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Circuit Theory,

by U.A.Bakshi
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Network Theory,
Simplification and Analysis Techniques (A.C. and D.C. Circuits)Sinusoidal steady state. Phasors & phasor diagram. Energy sources. Mesh and nodal analysis. Source transformation. Network theorems.1) Superposition theorem.2) Thevenin's theorem.3) Norton s theorem.4) Maximum power transfer theorem.Resonance and ApplicationsDefinition of figure of merit, Q. Series resonance : Current bandwidth,Impedance,& selectivity in series resonance. Parallel(anti) resonance : Application of resonance circuits including impedance transformation.Transient ResponseInitial conditions in elements. A procedure for evaluating initial conditions. Solution of RC, RL, RLC step response using classical method. Solution of RC, RL, RLC step response using Laplace transform.Four Terminal NetworksClassification of four terminal networks (Symmetrical,asymmetrical,balanced & unbalanced)Characteristic impedance & propagation constant for symmetrical networks. Image & iterative impedance for symmetrical networks. Filter fundamentals : Constant K type low-pass filter. Constant K type high pass filter.Constant K type band pass filter. Constant K type band stop filter. M-derived T and sections of low pass filter.Composite low pass filter.Attenuators : Introduction. Nepers & decibels. Symmetrical T & type attenuators.Network FunctionsTerminal pairs and ports. Network functions for one and two port networks.Poles & zeros of network function. Time domain behaviour from pole zero plot.Two Port Network ParametersIntroduction. Open circuit impedance parameters. Short circuit admittance parameters. Hybrid parameters. Transmission parameters. Inter-relation between different parameters. Interconnection of two port networks.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Electrical Machines - Ii,
Synchronous Generator Constructional details - Types of rotors - emf equation - Synchronous reactance - Armature reaction - Voltage regulation - e.m.f., m.m.f., z.p.f. and A.S.A. methods - Synchronizing and parallel operation - Synchronizing torque - Change of excitation and mechanical input - Two reaction theory - Determination of direct and quadrature axis synchronous reactance using slip test - Operating characteristics - Capability curves.Synchronous Motor Principle of operation - Torque equation - Operation on infinite bus bars - V-curves - Power input and power developed equations - Starting methods - Current loci for constant power input, Constant excitation and constant power developed.Three Phase Induction MotorConstructional details - Types of rotors - Principle of operation - Slip - Equivalent circuit - Slip-torque characteristics - Condition for maximum torque - Losses and efficiency - Load test - No load and blocked rotor tests - Circle diagram - Separation no load losses - Double cage rotors - Induction generator - Synchronous induction motor.Starting and Speed Control of Three Phase Induction MotorNeed for starting - Types of starters - Stator resistance and reactance, Rotor resistance, Autotransformer and star-delta starters - Speed control - Change of voltage, Torque, Number of poles and slip - Cascaded connection - Slip power recovery scheme.Single Phase Induction Motors and Special MachinesConstructional details of single phase induction motor - Double revolving field theory and operation - Equivalent circuit - No load and blocked rotor test - Performance analysis - Starting methods of single-phase induction motors - Special machine - Shaded pole induction motor, reluctance motor, repulsion motor, hysteresis motor, stepper motor and A.C. series motor.
