
Download cisco router firewall security teaches you how to use the cisco ios firewall to enhance the security of your perimeter routers and, along the way, take advantage of the flexibility and scalability that is part of the cisco ios software package. EBooks | Read online cisco router firewall security teaches you how to use the cisco ios firewall to enhance the security of your perimeter routers and, along the way, take advantage of the flexibility and scalability that is part of the cisco ios software package. EBooks

Cisco Router Firewall Security,
Harden perimeter routers with Cisco firewall functionality and features to ensure network security Detect and prevent denial of service (DoS) attacks with TCP Intercept, Context-Based Access Control (CBAC), and rate-limiting techniques Use Network-Based Application Recognition (NBAR) to detect and filter unwanted and malicious traffic Use router authentication to prevent spoofing and routing attacks Activate basic Cisco IOS filtering features like standard, extended, timed, lock-and-key, and reflexive ACLs to block various types of security threats and attacks, such as spoofing, DoS, Trojan horses, and worms Use black hole routing, policy routing, and Reverse Path Forwarding (RPF) to protect against spoofing attacks Apply stateful filtering of traffic with CBAC, including dynamic port mapping Use Authentication Proxy (AP) for user authentication Perform address translation with NAT, PAT, load distribution, and other methods Implement stateful NAT (SNAT) for redundancy Use Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to protect against basic types of attacks Obtain how-to instructions on basic logging and learn to easily interpret results Apply IPSec to provide secure connectivity for site-to-site and remote access connections Read about many, many more features of the IOS firewall for mastery of router security The Cisco IOS firewall offers you the feature-rich functionality that you've come to expect from best-of-breed firewalls: address translation, authentication, encryption, stateful filtering, failover, URL content filtering, ACLs, NBAR, and many others. Cisco Router Firewall Security teaches you how to use the Cisco IOS firewall to enhance the security of your perimeter routers and, along the way, take advantage of the flexibility and scalability that is part of the Cisco IOS Software package. Each chapter in Cisco Router Firewall Security addresses an important component of perimeter router security. Author Richard Deal explains the advantages and disadvantages of all key security features to help you understand when they should be used and includes examples from his personal consulting experience to illustrate critical issues and security pitfalls. A detailed case study is included at the end of the book, which illustrates best practices and specific information on how to implement Cisco router security features. Whether you are looking to learn about firewall security or seeking how-to techniques to enhance security in your Cisco routers, Cisco Router Firewall Security is your complete reference for securing the perimeter of your network. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.
by Richard Deal
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Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS),(CCNA Security exam 640-553) (Authorized Self-Study Guide)
Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) is a Cisco-authorized, self-paced learning tool for CCNA® Security foundation learning. This book provides you with the knowledge needed to secure Cisco® routers and switches and their associated networks. By reading this book, you will gain a thorough understanding of how to troubleshoot and monitor network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices, as well as the technologies that Cisco uses in its security infrastructure. This book focuses on the necessity of a comprehensive security policy and how it affects the posture of the network. You will learn how to perform basic tasks to secure a small branch type office network using Cisco IOS® security features available through the Cisco Router and Security Device Manager (SDM) web-based graphical user interface (GUI) and through the command-line interface (CLI) on Cisco routers and switches. The author also provides, when appropriate, parallels with Cisco ASA appliances. Whether you are preparing for CCNA Security certification or simply want to gain a better understanding of Cisco IOS security fundamentals, you will benefit from the information provided in this book. Implementing Cisco IOS Network Security (IINS) is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led training, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, please visit www.cisco.com/go/authorizedtraining. Develop a comprehensive network security policy to counter threats against information security Configure routers on the network perimeter with Cisco IOS Software security features Configure firewall features including ACLs and Cisco IOS zone-based policy firewalls to perform basic security operations on a network Configure site-to-site VPNs using Cisco IOS features Configure IPS on Cisco network routers Configure LAN devices to control access, resist attacks, shield other network devices and systems, and protect the integrity and confidentiality of network traffic This volume is in the Certification Self-Study Series offered by Cisco Press®. Books in this series provide officially developed self-study solutions to help networking professionals understand technology implementations and prepare for the Cisco Career Certifications examinations.
