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Clinical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks,
Artificial neural networks provides a powerful tool to help doctors analyze, model, and make sense of complex clinical data across a broad range of medical applications. Their potential in clinical medicine is reflected in the diversity of topics covered in this cutting-edge volume. In addition to looking at new and forthcoming applications the book looks forward to exciting future prospects on the horizon. The volume also examines ethical and legal concerns about the use of "black-box" systems as decision aids in medicine. This eclectic collection of chapters provides an exciting overview of current and future prospects for harnessing the power of artificial neural networks in the investigation and treatment of disease.
by Richard Dybowski
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Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine,
Following the intense research activIties of the last decade, artificial neural networks have emerged as one of the most promising new technologies for improving the quality of healthcare. Many successful applications of neural networks to biomedical problems have been reported which demonstrate, convincingly, the distinct benefits of neural networks, although many ofthese have only undergone a limited clinical evaluation. Healthcare providers and developers alike have discovered that medicine and healthcare are fertile areas for neural networks: the problems here require expertise and often involve non-trivial pattern recognition tasks - there are genuine difficulties with conventional methods, and data can be plentiful. The intense research activities in medical neural networks, and allied areas of artificial intelligence, have led to a substantial body of knowledge and the introduction of some neural systems into clinical practice. An aim of this book is to provide a coherent framework for some of the most experienced users and developers of medical neural networks in the world to share their knowledge and expertise with readers.
by Paulo J.G. Lisboa
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Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology,Proceedings of the ANNIMAB-1 Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 13-16 May 2000
This book contains the proceedings of the conference ANNIMAB-l, held 13-16 May 2000 in Goteborg, Sweden. The conference was organized by the Society for Artificial Neural Networks in Medicine and Biology (ANNIMAB-S), which was established to promote research within a new and genuinely cross-disciplinary field. Forty-two contributions were accepted for presentation; in addition to these, S invited papers are also included. Research within medicine and biology has often been characterised by application of statistical methods for evaluating domain specific data. The growing interest in Artificial Neural Networks has not only introduced new methods for data analysis, but also opened up for development of new models of biological and ecological systems. The ANNIMAB-l conference is focusing on some of the many uses of artificial neural networks with relevance for medicine and biology, specifically: • Medical applications of artificial neural networks: for better diagnoses and outcome predictions from clinical and laboratory data, in the processing of ECG and EEG signals, in medical image analysis, etc. More than half of the contributions address such clinically oriented issues. • Uses of ANNs in biology outside clinical medicine: for example, in models of ecology and evolution, for data analysis in molecular biology, and (of course) in models of animal and human nervous systems and their capabilities. • Theoretical aspects: recent developments in learning algorithms, ANNs in relation to expert systems and to traditional statistical procedures, hybrid systems and integrative approaches.
by H. Malmgren
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Naturally Intelligent Systems,
A detailed study of neural networks offers an informative look at the operation and uses of these systems, discussing their role in the development of artificial intelligence, as well as their applications in speech, vision, robotics, and pattern recognition
by Maureen Caudill
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Brain Injury Medicine,Principles and Practice
Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice is a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the management issues involved in caring for the person with brain injury - from early diagnosis and evaluation through the post-acute period and rehabilitation. It is the definitive core text needed by all practitioners in this area, including physiatrists, neurologists, psychologists, nurses, and other health care professionals. Written by over 100 acknowledged leaders in the field, and containing hundreds of tables, graphs, and photographic images, the text deals with issues of neuroimaging and neurodiagnostic testing, prognosis and outcome, acute care, rehabilitative care, treatment of specific populations, neurologic problems following injury, neuromusculoskeletal problems, and general management issues. Key