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Cocoa Programming,
The most comprehensive programming book on Mac OS X.
by Scott Anguish
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Learning Cocoa with Objective-C,
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C is the "must-have" book for people who want to develop applications for Mac OS X, and is the only book approved and reviewed by Apple engineers. Based on the Jaguar release of Mac OS X 10.2, this edition of Learning Cocoa includes examples that use the Address Book and Universal Access APIs. Also included is a handy quick reference card, charting Cocoa's Foundation and AppKit frameworks, along with an Appendix that includes a listing of resources essential to any Cocoa developer--beginning or advanced.Completely revised and updated, this 2nd edition begins with some simple examples to familiarize you with the basic elements of Cocoa programming as well Apple's Developer Tools, including Project Builder and Interface Builder.After introducing you to Project Builder and Interface Builder, it brings you quickly up to speed on the concepts of object-oriented programming with Objective-C, the language of choice for building Cocoa applications. From there, each chapter presents a different sample program for you to build, with easy to follow, step-by-step instructions to teach you the fundamentals of Cocoa programming. The techniques you will learn in each chapter lay the foundation for more advanced techniques and concepts presented in later chapters.You'll learn how to: Effectively use Apple's suite of Developer Tools, including Project Builder and Interface Builder Build single- and multiple-window document-based applications Manipulate text data using Cocoa's text handling capabilities Draw with Cocoa Add scripting functionality to your applications Localize your application for multiple language support Polish off your application by adding an icon for use in the Dock, provide Help, and package your program for distribution Each chapter ends with a series of Examples, challenging you to test your newly-learned skills by tweaking the application you've just built, or to go back to an earlier example and add to it some new functionality. Solutions are provided in the Appendix, but you're encouraged to learn by trying.Extensive programming experience is not required to complete the examples in the book, though experience with the C programming language will be helpful. If you are familiar with an object-oriented programming language such as Java or Smalltalk, you will rapidly come up to speed with the Objective-C language. Otherwise, basic object-oriented and language concepts are covered where needed.
by Apple Computer Inc
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Advanced iOS 4 Programming,Developing Mobile Applications for Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
With Advanced iOS 4 Programming, developers have the expert guidance they need to create amazing applications for Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Inside, veteran mobile developer Dr. Maher Ali begins with a foundation introduction to Objective C and Cocoa Touch programming, and then guides readers through building apps with Apple's iPhone SDK 4 – including coverage of the major categories of new APIs and building apps for the new Apple iPad. This book concentrates on illustrating GUI concepts programmatically, allowing readers to fully appreciate the complete picture of iOS 4 development without relying on Interface Builder. In addition, Interface Builder is covered in several chapters. Advanced iOS 4 Programming delves into more advanced topics going beyond the basics of iOS 4 development, providing comprehensive coverage that will help you get your apps to the App Store quicker. Key features include: Objective-C programming language and runtime Interface Builder Building advanced mobile user interfaces Collections Cocoa Touch Core Animation and Quartz 2D Model-view-controller (MVC) designs Developing for the iPad Grand Central Dispatch Parsing XML documents using SAX, DOM, and TouchXML Working with the Map Kit API Remote and Local Push Notification Blocks (closures) in Objective-C Building advanced location-based applications Developing database applications using the SQLite engine GameKit framework
by Maher Ali
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Cocoa Programming,
The most comprehensive programming book on Mac OS X.
by Scott Anguish
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iPhone SDK 3 Programming,Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touch
Get the expert guidance you need to begin building native applications for Apple's new iPhone 3G as well as the iPod Touch Apple's iPhone is the hottest mobile device on the planet. More than one million iPhone 3G phones were sold in the first three days of release and millions more are sure to be in the hands of iPhone fans each year. Apple's iPhone SDK has been updated and includes more than one thousand new APIs that developers will want to get their hands on. iPhone SDK 3 Programming shows you how to build great applications for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Inside, veteran mobile developer and Bell Labs scientist Maher Ali begins with a foundational introduction to Objective-C and Cocoa programming, and then guides you through building programs with Apple's iPhone SDK 3. Covers the complete application development process, and highlights all the key device features including the camera, location awareness, and more Completely revised and redesigned with more than 100 new pages of content iPhone's new SDK release contains more than one thousand new APIs you will want to use right away Includes a focused introduction to the Objective-C language and Cocoa frameworks that new iPhone developers need With this advanced resource, you'll get the expert guidance you need to begin building native applications for Apple's new iPhone 3G as well as the iPod Touch.
