penetrability of perception lay dormant for a long period of time. Though philosophers reacted to the relativism implied by the work of Hanson, Kuhn, and Feyerabend, they concentrated their efforts in dealing with the danger of the incommensurability of theories. They tried to show by philosophical and detailed historical analysis that scientists within different paradigms do communicate with each other and put their respective theories to the empirical test. Curiously enough the same philosophers did not seek to examine the very foundation of the relativistic trend, namely the thesis that perception is cognitively penetrable and theory-laden. In the last decade there has been a keen interest in studying the cognition/perception boundary. However, the discussion focused mainly on the grounding of conceptual content on perception and on the embodiment of cognition. The repercussions of these issues for the problem of the cognitive effects on perception were largely ignored. The chapters in this book address directly the issue of the cognitive penetrability of perception. The volume consists of eleven chapters, each one addressing the issue from a different perspective. Eight of the chapters were written by philosophers and cognitive scientists, and three by psychologists and neuropsychologists. These differences notwithstanding, the chapters share many common themes. The role of attention in perception, the contribution of action to perception, the relation between perception and scientific data, the examination of the content of perception and its nature and the detailed examination of the ways background knowledge affects perception, are among these themes. Most chapters combine philosophical analysis with psychological and/or neuropsychological evidence, which shows that there is consensus as to the kind of approaches that are currently deemed necessary for an adequate examination of the problem.
by Athanassios Raftopoulos
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Attention, Perception and Memory,An Integrated Introduction
Although attention, perception and memory are identifiable components of the human cognitive system, this book argues that for a complete understanding of any of them it is necessary to appreciate the way they interact and depend on one another. Using close examination of experiments, studies of patients and evidence from cognitive neuroscience, each of these important areas in cognitive psychology is explored in detail and related to its counterparts. Written by an established author, Attention, Perception and Memory: An Integrated Introduction explains clearly the evolution and meaning of key terminology and assumptions and puts the different approaches to this field in context.
by Elizabeth A. Styles
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Foundations of Cognitive Psychology,Core Readings
An anthology of core readings on cognitive psychology.
by Daniel J. Levitin
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An Invitation to Cognitive Science: Visual cognition,
Rather than surveying theories and data in the manner characteristic of many introductory textbooks in the field, An Invitation to Cognitive Science employs a unique case study approach, presenting a focused research topic in some depth and relying on suggested readings to convey the breadth of views and results.
by Daniel N. Osherson
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Handbook of Psychology, Experimental Psychology,
This book provides a comprehensive overview of basic areas of perception, learning, memory, motivation, and emotion. Chapters cover other cognitive processes and special topics such as attention, decision-making, information processing, problem solving, and psycholinguistics.
by Irving B. Weiner
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The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology,
This handbook is an essential, comprehensive resource for students and academics interested in topics in cognitive psychology, including perceptual issues, attention, memory, knowledge representation, language, emotional influences, judgment, problem solving, and the study of individual differences in cognition.
by Daniel Reisberg
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Principles of Cognitive Psychology,
Thoroughly revised and updated, this work covers the fundamental topics in cognitive psychology such as perception, attention and pattern recognition, memory, language, problem solving and reasoning.
by Michael W. Eysenck
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An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology,Processes and Disorders
David Groome with Nicola Brace, Graham Edgar, Helen Edgar, Michael Eysenck, Tom Manly, Hayley Ness, Graham Pike, Sophie Scott, and Elizabeth Styles. An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders is a comprehensive introductory textbook for undergraduate students. The third edition of this well-established text has been completely revised and updated to cover all the key areas of cognition, including perception, attention, memory, thinking and language. Uniquely, alongside chapters on normal cognitive function, there are chapters on related clinical disorders (agnosia, amnesia, thought disorder and aphasia) which help to provide a thorough insight into the nature of cognition. Key features: Completely revised and updated throughout to provide a comprehensive overview of current thinking in the field Accessibly written and including new authors, including Sophie Scott, Tom Manly, Hayley Ness, and Elizabeth Styles, all established experts in their field A new chapter on Emotion and Cognition, written by Michael Eysenck, the leading authority in the field Greater coverage of neuropsychological disorders, with additional material from the latest brain imaging research that has completely revolutionized neuropsychology Specially designed textbook features, chapter summaries, further reading, and a glossary of key terms A companion website featuring an extensive range of online resources for both teachers and students. Written to cover all levels of ability using helpful figures and illustrations, An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology has sufficient depth to appeal to the most able students while the clear and accessible text, written by experienced teachers, will help students who find the material difficult. It will appeal to any student on an undergraduate psychology degree course, as well as to medical students and those studying in related clinical professions such as nursing.
by David Groome
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Cognitive Psychology,Classic Edition
First published in 1967, this seminal volume by Ulric Neisser was the first attempt at a comprehensive and accessible survey of Cognitive Psychology; as such, it provided the field with its first true textbook. Its chapters are organized so that they began with stimulus information that came 'inward' through the organs of sense, through its many transformations and reconstructions, and finally through to its eventual use in thought and memory. The volume inspired numerous students enter the field of cognitive psychology and some of the today's leading and most respected cognitive psychologists cite Neisser's book as the reason they embarked on their careers.