features include: Emphasis on a disease state management approach to patient assessment and treatment Promotion of a holistic, biopsychosocial model of patient assessment and care Review of current expert consensus on practice guidelines Exploration of epidemiologic and basic pathophysiologic aspects of brain injury Examination of clinical issues throughout the continuum of rehabilitative care Cutting edge, practical information based on the authors' extensive clinical experience that will positively impact patients and families following brain injury ;Foreword; Preface; Part I: Perspectives on Rehabilitative Care and Research; Clinical Continuum of Care; Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Past, Present, and Future?; International Perspectives on Brain Injury Rehabilitation; Training and Certification of Care Providers; Conducting Research: Current Concepts and Issues; Part II: Epidemiology, Prevention, Neuropathology, and Neural Recovery; Epidemiology and Public Health Issues; Primary Prevention; Pathophysiology; Concepts of Central Nervous System Plasticity and Their Implications for Understanding Recovery After Brain Damage; Advances in Innovative Therapies to Enhance Neural Recovery; Part III: Neuroimaging and Neurodiagnostic Testing; Static Neuroimaging; Functional Neuroimaging; Electrophysiologic Assessment Techniques; Part IV: Prognosis and Outcome; Prognosis: A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach; Neuroimaging Correlates of Functional Outcome; Functional Assessment and Outcome Evaluation; Life Expectancy; Part V: Acute Care; Acute Care Management; Assessment, Early Rehabilitation Intervention, and Tertiary Prevention; Part VI: Rehabilitative Care and Treatment of Specific Populations; Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Issues; The Older Adult; Post-Concussive Disorders: Pathoanatomy, Pathophysiology, Prognosis and Outcome; Post-Concussive Disorders; Differential Diagnostic Issues and Treatment Implications; Sports-Related Concussion; Assessment and Management of Individuals with Disorders of Consciousness; Part VII: Neurologic Problems; Post-Traumatic Seizures and Epilepsy; Movement Disorders; Balance and Dizziness; Evaluating and Treating Visual Dysfunction; Cranial Nerve Disorders; Fatigue: Assessment and Treatment; Sleep Disturbances: Epidemiology, Assessment, and Treatment; Diagnosis and Management of Late Intracranial Complications; Part VIII: Neuromusculoskeletal Problems; Complications Associated with Immobility; Assessing and Treating Muscle Overactivity in the Upper Motorneuron Syndrome; Part IX: Medical Management Issues; Gastrointestinal and Nutritional Issues; Sexuality, Reproduction, and Neuroendocrine Disorders; Post-traumatic Pain Disorders: Medical Assessment and Management; Post-Traumatic Pain Disorders: Psychological Assessment and Management; Neurorehabilitation Nursing: From Injury to Recovery; Part X: Cognitive and Behavioral Problems; Cognitive Rehabilitation; Cognitive Impairments; Neuropsychological Assessment and Treatment; Principles of Behavioral Analysis and Modification; Principles of Neuropsychiatric Assessment and Treatment; Part XI: Speech, Language, and Swallowing Problems; Assessment and Treatment of Speech and Language Disorders; Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Problems; Cognitive-Communications Deficits; Part XII: Motor Recovery, Functional Mobility, and ADLs; Neuroscientific Basis for Occupational and Physical Therapy; Therapy for Mobility Impairments and Motor Skill Acquisition; Therapy for Activities of Daily Living; Part XIII: Neuropsychopharmacology and Alternative Treatments; Pharmacotherapy of Neuropsychiatric Disturbances; Pharmacotherapy of Cognitive Impairment; Neuropharmacology; Nutraceuticals; Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory; Complementary and Alternative Medicine; Part XIV: Psychosocial and Vocational Issues; Community Re-entry Issues and Long-Term Care; The Treatment of Substance Abuse; A Cognitive-Behavioral Intervention for Family Members; Returning to Work; Part XV: Medicolegal and Ethical Issues; Medicolegal Issues; Ethical Issues in Clinicolegal Practice; Assessment of Response Bias in Clinical and Forensic Evaluations of Impairment; Decision-Making Capacity: Clinical Assessment and Ethical Implications; Life Care Planning: Clinical and Forensic Issues.;"...A 'go-to' reference for any clinician treating individuals with brain injury... The editors have assembled a single resource for physiatrists, neurologists, psychiatrists, therapists, nurses, psychologists, and other medical specialists, as well as for legal professionals and patient advocates. A medical condition of this magnitude and scope requires the thoughtful and wide-ranging coverage this text provides. It will quickly become the authoritative desk reference sought by clinicians practicing brain injury medicine."-The New England Journal of Medicine, May 31, 2007 "Brain Injury Medicine is clearly a 'go-to' textbook that belongs on the shelves of brain injury professionals across the board- physicians, psychologists, therapists, and treatments specialists. It contains a depth and breadth of information on the science of brain injury and the state of the art in treating individuals. The editors and chapter authors of this excellent textbook deserve to be complimented for their expertise and commitment to helping professionals expand their knowledge of brain injury treatment, research, and service delivery."