by Catherine Paquet
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Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide,
Accessing the WAN CCNA Exploration Companion Guide Bob Vachon Rick Graziani Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide is the official supplemental textbook for the Accessing the WAN course in the Cisco Networking Academy CCNA Exploration curriculum version 4. This course discusses the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in enterprise networks. The Companion Guide, written and edited by Networking Academy instructors, is designed as a portable desk reference to use anytime, anywhere. The book’s features reinforce the material in the course to help you focus on important concepts and organize your study time for exams. New and improved features help you study and succeed in this course: Chapter objectives: Review core concepts by answering the focus questions listed at the beginning of each chapter. Key terms: Refer to the updated lists of networking vocabulary introduced and turn to the highlighted terms in context in each chapter. Glossary: Consult the all-new comprehensive glossary with more than 250 terms. Check Your Understanding questions and answer key: Evaluate your readiness with the updated end-of-chapter questions that match the style of questions you see on the online course quizzes. The answer key explains each answer. Challenge questions and activities: Strive to ace more challenging review questions and activities designed to prepare you for the complex styles of questions you might see on the CCNA exam. The answer key explains each answer. Bob Vachon is the coordinator of the Computer Systems Technology program and teaches networking infrastructure courses at Cambrian College in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Bob has worked and taught in the computer networking and information technology field for 25 years and is a scholar graduate of Cambrian College. Rick Graziani teaches computer science and computer networking courses at Cabrillo College in Aptos, California. Rick has worked and taught in the computer networking and information technology field for 30 years. How To: Look for this icon to study the steps that you need to learn to perform certain tasks. Packet Tracer Activities: Explore networking concepts in activities interspersed throughout some chapters using Packet Tracer v4.1 developed by Cisco. The files for these activities are on the accompanying CD-ROM. Also available for the Accessing the WAN Course Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide ISBN-10: 1-58713-201-X ISBN-13: 978-1-58713-201-8 Companion CD-ROM **See instructions within the ebook on how to get access to the files from the CD-ROM that accompanies this print book.** The CD-ROM provides many useful tools and information to support your education: Packet Tracer Activity exercise files A Guide to Using a Networker’s Journal booklet Taking Notes: A .txt file of the chapter objectives More IT Career Information Tips on Lifelong Learning in Networking This book is part of the Cisco Networking Academy Series from Cisco Press. The products in this series support and complement the Cisco Networking Academy online curriculum.
by Bob Vachon
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Hack Proofing Your Network 2E,
A new edition the most popular Hack Proofing book around! IT professionals who want to run secure networks, or build secure software, need to know about the methods of hackers. The second edition of the best seller Hack Proofing Your Network, teaches about those topics, including: · The Politics, Laws of Security, Classes of Attack, Methodology, Diffing, Decrypting, Brute Force, Unexpected Input, Buffer Overrun, Sniffing, Session Hijacking, Spoofing, Server Holes, Client Holes, Trojans and Viruses, Reporting Security Problems, Choosing Secure Systems The central idea of this book is that it's better for you to find the holes in your network than it is for someone else to find them, someone that would use them against you. The complete, authoritative guide to protecting your Windows 2000 Network. Updated coverage of an international bestseller and series flagship Covers more methods of attack and hacker secrets Interest in topic continues to grow - network architects, engineers and administrators continue to scramble for security books Written by the former security manager for Sybase and an expert witness in the Kevin Mitnick trials · A great addition to the bestselling "Hack Proofing..." series · Windows 2000 sales have surpassed those of Windows NT · Critical topic. The security of an organization's data and communications is crucial to its survival and these topics are notoriously difficult to grasp · Unrivalled web support at www.solutions@syngress.com
by Syngress
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The Complete Cisco VPN Configuration Guide,
With increased use of Internet connectivity and less reliance on private WAN networks, virtual private networks (VPNs) provide a much-needed secure method of transferring critical information. As Cisco Systems integrates security and access features into routers, firewalls, clients, and concentrators, its solutions become ever more accessible to companies with networks of all sizes. The Complete Cisco VPN Configuration Guide contains detailed explanations of all Cisco VPN products, describing how to set up IPsec and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections on any type of Cisco device, including concentrators, clients, routers, or Cisco PIX and Cisco ASA security appliances. With copious configuration examples and troubleshooting scenarios, it offers clear information on VPN implementation designs. - A complete resource for understanding VPN components and VPN design issues - Learn how to employ state-of-the-art VPN connection types and implement complex VPN configurations on Cisco devices, including routers, Cisco PIX and Cisco ASA security appliances, concentrators, and remote access clients - Discover troubleshooting tips and techniques from real-world scenarios based on the author's vast field experience - Filled with relevant configurations you can use immediately in your own network