by M.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Field Theory,
Coulomb s Law and Electric field intensity Experimental law of Coulomb, Electric field intensity, Field due to continuous volume charge distribution, Field of a line charge.Electric flux densityGauss law and divergence Electric flux density, Gauss law, Divergence, Maxwell s First equation (Electrostatics), vector operator and divergence theorem.Energy and potentialEnergy expended in moving a point charge in an electric field, The line integral, Definition of potential difference and Potential, The potential field of a point charge and a system of charges, Potential gradient, Energy density in an electrostatic field.Conductors, dielectric and capacitanceCurrent and current density, continuity of current, metallic conductors, Conductor properties and boundary conditions, boundary conditions for perfect Dielectrics, capacitance and examples.Poisson s and Laplace s equationsDerivations of Poisson s and Laplace s Equations, Uniqueness theorem, Examples of the solutions of Laplace s and Poisson s equations.The steady magnetic fieldBiot-Savart law, Ampere s circuital law, Curl, Stokes theorem, Magnetic flux and flux density, Scalar and Vector magnetic potentials.Magnetic forcesForce on a moving charge and differential current element, Force between differential current elements, Force and torque on a closed circuit.Magnetic materials and inductanceMagnetization and permeability, Magnetic boundary conditions, Magnetic circuit, Potential energy and forces on magnetic materials, Inductance and Mutual inductance.Time varying fields and Maxwell s equations Faraday s law, Displacement current, Maxwell s equation in point and integral form, retarded potentials.Uniform plane waveWave propagation in free space and dielectrics, Poynting s theorem and wave power, Propagation in good conductors - (Skin effect).Plane waves at boundaries and in dispersive mediaReflection of uniform plane waves at normal incidence, SWR, Plane wave propagation in general directions.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Electric Circuits,
Basic Circuit Concepts Lumped circuits - Circuits elements - V-I relationships of R, L and C - Independent sources - Dependent sources - Simple resistive circuits - Kirchhoff's laws - Analysis of series and parallel circuits - Network reduction - Voltage division - Current division - Source transformation - Star delta transformation. Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis Concepts of phasor and complex impedance and admittance - Analysis of simple series and parallel circuits - Active power - Reactive power and power factor - Series resonance and parallel resonance - Bandwidth and Q factor - Solution of three phase balanced circuits - Power measurements by two wattmeter methods - Solution of three phase unbalanced circuits. Circuits and Theorems Analysis of complex circuits using mesh and nodal methods - Superposition theorem - Thevenin's theorem - Norton's theorem - Reciprocity theorem - Compensation theorem - Substitution theorem - Maximum power transfer theorem - Millman's theorem with applications. Response of Electric Circuits Concept of complex frequency - Pole-zero plots - Frequency response of RL, RC and RLC circuits - Transient response of RL, RC and RLC series and parallel circuits - Free response - Step and sinusoidal responses - Natural frequency - Damped frequency - Damping factor and logarithmic decrement - Response of circuits for non-sinusoidal periodic inputs. Two Port Network and Filters Driving point and transfer impedances - Admittances - Voltage and current ratios of two port networks - Admittance - Impedance - Hybrid - Transmission and image parameters for two port networks - Impedance matching - Equivalent and T networks - Passive filters as a two port network - Characteristics of ideal filter - Low pass and high pass filters.
by U.A.Bakshi
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Electronic Devices And Circuits,

by A.P.Godse
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Electromagnetic Field Theory,
Review of vector analysis, Rectangular, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinates and their transformation. Divergence, Gradient and curl in different coordinate systems. Electric field intensity, Electric flux density, Energy and potential. Current and conductors, Dielectrics and capacitance, Poission s and Laplace s equation.Steady magnetic field, Magnetic forces, Materials and inductance, Time varying field and Maxwell s equation.Uniform plane waves, Plane wave reflection and dispersion.Transmission lines, and Guided waves.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Switching Theory & Logic Design,
Number Systems and CodesPhilosophy of number systems - complement representation of negative numbers - binary arithmetic - binary codes - error detecting and error correcting codes - hamming codes.Boolean Algebra and Switching FunctionsFundamental postulates of Boolean Algebra-Basic theorems and properties - switching functions - Canonical and Standard forms - Algebraic simplification - digital logic gates, properties of XOR gates - universal gates - Multilevel NAND/NOR realizations.Minimization of Switching FunctionsMap method, Prime implicants, Don't care combinations, Minimal SOP and POS forms, Tabular Method, Prime - Implicant chart, simplification rules.Combinational Logic DesignDesign using conventional logic gates, Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, De-Multiplexer, Modular design IC chips, MUX Realization of switching functions Parity bit generator, Code-converters, Hazards and hazard free realizations.Programmable Logic Devices, Threshold LogicBasic PLD's-ROM, PROM, PLA, PLD Realization of Switching functions using PLD's. Capabilities and limitations of Threshold gate, Synthesis of Threshold functions, Multigate Synthesis.Sequential Circuits - IClassification of sequential circuits (Synchronous, Asynchronous, Pulse mode, Level mode with examples) Basic flop-flops-Triggering and excitation tables. Steps in synchronous sequential circuit design. Design of modulo-N Ring and shift counters, Serial binary adder, sequence detector.Sequential Circuits - IIFinite state machine-capabilities and limitations, Mealy and Moore models-minimization of completely specified and incompletely specified sequential machines, Partition techniques and Merger chart methods-concept of minimal cover table.Algorithmic State MachinesSalient features of the ASM chart-Simple examples-System design using data path and control subsystems-control implementations-examples of Weighing machine and Binary multiplier.