-Brain Injury Professional "A much-needed and welcome addition to the brain injury medical literature... an excellent comprehensive clearinghouse for state-of-the-art knowledge in brain injury medicine today... Anyone caring for brain-injured patients would do well to obtain this book for use as a go-to reference, a teaching tool, and for assistance with the many medical and rehabilitation management issues which face this patient population and the clinicians who care for them."-Doody's Reviews "Brain Injury Medicine is an outstanding and comprehensive book that can serve as the 'bible' for each member of a team working with a TBI patient, allowing each of them to understand the reasons behind the decisions of their fellow team members. We are what our brains allow us to be. The neurorehabilitation professional needs to have a standard by which they can both understand and advise patients, family members, fellow professionals, and payors regarding TBI related issues. This book will significantly enable each professional to have access to a vast fund of knowledge." - From the Foreword by Henry H. Stonnington, MD, Medical Director, Rehabilitation Services, Memorial Hospital, Gulfport, Mississippi"
by Nathan Zasler MD, FAAPM&R, FAADEP, DAAPM
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Engineering Applications of Bio-Inspired Artificial Neural Networks,International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN'99, Alicante, Spain, June 2-4, 1999, Proceedings
This book constitutes, together with its compagnion LNCS 1606, the refereed proceedings of the International Work-Conference on Artificial and Neural Networks, IWANN'99, held in Alicante, Spain in June 1999. The 91 revised papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. This volume is devoted to applications of biologically inspired artificial neural networks in various engineering disciplines. The papers are organized in parts on artificial neural nets simulation and implementation, image processing, and engineering applications.
by Jose Mira
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Classifying Drinking Water Contaminants for Regulatory Consideration,
Americans drink many gallons of tap water every day, but many of them question the safety of tap water every day as well. In fact, devices have been created to filter tap water directly before reaching cups. It's true; however, that the provision and management of safe drinking water throughout the United States have seen triumphs in public health since the beginning of the 20th century. Although, advances in water treatment, source water protection efforts, and the presence of local, state, and federal regulatory protection have developed over the years, water in the United States still contain chemical, microbiological, and other types of contaminants at detectable and at times harmful levels. This in addition to the growth of microbial pathogens that can resist traditional water treatment practices have led to the question: Where and how should the U.S. government focus its attention and limited resources to ensure safe drinking water supplies for the future? To deal with these issues the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996 Safe included a request that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publish a list of unregulated chemical and microbial contaminants and contaminant groups every five years that are or could pose risks in the drinking water of public water systems. The first list, called the Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate List (CCL), was published in March 1998. The main function of the CCL is to provide the basis for deciding whether to regulate at least five new contaminants from the CCL every five years. However, since additional research and monitoring need to be conducted for most of the contaminants on the 1998 CCL, the list is also used to prioritize these related activities. Classifying Drinking Water Contaminants for Regulatory Consideration is the third report by the Committee on Dinking Water Contaminants with the purpose of providing advice regarding the setting of priorities among drinking water contaminants in order to identify those contaminants that pose the greatest threats to public health. The committee is comprised of 14 volunteer experts in water treatment engineering, toxicology, public health, epidemiology, water and analytical chemistry, risk assessment, risk communication, public water system operations, and microbiology and is jointly overseen by the National Research Council's (NRC'S) Water Science and Technology Board and Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology. In this report the committee needed to readdress its second report as well as explore the feasibility of developing and using mechanisms for identifying emerging microbial pathogens for research and regulatory activities. The promotion of public health remains the guiding principle of the committee's recommendations and conclusions in this report.
by Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology
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Computational Intelligence for Movement Sciences,Neural Networks and Other Emerging Techniques
"This book provides information regarding state-of-the-art research outcomes and cutting-edge technology on various aspects of the human movement"--Provided by publisher.
by Rezaul Begg
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Artificial Neural Networks in Pattern Recognition,Third IAPR TC3 Workshop, ANNPR 2008 Paris, France, July 2-4, 2008, Proceedings
TheThirdIAPRTC3WorkshoponArti?cialNeuralNetworksinPatternRec- nition, ANNPR 2008, was held at Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris (France), July 2–4, 2008. The workshop was organized by the Technical C- mittee on Neural Networks and Computational Intelligence (TC3) that is one of the 20 TCs of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The scope of TC3 includes computational intelligence approaches, such as fuzzy systems, evolutionary computing and arti?cial neural networks and their use in various pattern recognition applications. ANNPR 2008 followed the success of the previous workshops: ANNPR 2003 held at the University of Florence (Italy) andANPPR 2006held at ReisensburgCastle, Universityof Ulm (Germany).All the workshops featured a single-track program including both oral sessions and posters with a focus on active participation from every participant. Inrecentyears,the?eld ofneuralnetworkshasmaturedconsiderablyinboth methodologyandreal-worldapplications.Asre?ectedinthisbook,arti?cialn- ral networks in pattern recognition combine many ideas from machine learning, advanced statistics, signal and image processing for solving complex real-world pattern recognition problems. High quality across such a diverse ?eld of research can only be achieved through a rigorous and selective review process. For this workshop, 57 papers were submitted out of which 29 were selected for inclusion in the proceedings. The oral sessions included 18 papers, while 11 contributions were presented as posters. ANNPR 2008 featured research works in the areas of supervised and unsupervised learning, multiple classi?er systems, pattern recognition in signal and image processing, and feature selection.
by Lionel Prevost
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Innovations in ART Neural Networks,
In the last two decades the artificial neural networks have been refined and widely used by the researchers and application engineers. We have not witnessed such a large degree of evolution in any other artificial neural network as in the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) neural network. The ART network remains plastic, or adaptive, in response to significant events and yet remains stable in response to irrelevant events. This stability-plasticity property is a great step towards realizing intelligent machines capable of autonomous learning in real time environment. The main aim of this book is to report a very small sample of the research on the evolution of ART neural network and its applications. Interested readers may refer literature for many more innovations in ART such as Fuzzy ART, ART2, ART2-a, ARTMAP, ARTMAP-PI, ARTMAP-DS, Gaussian ARTMAP, EXACT ART, and ART-EMAP.
by L. C. Jain
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3rd Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2006,Biomed 2006, 11-14 December 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (BioMed 2006), was held from 11 to 14 December 2006 at the Palace of the Golden Horses, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This international conference was jointly organised by the Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Malaya, Malaysia; Department of Biomedical Engineering, Inje University, Korea; and Malaysian Society of Medical and Biological Engineering.The papers presented at BioMed 2006 cover the following areas: Artificial Intelligence, Biological effects of non-ionising electromagnetic fields, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, Biomedical Sensors, Biomedical Signal Analysis, Biotechnology, Clinical Engineering, Human performance engineering, Imaging, Medical Informatics, Medical Instruments and Devices, Physiological Modelling, simulation, and Control, Prostheses and artificial organs, Regulations and Organisations, Rehabilitation Engineering, Telemedicine, Tissue Engineering, and Virtual Reality in Medicine. The conference program included invited plenary sessions by Joachim Nagel, the President of IUPESM; Makoto Kikuchi, the President of IFMBE; John G. Webster from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States; Metin Akay from Arizona State University, United States; Marc Madou from University of California, United States; and Yilin Cao from Shanghai s 9th People s Hospital, China.The conference also featured pre-conference tutorial sessions. There are four sessions altogether, and the topics are Bioinstrumentation, by John G. Webster; MEMS by Marc Madou; Biomedical Informatics and Neural Engineering by Metin Akay; and Biomedical Image Analysis by Bart ter Haar Romeny. Thanks are due to the members of the organizing committee for their support and assistance in ensuring a successful BioMed 2006. Particular thanks go to Healthtronics, without whose financial support the conference could not have been successfully organized.