by Richard A. Deal
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Practical Intrusion Analysis,Prevention and Detection for the Twenty-First Century
“Practical Intrusion Analysis provides a solid fundamental overview of the art and science of intrusion analysis.” –Nate Miller, Cofounder, Stratum Security The Only Definitive Guide to New State-of-the-Art Techniques in Intrusion Detection and Prevention Recently, powerful innovations in intrusion detection and prevention have evolved in response to emerging threats and changing business environments. However, security practitioners have found little reliable, usable information about these new IDS/IPS technologies. In Practical Intrusion Analysis, one of the field’s leading experts brings together these innovations for the first time and demonstrates how they can be used to analyze attacks, mitigate damage, and track attackers. Ryan Trost reviews the fundamental techniques and business drivers of intrusion detection and prevention by analyzing today’s new vulnerabilities and attack vectors. Next, he presents complete explanations of powerful new IDS/IPS methodologies based on Network Behavioral Analysis (NBA), data visualization, geospatial analysis, and more. Writing for security practitioners and managers at all experience levels, Trost introduces new solutions for virtually every environment. Coverage includes Assessing the strengths and limitations of mainstream monitoring tools and IDS technologies Using Attack Graphs to map paths of network vulnerability and becoming more proactive about preventing intrusions Analyzing network behavior to immediately detect polymorphic worms, zero-day exploits, and botnet DoS attacks Understanding the theory, advantages, and disadvantages of the latest Web Application Firewalls Implementing IDS/IPS systems that protect wireless data traffic Enhancing your intrusion detection efforts by converging with physical security defenses Identifying attackers’ “geographical fingerprints” and using that information to respond more effectively Visualizing data traffic to identify suspicious patterns more quickly Revisiting intrusion detection ROI in light of new threats, compliance risks, and technical alternatives Includes contributions from these leading network security experts: Jeff Forristal, a.k.a. Rain Forest Puppy, senior security professional and creator of libwhisker Seth Fogie, CEO, Airscanner USA; leading-edge mobile security researcher; coauthor of Security Warrior Dr. Sushil Jajodia, Director, Center for Secure Information Systems; founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Computer Security Dr. Steven Noel, Associate Director and Senior Research Scientist, Center for Secure Information Systems, George Mason University Alex Kirk, Member, Sourcefire Vulnerability Research Team
by Ryan Trost
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CCIE Security Exam Certification Guide,
Exam Certification Guides from Cisco Press are comprehensive study tools for Cisco certification exam preparation that combine tutorial learning of all topics for the relevant exam with proven learning, retention, and self-assessment pedagogical tools. The accompanying CD-ROM also includes an electronic copy of the book.
by Henry Benjamin
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CCNA: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide,Exam 640-802
Completely Revised for the New 2007 Version of the CCNA Exam (#640-802) Cisco networking authority Todd Lammle has completely updated this new edition to cover all of the exam objectives for the latest version of the CCNA exam. Todd’s straightforward style provides lively examples, easy-to-understand analogies, and real-world scenarios that will not only help you prepare for the exam, but also give you a solid foundation as a Cisco networking professional. Packed with updated topics that have been added to the 2007 version of the CCNA exam, this updated study guide features expanded coverage of key topic areas plus new material on switching, network address translation, and OSPF. Inside, find the complete instruction you need, including: Full coverage of all exam objectives in a systematic approach, so you can be confident you’re getting the instruction you need for the exam Practical hands-on exercises and labs to reinforce critical skills, Real-world scenarios that put what you’ve learned in the context of actual job roles Challenging review questions in each chapter to prepare you for exam day Exam Essentials, a key feature in each chapter that identifies critical areas you must become proficient in before taking the exam CD-ROM Includes: Chapter Review Questions Four Full-Length Practice Exams 200 Electronic Flashcards Audio and Video Instruction from Todd Lammle Full book in searchable PDF format Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file. For Instructors: Teaching supplements are available for this title.
