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Design and Planning of Research and Clinical Laboratory Facilities,
Laboratory design, a profitable area of specialization for architects, requires an immense knowledge of a maze of codes, regulations, standards and guidelines. Providing a detailed overview of the fundamental building processes, this volume serves as both
by Leonard Mayer
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Clinical Laboratory Medicine,
This thoroughly updated Second Edition of Clinical Laboratory Medicine provides the most complete, current, and clinically oriented information in the field. The text features over 70 chapters--seven new to this edition, including medical laboratory ethics, point-of-care testing, bone marrow transplantation, and specimen testing--providing comprehensive coverage of contemporary laboratory medicine. Sections on molecular diagnostics, cytogenetics, and laboratory management plus the emphasis on interpretation and clinical significance of laboratory tests (why a test or series of tests is being done and what the results mean for the patient) make this a valuable resource for practicing pathologists, residents, fellows, and laboratorians. Includes over 800 illustrations, 353 in full color and 270 new to this edition. Includes a Self-Assessment and Review book.
by Kenneth D. McClatchey
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Legal guidelines for the clinical laboratory,

by Robert Fitzgibbon
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Clinical Laboratory Management,
This totally revised second edition is a comprehensive volume presenting authoritative information on the management challenges facing today’s clinical laboratories. • Provides thorough coverage of management topics such as managerial leadership, personnel, business planning, information management, regulatory management, reimbursement, generation of revenue, and more. • Includes valuable administrative resources, including checklists, worksheets, forms, and online resources. • Serves as an essential resource for all clinical laboratories, from the physician’s office to hospital clinical labs to the largest commercial reference laboratories, providing practical information in the fields of medicine and healthcare, clinical pathology, and clinical laboratory management, for practitioners, managers, and individuals training to enter these fields.
by Lynne S. Garcia
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Good Clinical, Laboratory and Manufacturing Practices,Techniques for the QA Professional
Spanning chemical, cosmetic and manufacturing industries, this book is aimed at: chemists, clinicians, ecotoxicologists, operation managers, pharmaceutical process managers, quality assurance officers, technicians and toxicologists.
by Phillip A. Carson
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Basic Clinical Laboratory Techniques,
BASIC CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES, Sixth Edition teaches prospective laboratory workers and allied health care professionals the basics of clinical laboratory procedures and the theories behind them. Performance-based to maximize hands-on learning, this work-text includes step-by-step instruction and worksheets to help users understand laboratory tests and procedures ranging from specimen collection and analysis, to instrumentation and CLIA and OSHA safety protocols. Students and working professionals alike will find BASIC CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNIQUES an easy-to-understand, reliable resource for developing and refreshing key laboratory skills. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Barbara Estridge
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Linne & Ringsrud's Clinical Laboratory Science,The Basics and Routine Techniques
Using a discipline-by-discipline approach, Linne & Ringsrud's Clinical Laboratory Science: Concepts, Procedures, and Clinical Applications, 7th Edition provides a fundamental overview of the skills and techniques you need to work in a clinical laboratory and perform routine clinical lab tests. Coverage of basic laboratory techniques includes key topics such as safety, measurement techniques, and quality assessment. Clear, straightforward instructions simplify lab procedures, and are described in the CLSI (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute) format. Written by well-known CLS educator Mary Louise Turgeon, this text includes perforated pages so you can easily detach procedure sheets and use them as a reference in the lab! Hands-on procedures guide you through the exact steps you'll perform in the lab. Review questions at the end of each chapter help you assess your understanding and identify areas requiring additional study. A broad scope makes this text an ideal introduction to clinical laboratory science at various levels, including CLS/MT, CLT/MLT, and Medical Assisting, and reflects the taxonomy levels of the CLS/MT and CLT/MLT exams. Detailed full-color illustrations show what you will see under the microscope. An Evolve companion website provides convenient online access to all of the procedures in the text, a glossary, audio glossary, and links to additional information. Case studies include critical thinking and multiple-choice questions, providing the opportunity to apply content to real-life scenarios. Learning objectives help you study more effectively and provide measurable outcomes to achieve by completing the material. Streamlined approach makes it easier to learn the most essential information on individual disciplines in clinical lab science. Experienced author, speaker, and educator Mary Lou Turgeon is well known for providing insight into the rapidly changing field of clinical laboratory science. Convenient glossary makes it easy to look up definitions without having to search through each chapter. NEW! Procedure worksheets have been added to most chapters; perforated pages make it easy for students to remove for use in the lab and for assignment of review questions as homework. NEW! Instrumentation updates show new technology being used in the lab. NEW! Additional key terms in each chapter cover need-to-know terminology. NEW! Additional tables and figures in each chapter clarify clinical lab science concepts.
by Mary Louise Turgeon
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Clinical Laboratory Guidelines Medicare,