by D.A.Godse A.P.Godse
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Electromechanical Energy Conversion - Ii,
Synchronous Machine I Constructional features, Armature winding, E.M.F. equation, Winding coefficients, Equivalent circuit and phasor diagram, Armature reaction, O.C. and S.C. tests, Voltage regulation using synchronous impedance method, M.M.F. method, Potier's triangle method, Parallel operation of synchronous generators, Operation on infinite bus, Synchronizing power and torque co-efficient. Synchronous Machine II Two reaction theory, Power flow equations of cylindrical and salient pole machines, Operating characteristics.Synchronous Motors Starting methods, Effect of varying field current at different loads, V-Curves, Hunting and damping, Synchronous condensor. Three Phase Induction Machine - IConstructional features, Rotating magnetic field, Principle of operation, Phasor diagram, Equivalent circuit, Torque and power equations. Torque-slip characteristics, No load and blocked rotor tests, Efficiency, Induction generator.Three Phase Induction Machine - II Starting, Deep bar and double cage rotors, Cogging and Crawling, Speed control (with and without e.m.f. injection in rotor circuit).Single Phase Induction Motor Double revolving field theory, Equivalent circuit, No load and blocked rotor tests, Starting methods, Repulsion motor.A.C. Commutator Motors Universal motor, Single phase a.c. series compensated motor, Stepper motors.
by M.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Electron Devices & Circuits,
Semiconductor Physics and PN JunctionConduction in semiconductors - Holes and electrons in intrinsic semiconductor - Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductor. Fermi level in intrinsic semiconductor ; Impurities and Fermi levels in impure semiconductor ; Diffusion. PN junction diode theory - Band structure - Current components - Volt-Ampere characteristics ; Transition and diffusion capacitance - Switching, storage and transition time. Zener diodes - Tunnel Diodes. Diode applications - Half wave and Full wave rectifications - Clippers, Clampers and Voltage multiplier.Bipolar and Field Effect TransistorsTransistor construction, Operation and characteristics - Transistor current components, Analytical expressions for transistor characteristics, Transistor switching times. JFET - Pinch off voltage - Volt-Ampere characteristics - FET small signal model. Insulated Gate FET (MOSFET) types - Construction, Operation and Characteristics. Operation point of Bipolar transistors - Fixed bias circuits - Load line analysis - Collector to Base bias - Emitter stabilized bias circuit - Self bias - Stability factor - Thermal runaway - Biasing for FET - Fixed bias - Source self bias - Biasing against device variation. Biasing for depletion types and enhancement types MOSFETs.Electronic CircuitsCommon emitter and Common collector amplifiers - Common source amplifier - Source follower - Equivalent circuit - Gain and frequency response. Differential amplifiers, Negative feedback - Characteristics, Feedback topologies, Analysis of Series shunt feedback amplifier. Stability and Oscillators - Phase shift, Colpitts and Crystal Oscillator. Transistor bistable and astable multivibrators.Special Semiconductor Devices and ApplicationsSilicon controlled rectifier - Construction, Operation and Characteristics - Phase controlled rectifiers using SCRs. Gate turn off switch, DIAC, TRIAC, AC Voltage regulator using DIAC and TRIAC. UJT - Characteristics, UJT relaxation oscillator. Opto isolators - Light emitting diodes - Seven segment displays, LCD - Photo diode and transistor, Solar Cell. Power MOSFET - Application in SMPS.Integrated Circuits and ApplicationsFabrication of monolithic integrated circuits - Epitaxy and diffusion process. Monolithic operational amplifiers - Characteristics and Specifications. Applications - Inverting, Non inverting and Difference Amplifiers. Differentiator and integrator, Voltage to Current converter, Wein bridge oscillator, Active low pass and band pass filter, Precision rectifiers, Schmitt trigger and astable multivibrator. Monolithic timer IC 555 - Applications as astable and monostable multivibrator.