by Todd Lammle
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31 Days Before Your CCNA Exam,A day-by-day review guide for the CCNA 640-802 exam
31 Days Before your CCNA Exam, Second Edition, offers you a personable and practical way to understand the certification process, commit to taking the exam, and finish your preparation using a variety of Foundational and Supplemental study resources. The book breaks down key exam topics into 31 daily review sessions using short summaries, lists, tables, examples, and graphics. A Study Resources section provides you with a quick reference for locating more in-depth treatment of a day’s topics within the relevant Foundational and Supplemental resources. Use this day-by-day guide to organize, prepare, and review all the CCNA® objectives. The features of the book empower you to fit exam preparation into an otherwise busy schedule: Tear out visual calendar summarizes each day’s study topics Checklist highlights important tasks and deadlines leading up to your exam Description of the 640-802 CCNA exam organization and sign up process, includes how to use a voucher Strategies from the author help you to be mentally, organizationally, and physically prepared for exam day Conversational tone, making your study time more enjoyable Allan Johnson entered the academic world in 1999 after ten years as a business owner and operator. He has a passion for teaching and holds both an MBA and an M.Ed in occupational training and development. Allan currently works full time developing CCNA instructional support and training materials. Category: Cisco® Certification
by Allan Johnson
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Fundamentals of Network Security,
Network security has quickly become an area of primary concern in the world of telecommunications. This easy-to-understand book introduces professionals to fundamental network security concepts, principles, and terms, while providing practical techniques that can be applied on the job. It helps identify the best type of intrusion detection system for a particular environment, develop organizational guidelines for passwords, set general computer security policies, and perform a security review and risk assessment.
by John E. Canavan
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Practical Internet Security,
Reveals how the internet is paving the way for secure communications within organizations and on the public internet. This book provides the fundamental knowledge needed to analyze risks to a system and to implement a security policy that protects information assets from potential intrusion, damage, or theft. It also provides real-life scenarios.
by John R. Vacca
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Information Security Management Handbook,
Since 1993, the Information Security Management Handbook has served not only as an everyday reference for information security practitioners but also as an important document for conducting the intense review necessary to prepare for the Certified Information System Security Professional (CISSP) examination. Now completely revised and updated and in its fifth edition, the handbook maps the ten domains of the Information Security Common Body of Knowledge and provides a complete understanding of all the items in it. This is a ...must have... book, both for preparing for the CISSP exam and as a comprehensive, up-to-date reference.
by Harold F. Tipton
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CCNA Security Official Exam Certification Guide,
A definitive overview of the new CCNA security exam provides complete coverage of all CCNA Security topics on the test, along with a CD-ROM testing engine containing exam practice and preparation, exam preparation sections, practice tests, and explanations of key concepts, configurations, theory, and more. Original. (Intermediate)
by Tang Kinh Cac
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98-366: MTA Networking Fundamentals, B&N e-Bk,
Students who are beginning studies in technology need a strong foundation in the basics before moving on to more advanced technology courses and certification programs. The Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) is a new and innovative certification track designed to provide a pathway for future success in technology courses and careers. The MTA program curriculum helps instructors teach and validate fundamental technology concepts and provides students with a foundation for their careers as well as the confidence they need to succeed in advanced studies. Through the use of MOAC MTA titles you can help ensure your students future success in and out of the classroom. This text covers the fundementals of local area networking, defining networks with the OSI Model and understanding wired and wireless networks. In addition it includes understanding Internet Protocol, implementing TCP/IP and working with networking services. Your students will better understand wide area networks along with defining network infrastructures and network security.
by Microsoft Official Academic Course
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CCNA Security Study Guide,Exam 640-553

by Tim Boyles
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