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CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide,
Prepare for CISA certification and improve your job skills with thetraining you'll receive in this valuable book. Covering the verylatest version of the exam, it's packed with instruction on allexam content areas, including the most up-to-date regulations, ISauditing best practices, and compliances. You'll find practicalexercises and plenty of real-world scenarios—just what youneed for the CISA exam, and beyond. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials arenot included as part of eBook file.
by David L. Cannon
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CISA Exam Prep,Certified Information Systems Auditor
CISA Exam Prep Certified Information Systems Auditor Michael Gregg Your Complete Certification Solution! The Smart Way to Study™ In This Book You’ll Learn How To: Approach the IS audit process from ISACA’s view of IS auditing best practices Relate and apply information security and systems audit best practices to the six CISA job practice areas Understand the IS audit process and learn how to apply best practices to secure an organization’s assets Evaluate IT governance to ensure that the organization has the structure, policies, and mechanisms in place to provide sufficient IS controls Minimize risk within an IT/IS environment by using sound security techniques and practices Assess systems and infrastructure lifecycle practices to determine their effectiveness in meeting security requirements and meeting organizational objectives Gain a deeper understanding of the business continuity and disaster recovery process to help minimize risk Protect key informational assets by examining the security architecture and evaluating controls designed for the protection of confidentiality, availability, and integrity Streamline your exam preparations with our exam insights, tips, and study strategies WRITTEN BY A LEADING CISA EXAM EXPERT! Michael Gregg, founder and president of Superior Solutions, Inc., a Houston-based IT security consulting and auditing firm, has more than 20 years experience in information security and risk. He holds two associate degrees, a bachelor’s degree, and a master’s degree. He presently maintains more than a dozen certifications and is a nine-time winner of Global Knowledge’s Perfect Instructor Award. Michael not only has experience in performing security audits and assessments, but also is the author of Que Publishing’s Certified Ethical Hacker Exam Prep, CISSP Exam Cram, and is the co-author of Inside Network Security Assessment: Guarding Your IT Infrastructure by Sams Publishing. Introduction Study and Exam Prep Tips Part I: IT Governance and the Audit Process Chapter 1: The Audit Process Chapter 2: IT Governance Part II: System and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management Chapter 3: Lifecycle Management Chapter 4: System Infrastructure Control Part III: IT Service Delivery and Support Chapter 5: Information Systems Hardware and Architecture Chapter 6: Information Systems Used for IT Delivery and Support Part IV: Protection of Information Assets Chapter 7: Protection of Logical Assets Chapter 8: Physical Security Part V: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Chapter 9: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Part VI: Final Preparation Fast Facts Practice Exam Answers to Practice Exam Questions Glossary Index www.examcram.com ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3573-7 ISBN-10: 0-7897-3573-3
by Michael Gregg
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CISA,Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide
Demand for qualified and certified information systems (IS) auditors has increased dramatically since the adoption of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002. Now you can prepare for CISA certification, the one certification designed specifically for IS auditors, and improve your job skills with this valuable book. Not only will you get the valuable preparation you need for the CISA exam, you?ll also find practical information to prepare you for the real world. This invaluable guide contains: Authoritative coverage of all CISA exam objectives, including: The IS Audit Process. IT Governance. Systems and Infrastructure Lifecycle Management. IT Service Delivery and Support. Protection of Information Assets. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. Practical information that will prepare you for the real world such as: Secrets of successful auditing. Government regulations at a glance. Incident handling checklist. Scenarios providing insight into professional audit systems and controls. Additional exam and career preparation tools such as: Challenging chapter review questions. A glossary of terms. Tips on preparing for exam day. Information on related certifications. A free CD-ROM with: Advanced testing software with challenging chapter review questions plus bonus practice exams so you can test your knowledge. Flashcards that run on your PC, Pocket PC, or Palm handheld. The entire book in searchable and printable PDF.
by David L. Cannon
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CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, 2nd Edition,
All-in-One is All You Need The new edition of this trusted resource offers complete, up-to-date coverage of all the material included on the latest release of the Certified Information Systems Auditor exam. Written by an IT security and audit expert, CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor All-in-One Exam Guide, Second Edition covers all five exam domains developed by the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA). You'll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. Designed to help you pass the CISA exam with ease, this comprehensive guide also serves as an essential on-the-job reference. Covers all exam topics, including: IT governance and management IS audit process IT life-cycle management IT service delivery and infrastructure Information asset protection Electronic content includes 200+ practice exam questions
by Peter Gregory
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CISA Certified Information Systems Auditor Study Guide,
The industry-leading study guide for the CISA exam, fully updated More than 27,000 IT professionals take the Certified Information Systems Auditor exam each year. SC Magazine lists the CISA as the top certification for security professionals. Compliances, regulations, and best practices for IS auditing are updated twice a year, and this is the most up-to-date book available to prepare aspiring CISAs for the next exam. CISAs are among the five highest-paid IT security professionals; more than 27,000 take the exam each year and the numbers are growing Standards are updated twice a year, and this book offers the most up-to-date coverage as well as the proven Sybex approach that breaks down the content, tasks, and knowledge areas of the exam to cover every detail Covers the IS audit process, IT governance, systems and infrastructure lifecycle management, IT service delivery and support, protecting information assets, disaster recovery, and more Anyone seeking Certified Information Systems Auditor status will be fully prepared for the exam with the detailed information and approach found in this book. CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of the e-book file, but are available for download after purchase
by David L. Cannon
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The CISA Prep Guide,Mastering the Certified Information Systems Auditor Exam

by John Kramer
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CISA Review Manual 2014,

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IT Auditing: An Adaptive Process,

by Robert E. Davis, MBA, CISA, CICA
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Ensuring Information Assets Protection,

by Robert E. Davis, MBA, CISA, CICA
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CISA Review Questions, Answers and Explanations Manual 2013,

by Information Systems Audit and Control Association
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Saluti notturni dal Passo della Cisa,

by Piero Chiara
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Nota histórica de la Mare de Deu de la Cisa,(premiá de Dalt).

by Joseph Más (of Barcelona.)
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CISA Review Question, Answer and Explanation Supplement 2014,

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CISA Review Questions, Answers and Explanations Manual 2013 Supplement,

by Information Systems Audit and Control Association
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Professor Joaquim Molas: memòria, escriptura, història ( LITERATURA DEL SEGLE XIX ) eBook,
Amb motiu de la jubilació acadèmica del Dr. Joaquim Molas, el Departament de Filologia Catalana de Universitat de Barcelona, d' acord amb les millors tradicions universitàries en una tal mena d'avinenteses, va decidir homenatjar el professor que, format d'antuvi a la casa i docent després a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ha estat en acabat durant vint anys catedràtic de literatura catalana a la UB. Per això és que, sempre comptant amb la valuosa col.laboració del Servei de Publicacions de la UB, ha estat possible tirar endavant l'edició d'una miscel.lànea amb voluntat commemorativa i de contingut científic en la qual,sota el títol genèric de "Memòria, Escriptura, Història", més de setanta especialistes de tots els àmbits de la catalanística fan aportacions sobre els més diversos temes concernents a la literatura catalana de totes les èpoques, amb una especial incidència sobre la contemporània, objecte preferent d'estudi del professor Molas. Una bibliografia pràcticament exhaustiva d'aquest, pacientment aplegada per Maria Capdevila, converteix els dos volums de què consta l'obra en una aportació de primeríssima magnitud per al millor coneixement de la literatura catalana des d'una òptica actual, rigorosa i variada.
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