by A.P.Godse U.A.Bakshi
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Basic Electronics,
Conduction in SemiconductorsElectrons and holes in an intrinsic semiconductor, conductivity of a semiconductor, carrier concentrations in an intrinsic semiconductor, donor and acceptor impurities, charge densities in a semiconductor. Fermi level in a semiconductor having impurities, diffusion, carrier life time, Hall effect.Semiconductor-Diode CharacteristicsQualitative theory of a PN junction, PN junction as a diode, volt-ampere characteristics, temperature dependence of PN characteristics, half wave and full wave rectifiers, other full wave circuits, ripple factor, capacitor filter; Zener diode-characterisitcs, zener and avalanche breakdown, zener regulated power supply.Transistor CharacteristicsJunction transistor, transistor current components, transistor as an amplifier, common-base configuration, common-emitter configuration, CE cut-off region, CE saturation region, large-signal, DC and small-signal CE values of current gain, operating point, bias stabilization, cascading transistor amplifiers, decibel; classification of amplifiers, distortion in amplifiers, frequency response of an amplifier, RC coupled amplifier.Theory of Sinusoidal OscillatorsConcept of feedback, sinusoidal oscillators, working of RC phase shift, Colpitt's and Hartely's oscillator using BJT expressions for frequency of oscillation (no derivation), crystal oscillator.Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amp)Ideal Op-Amp, inverting and non-inverting Op-Amp, need for Op-Amp, Op-Amp characteristics, Op-Amp applications, voltage follower, addition and subtraction using Op-Amp circuits. Op-Amp integrating and differentiating circuits.Communication SystemsBasic block diagram of communication systems modulation, Amplitude Modulation, frequency spectrum, power relations, Phase and Frequency Modulation, frequency spectrum, comparison of AM and FM, radio telegraphy, radio telephony, super heterodyne receivers.Digital ElectronicsDigital logic-Binary numbers, number base conversion, Octal and hexadecimal numbers, complements, Binary addition and subtraction using One's and Two's complements, addition and subtraction in other number system, fractional numbers and BCD numbers. Binary logic, symbols, basic theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra, De-Morgan's theorem, AND, OR logic gate realisation using diodes, NOT gate using transistor, Diode Transistor Logic (DTL) Resistance Transistor Logic (RTL), Direct Coupled Transistor Logic (DCTL), Current Mode Logic (CML), and Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL), symbols used for NOT, OR, AND, NAND, XOR gates and their truth tables, Boolean functions, half adder, full adder and parallel binary adder, introduction to sequential logic circuits, working of an R-S flip-flop (transistor version, NAND/NOR version)Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO)Basic block diagram, use of CRO for measurement of amplitude, frequency and phase.
by U.A.Bakshi A.P.Godse
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Electronics Devices And Circuits,

by A.P.Godse
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Electrical Circuit Analysis,
Electrical CircuitsCircuit concept, R-L-C parameters, Voltage and current sources, Independent and dependent sources, Source transformation, Voltage-Current relationship for passive elements, Kirchhoff's laws, Network reduction techniques-Series, Parallel, series-parallel, Star-to-delta or delta-to-star transformation.Magnetic CircuitsMagnetic circuits, Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction, Concept of self and mutual inductance, Dot convention, Coefficient of coupling, Composite magnetic circuit, Analysis of series and parallel magnetic circuits.Single Phase A.C. CircuitsR.M.S. and average values and form factor for different periodic waveforms, Steady state analysis of R, L and C (in series, parallel, and series-parallel combinations) with sinusoidal excitation, Concept of reactance, Impedance, Susceptance and admittance, Phase and phase difference, Concept of power factor, Real and reactive powers, J-notation, Complex and polar forms of representation, Complex power, Locus diagrams, Series R-L, R-C, R-L-C and parallel combination with variation of various parameters, Resonance, Series, Parallel circuits, Concept of bandwidth and Q factor.Three Phase CircuitsThree phase circuits : Phase sequence, Star and delta connection, Relation between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced systems, Analysis of balanced and unbalanced 3 phase circuits, Measurement of active and reactive power.Network TopologyDefinitions, Graph, Tree, Basic cutset and basic tieset matrices for planar networks, Loop and nodal methods of analysis of networks with independent voltage and current sources, Duality and dual networks.Network TheoremsTellegen's, Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin's, Norton's, Maximum power transfer, Millman's and compensation theorems for d.c. and a.c. excitations.Transient AnalysisTransient response of R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits (Series combinations only) for d.c. and sinusoidal excitations, Initial conditions, Solution using differential equation approach and Laplace transform methods of solutions.Network ParametersTwo port network parameters, Z, Y, ABCD and hybrid parameters and their relations, Concept of transformed network, 2-port network parameters using transformed variables.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Electrical Measurements,