by Ulric Neisser
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Cognitive Approaches to Human Perception,
Examining the current state of the research in perception stressing contributions in visual information processing, this volume provides an original and timely account of recent results obtained in this and other related areas of cognitive psychology. The scope of the book is intended to be broad, featuring state-of-the-art contributions from a number of outstanding researchers from different parts of the world -- the United States, Europe, and Australia. The intention is to update areas of considerable theoretical implications and active experimental investigation in this broad field called the "psychology of perception." This volume's main purpose is to highlight, from a cognitive position, a selected number of important theoretical and empirical topics which deal with critical issues in perception and other high level, related cognitive processes such as attention, mental representation, memory, word naming and semantic categorization. The studies reported were designed to answer many far-reaching questions including: * Is the global precedence effect due to low or high level processing? * Can veridical and illusory perception be explained by the same theory? * What is the relationship between attention and perception? * Is perception "direct" or an inferential process? * What mechanisms are involved in picture and word naming and categorization? * How can word and picture processing be modeled? The answers to these questions seek to unite theoretical perspectives on very important areas of cognitive psychology such as attention, perception, representation of visual objects and words, and human memory.
by Soledad Ballesteros
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Cognitive Psychology 6e,
Previous editions have established this best-selling student handbook as THE cognitive psychology textbook of choice, both for its academic rigour and its accessibility. This sixth edition continues this tradition. It has been substantially updated and revised to reflect new developments in the field (especially within cognitive neuroscience). Traditional approaches are combined with the cutting-edge cognitive neuroscience approach to create a comprehensive, coherent and totally up-to-date overview of all the main fields in cognitive psychology. The major topics covered include perception, attention, memory, concepts, language, problem solving, and reasoning, as well as some applied topics such as everyday memory. New to this edition: Presented in full-colour throughout, with numerous colour illustrations including photographs and brain scans Increased emphasis on cognitive neuroscience, to reflect its growing influence on cognitive psychology A NEW chapter on Cognition and Emotion A WHOLE chapter on Consciousness Increased coverage of applied topics such as recovered memories, medical expertise, informal reasoning, and emotion regulation incorporated throughout the textbook More focus on individual differences in areas including long-term memory, expertise, reasoning, emotion and regulation. The textbook is packed full of useful features that will engage students and aid revision, including key terms, which are new to this edition, chapter summaries, and suggestions for further reading. Written by one of the leading textbook authors in psychology, this thorough and user-friendly textbook will continue to be essential reading for all undergraduate students of psychology. Those taking courses in computer science, education, linguistics, physiology, and medicine will also find it an invaluable resource. This edition is accompanied by a rich array of supplementary materials, which will be made available to qualifying adopters completely free of charge. The online multimedia materials include: A PowerPoint lecture course and multiple-choice question test bank A unique Student Learning Program: an interactive revision program incorporating a range of multimedia resources including interactive exercises and demonstrations, and active reference links to journal articles.
by Michael Eysenck
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Cognitive Psychology,
With an accessible, easy-to-understand writing style, COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY, Sixth Edition will give you the tools you need to be successful in the course! This book covers cognitive neuroscience, attention and consciousness, perception, memory, knowledge, representation, language, problem solving and creativity, decision making and reasoning, cognitive development, and intelligence. A review of key themes at the end of every chapter will help you spend more time studying important information and less time trying to figure out what you need to know. The author provides a from lab to life approach that covers theory, lab and field research, and applications to everyday life. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Robert Sternberg
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Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience,
Connecting the study of cognition to everyday life in an unprecedented way, E. Bruce Goldstein's COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: CONNECTING MIND, RESEARCH, AND EVERYDAY EXPERIENCE gives equal treatment to both the landmark studies and the cutting-edge research that define this fascinating field. A wealth of concrete examples and illustrations help students understand the theories of cognition-driving home both the scientific importance of the theories and their relevance to students' daily lives. Goldstein's accessible narrative style blends with an art program that makes difficult concepts understandable. Students gain a true understanding of the “behind the scenes†activity that happens in the mind when humans do such seemingly simple activities as perceive, remember, or think. Goldstein also focuses on the behavioral and physiological approaches to cognition by including physiological materials in every chapter. As is typical of his work, this fourth edition is a major revision that reflects the most current aspects of the field. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by E. Goldstein
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Cognitive Psychology,
As with the First Edition, the author provides students with a synthesis of cognitive psychology at its best. The thoroughly revised Second Edition includes: chapters on the development of language, memory and perception; the contribution made by neuroscience and neuroimaging in recent years; and coverage on memory distortions. The book is divided into six sections: Part One introduces the discipline of cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience; Part Two covers basic cognitive operations of perception, attention and memory; Part Three addresses learning, knowing and remembering; Part Four covers language; and Part Five explores thinking skills and concludes the book with an integrative chapter on intelligence, showing the centrality of cognitive psychology to a highly visible and important arena of psychology as a whole. `Kellogg's textbook provides outstanding coverage of contemporary cognitive psychology. I especially welcomed chapters on Cognitive Neuroscience, providing neural underpinnings of cognition, and Intelligence. The latter topic is rarely included in books on cognition because the study of intelligence developed in a somewhat separate tradition from experimental cognitive psychology. Yet clearly intelligence should be considered as part of cognitive psychology, too. The coverage in the book is comprehensive and authoritative, but the chapters I read are also quite interesting and accessible. This book should be widely used as a text and a reference work' - Henry L Roediger, III
by Ronald T. Kellogg
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Cognition and Perception: How Do Psychology and Neural Science Inform Philosophy?,
by Raftopoulos, Athanassios
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