by F. Ibrahim
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The Polygraph and Lie Detection,
The polygraph, often portrayed as a magic mind-reading machine, is still controversial among experts, who continue heated debates about its validity as a lie-detecting device. As the nation takes a fresh look at ways to enhance its security, can the polygraph be considered a useful tool? The Polygraph and Lie Detection puts the polygraph itself to the test, reviewing and analyzing data about its use in criminal investigation, employment screening, and counter-intelligence. The book looks at: The theory of how the polygraph works and evidence about how deceptiveness-and other psychological conditions-affect the physiological responses that the polygraph measures. Empirical evidence on the performance of the polygraph and the success of subjects' countermeasures. The actual use of the polygraph in the arena of national security, including its role in deterring threats to security. The book addresses the difficulties of measuring polygraph accuracy, the usefulness of the technique for aiding interrogation and for deterrence, and includes potential alternatives-such as voice-stress analysis and brain measurement techniques.
by Committee to Review the Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph
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World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego,
organizing committee: Paul Werbos, Chairman, National Science Foundation Harold Szu, Naval Surface Warfare Center Bernard Widrow, Stanford University Centered around 20 major topic areas of both theoretical and practical importance, the World Congress on Neural Networks provides its registrants -- from a diverse background encompassing industry, academia, and government -- with the latest research and applications in the neural network field.
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Artificial Neural Networks - ICANN 2006,16th International Conference, Athens, Greece, September 10-14, 2006, Proceedings
Annotation The two volume set LNCS 4131 and LNCS 4132 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2006, held in Athens, Greece, in September 2006. The 208 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 475 submissions. The 103 papers of the first volume are organized in topical sections on feature selection and dimension reduction for regression, learning algorithms, advances in neural network learning methods, ensemble learning, learning random neural networks and stochastic agents, hybrid architectures, self organization, connectionist cognitive science, cognitive machines, neural dynamics and complex systems, computational neuroscience, neural control, reinforcement learning and robotics applications, robotics, control, planning, as well as bio-inspired neural network on-chip implementation and applications. The second volume contains 105 contributions related to neural networks, semantic web technologies and multimedia analysis, bridging the semantic gap in multimedia machine learning approaches, signal and time series processing, data analysis, pattern recognition, visual attention algorithms and architectures for perceptional understanding and video coding, vision and image processing, computational finance and economics, neural computing in energy engineering, applications to biomedicine and bioinformatics, applications to security and market analysis, as well as real world applications.
by Stefanos Kollias
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Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Inspirations – ICANN 2005,15th International Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 11-15, 2005, Proceedings
The two volume set LNCS 3696 and LNCS 3697 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN 2005, held in Warsaw, Poland in September 2005. The over 600 papers submitted to ICANN 2005 were thoroughly reviewed and carefully selected for presentation. The first volume includes 106 contributions related to Biological Inspirations; topics addressed are modeling the brain and cognitive functions, development of cognitive powers in embodied systems spiking neural networks, associative memory models, models of biological functions, projects in the area of neuroIT, evolutionary and other biological inspirations, self-organizing maps and their applications, computer vision, face recognition and detection, sound and speech recognition, bioinformatics, biomedical applications, and information- theoretic concepts in biomedical data analysis. The second volume contains 162 contributions related to Formal Models and their Applications and deals with new neural network models, supervised learning algorithms, ensemble-based learning, unsupervised learning, recurent neural networks, reinforcement learning, bayesian approaches to learning, learning theory, artificial neural networks for system modeling, decision making, optimalization and control, knowledge extraction from neural networks, temporal data analysis, prediction and forecasting, support vector machines and kernel-based methods, soft computing methods for data representation, analysis and processing, data fusion for industrial, medical and environmental applications, non-linear predictive models for speech processing, intelligent multimedia and semantics, applications to natural language processing, various applications, computational intelligence in games, and issues in hardware implementation.
by Wlodzislaw Duch
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