Units and DimensionsReview of fundamental and derived units. S.I. units. Dimensional equations, Problems.Measurement of Resistance, Inductance, and CapacitanceWheatstone's bridge - Sensitivity analysis, Limitations, Kelvin's double bridge. Earth resistance measurement using Megger. Measurement of earth resistance by fall of potential method, Anderson's bridge, Schering bridge, Sources and detectors, Shielding of bridges, Problems. Extension of Instrument RangesShunts and multipliers. Construction and theory of instrument transformers. Equations for ratio and phase angle errors of C.T. and P.T. Turns compensation, illustrative examples.Measurement of Power and Related ParametersDynamometer wattmeter. LPF wattmeter. Measurement of real and reactive power in three phase circuits. Induction type energy meter - construction, theory, errors, adjustments and calibration. Principle of working of electronic energy meter.Construction and operation of electro-dynamometer single-phase power factor meter. Weston frequency meter and phase sequence indicator.Electronic InstrumentsTrue RMS responding voltmeter, Electronic multimeters, Digital voltmeters, Q meter. Dual trace oscilloscope - front panel details of a typical dual trace oscilloscope. Method of measuring amplitude, phase, frequency, period. Use of Lissajous patterns. Working of a digital storage oscilloscope.TransducersClassification and selection of transducers, Strain gauges, LVDT. Temperature measurements. Photoconductive and photo-voltaic cells. Interfacing resistive transducers to electronic circuits. Introduction to data acquisition systems.Display Devices and Signal GeneratorsX-Y recorders, Nixie tubes LCD and LED displays, Signal generators and function generators.
by A.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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Transformers & Induction Machines,
Basic Concepts : Concept of coupled circuits, Dot convention, Writing network equilibrium equations in coupled circuits (problems on coupled circuits excluded), Principle of transformer action for voltage transformation, Constructional details of shell type and core type single-phase and three-phase transformers, Description of the following types of transformers - power transformer, distribution transformer, Constant voltage transformer, Constant current transformer, Variable frequency transformers, Auto-transformers.Single-phase Transformers : Concept of ideal transformer, Equation for E.M.F. induced in the two windings, Voltage transformation ratio, Ideal transformer on no-load and loaded condition with corresponding phasor diagrams, Concept of M.M.F. balance in the magnetic circuit of an ideal transformer, Current transformation ratio, Concept of referring impedance connected on one side of ideal transformer to the other side, Practical transformer-how it deviates from the ideal transformer, Development of exact equivalent circuit of a practical transformer-visualization of a practical transformer as an ideal transformer combined with imperfections of electric and magnetic circuits, Approximate equivalent circuit of a practical transformer.Phasor diagram of a practical transformer for both no-load and loaded conditions, Losses, Power and all-day efficiency, Regulation, Testing of transformers - O.C. test, S.C. test and predetermination of efficiency and regulation, Sumpner s test, Parallel operation - need, conditions to be satisfied for parallel operation, Load sharing.Three-phase Transformers : All types of three-phase transformer connections including open delta, Choice of connection, Bank of single-phase transformers for three-phase operation, Phase conversion using transformers, Scott connection for three-phase to two-phase conversion, Labelling of three-phase transformer terminals, Phase shift between primary and secondary and vector groups, Conditions for proper operation of three-phase transformers in parallel. Three-winding Transformers : Advantages and disadvantages of three-winding transformers, Equivalent circuit. Basic Concepts of Induction Machines : Concept of rotating magnetic field, Operating principle, Construction, Classification and types - single-phase, three-phase, squirrel-cage, slip-ring, double-cage types.Three-phase Induction Motor : Phasor diagram of induction motor on no-load and loaded conditions, Visualization of a three-phase induction motor as a generalized transformer with a rotating secondary and obtaining its equivalent circuit, Different kinds of power losses in an induction motor, Efficiency, Performance evaluation-output power, Torque, Efficiency, Current and power factor. Torque-slip characteristics covering motoring, Generating and braking regions of operation, Induction generator, No-load and blocked rotor tests, Circle diagram and therefrom performance evaluation of the motor, Cogging and crawling, Equivalent circuit and performance of double-cage and deep-bar motors. Starting and Control of Three-phase Induction Motor : Need for starter, DOL, Y-Delta and auto-transformer starting, Rotor resistance starting, Electronic starters, Speed control - voltage, frequency and rotor resistance variations.Single-phase Induction Motor : Double revolving field theory and principle of operation, Types of single-phase induction motors: split-phase, Capacitor start, Shaded pole motors.
by M.V.Bakshi U.A.Bakshi
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