by United States. Health Care Financing Administration. Office of Standards and Certification
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A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests,
Now in its Eighth Edition, this leading comprehensive manual helps nurses deliver safe, effective, and informed care for patients undergoing diagnostic tests and procedures. The book covers a broad range of laboratory and diagnostic tests and studies that are delivered to varied patient populations in varied settings. Tests are grouped according to specimen and function/test type (e.g. blood, urine, stool, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). Each test is described in detail, with step-by-step guidance on correct procedure, tips for accurate interpretation, and instructions for patient preparation and aftercare. Clinical Alerts highlight critical safety information.
by Frances Talaska Fischbach
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Clinical Laboratory Procedure Manuals,Approved Guideline

by James L. Bender
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Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science,
Guide and organize the evolution of your clinical laboratory students from beginners into effective professionals by giving them this invaluable resource, Essentials of Clinical Laboratory Science. This text fosters critical thinking beyond just the basic procedures, creating a thorough awareness of the clinical laboratory responsibilities that students will have to themselves, to their patients, and to the facilities where they work. Coverage includes the organization of health care facilities, the laws and regulations that govern them, and common tasks and responsibilities for the numerous professional categories that comprise the health care industry. Safety for the laboratory employee, the patients, and the visitors are explained in detail. With an emphasis on efficiency, accuracy, and professionalism, this book serves up the essential ingredients for a holistic approach to laboratory science that augments the diagnosis and treatment of all patients. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by John Ridley
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The Hitchhiker's Guide to Improving Efficiency in the Clinical Laboratory,

by Frederick L. Kiechle
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Laboratory Hemostasis,A Practical Guide for Pathologists
Coagulation testing is the basis for the diagnosis of bleeding and thrombotic disorders, as well as the mainstay of anticoagulant monitoring and management. This handbook provides practical information and guidance on topics relevant to directing a coagulation laboratory, filling a void in the literature. Since the first edition, all chapters have been updated and an entirely new chapter is included on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics. The book will aid pathologists, clinical laboratory scientists and other physicians serving as laboratory directors to understand and carry out their responsibilities. It will also assist residents and fellows in learning the basics of coagulation testing and serve as a useful day-to-day reference for coagulation laboratory supervisors, technologists, and technicians. Finally, clinicians may find aspects of the book helpful in understanding the role of the coagulation laboratory in patient evaluation and monitoring.
by Sterling T. Bennett
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Phlebotomy Essentials,
Thoroughly updated and enhanced by new print and electronic ancillaries, this full-color text provides accurate, practical information and instruction on phlebotomy procedures with a comprehensive background in theory and principles. Reflecting current CLSI guidelines, NAACLS competencies, and federal regulations, this Fourth Edition includes updated information on safety issues and equipment, laboratory information systems and instrumentation, legal issues, and diagnostic tests. This edition also includes caution notes identifying dangerous practices and problem areas. An accompanying CD-ROM includes clinical procedures videos, animations, electronic flashcards, and a glossary with audio pronunciations. Other ancillaries include a new companion Workbook, an Instructor's Resource CD-ROM, and online resources at thePoint.
by Ruth E. McCall
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Flow Cytometry in Clinical Diagnosis,

by John L. Carey, MD
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