by Maher Ali
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Running Mac OS X Tiger,
For power users who want to modify Tiger, the new release of Mac OS X, this book takes them deep inside Mac OS X's core, revealing the inner workings of the system.
by James Duncan Davidson
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Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X,
The best-selling introduction to Cocoa, once again updated to cover the latest Mac programming technologies, and still enthusiastically recommended by experienced Mac OS X developers. “Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X is considered by most to be the de-facto intro-to-OS X programming text.” —Bob Rudis, the Apple Blog “I would highly recommend this title to anyone interested in Mac development. Even if you own the previous edition, I think you’ll find the new and revised content well worth the price.” —Bob McCune, bobmccune.com If you’re developing applications for Mac OS X, Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Fourth Edition, is the book you’ve been waiting to get your hands on. If you’re new to the Mac environment, it’s probably the book you’ve been told to read first. Covering the bulk of what you need to know to develop full-featured applications for OS X, written in an engaging tutorial style, and thoroughly class-tested to assure clarity and accuracy, it is an invaluable resource for any Mac programmer. Specifically, Aaron Hillegass and Adam Preble introduce the two most commonly used Mac developer tools: Xcode and Instruments. They also cover the Objective-C language and the major design patterns of Cocoa. Aaron and Adam illustrate their explanations with exemplary code, written in the idioms of the Cocoa community, to show you how Mac programs should be written. After reading this book, you will know enough to understand and utilize Apple’s online documentation for your own unique needs. And you will know enough to write your own stylish code. Updated for Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7, this fourth edition includes coverage of Xcode 4, blocks, view-based table views, Apple’s new approach to memory management (Automatic Reference Counting), and the Mac App Store. This edition adds a new chapter on concurrency and expands coverage of Core Animation. The book now devotes a full chapter to the basics of iOS development.
by Aaron Hillegass
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Building Cocoa Applications,A Step-by-step Guide
This is a step-by-step guide to developing applications for Apple's Mac OS X.It describes how to build object-oriented apps using Cocoa.
by Simson Garfinkel
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Learning Cocoa with Objective-C,
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C eases you into the experience of Cocoa development, not merely by reading, but by doing. After an introduction to Project Builder and Interface Builder, you'll quickly come up to speed on the concepts of object-oriented programming with Objective-C, the language of choice for building applications to run on Mac OS X. Each chapter presents a different sample program for you to build, with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions to teach you the fundamentals of Cocoa programming. The techniques learned in each chapter lay the foundation for more advanced techniques and concepts presented in later chapters. You'll learn how to : • Effectively use Apple's suite of Developer Tools, including Project Builder and Interface Builder • Build single- and multiple-window document-based applications • Manipulate text data using Cocoa's text handling capabilities • Draw with Cocoa • Localize your application for multiple language support • Polish off your application by adding an icon for use in the Dock, providing Help, and packaging your program for distribution At the end of each chapter, you'll be presented with a series of Exercises, challenging you to tweak the application you've just built, or to go back to an earlier example and add some new functionality to it. Solutions are provided in the Appendix, but you're encouraged to learn by trying. Originally written by insiders at Apple Computer, Inc., and revised for this new edition by James Duncan Davidson, this book is based on the Jaguar release of Mac OS X 10.2. Learning Cocoa with Objective-C covers the latest updates to the Cocoa frameworks, including the AddressBook framework. Also included with this edition are a handy API quick reference card and an appendix that includes a listing of resources essential to any Cocoa developer-beginning or advanced.
by James Duncan Davidson
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Vital Signs 2002,The Trends that are Shaping Our Future
This annual volume, written by the staff of the award-winning Worldwatch Institute, gives prominence to key trends that too often escape the attention of the news media, world leaders and economic experts. By distilling forty-five vital signs of our times from thousands of government, industrial, and scientific documents, this book allows readers to track key indicators that show social, economic and environmental progress, or the lack of it.
by Worldwatch Institute
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Learning Objective-C 2.0,A Hands-On Guide to Objective-C for Mac and iOS Developers
Get Started Fast with Objective-C 2.0 Programming for OS X, iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad If you want to learn Objective-C 2.0 to write programs for Mac OS X, iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you’ve come to the right place! Concise, readable, and friendly, Learning Objective-C 2.0 is the perfect beginner’s guide to the latest version of Objective-C. Longtime Mac OS X and iPhone developer Robert Clair covers everything from the absolute basics to Objective-C 2.0’s newest innovations. Clair begins with a practical refresher on C and object-oriented programming and walks you through creating your first Objective-C program with Xcode. Next, you’ll master each core language feature, from objects and classes to messaging, frameworks, and protocols. Every concept is illustrated with simple examples, and many chapters contain hands-on practice exercises. Throughout, Learning Objective-C 2.0 focuses on the features, concepts, and techniques that matter most day to day. The result is an outstanding first book for everyone who wants to begin programming for iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or Mac OS X. COVERAGE INCLUDES Understanding methods, messages, and the Objective-C messaging system Defining classes, creating object instances, and using class objects Using categories to extend classes without subclassing Simplifying development with Objective-C 2.0 declared properties Using protocols to emphasize behavior rather than class Working with common Foundation classes for strings, arrays, dictionaries, sets, and number objects Using Objective-C control structures, including Objective-C 2.0’s new fast enumeration construct Understanding application security and hiding the declaration of methods that should stay private Using the new blocks feature provided in Objective-C 2.0
by Robert Clair
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Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming - CP 2002,8th International Conference, CP 2002, Ithaca, NY, USA, September 9-13, 2002, Proceedings
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the eighth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2002, held in Ithaca, USA, in September 2002. The volume is made up of 38 revised full papers, six innovative application papers, 14 short papers and 25 abstracts. These were selected from 146 reviewed submissions from contributions to the doctoral programme. All the main issues in constraint processing are addressed, ranging from theoretical and foundational issues to application in various fields.
by Pascal Van Hentenryck
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Mac OS X for Java Geeks,
Aimed at Java developers, explores the Mac OS X platform, covering topics including Apache Web servers, IDEs, Jakarta Ant, the Spelling Framework, SOAP, and integration with QuickTime.
by Will Iverson
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ZB 2002: Formal Specification and Development in Z and B,2nd International Conference of B and Z Users Grenoble, France, January 23-25, 2002, Proceedings
These proceedings record the papers presented at the second International Conference of B and Z Users (ZB2002), held on 23–25 January 2002 in the city of Grenoble in the heart of the French Alps. This conference built on the success of the rst con- rence in this series, ZB2000, held at the University ofYork in the UK. The location of ZB2002 in Grenoble re ects the important work in the area of formal methods carried out at the Laboratoire Logiciels Systemes ` Reseaux ́ within the Institut d’Informatique et Mathematiques ́ Appliquees ́ de Grenoble (LSR-IMAG), especially involving the B method. B and Z are two important formal methods that share a common conceptual o- gin; each are leading approaches applied in industry and academia for the speci cation and development (using formal re nement) of computer-based systems. At ZB2002 the B and Z communities were brought together to hold a second joint conference that simultaneously incorporated the 13th International Z User Meeting and the 4th Int- national Conference on the B method. Although organized logistically as an integral event, editorial control of the joint conference remained vested in two separate but c- perating program committees that respectively determined its B and Z content, but in a coordinated manner.
by Didier Bert
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Beginning Access 2002 VBA,
What is this book about? Access 2002 is the core database application within the Office XP suite. Using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the user can create his or her own programs in what is essentially a subset of the Visual Basic programming language. Using VBA with Access is a tremendously powerful technique, as it allows you to create great user interfaces (like forms or reports) as a front end to actual data storage and manipulation within the database itself. What does this book cover? This book is a revision of the best-selling Beginning Access 2000 VBA, reworked to provide a rich tutorial to programming Access 2002 with VBA. New material covers the enhanced options in Access 2002 for publishing data to the Web, handling XML, integrating with SQL Server Desktop Engine, and so on. Who is this book for? This book is for the Access user who already has a knowledge of databases and the basic objects of an Access database, and who now wants to learn how to program with VBA. No prior knowledge of programming is required.
by Robert Smith
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