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Impôts écologiques,l'exemple des taxes CO2
Les taxes environnementales peuvent faire mieux qu'encourager les pollueurs à tenir compte des conséquences de leurs actions. Elles permettent de répondre simultanément à la détérioration des finances publiques et à la dégradation de l'environnement. Ce livre décrit et analyse la mise en place de véritables " impôts écologiques " : les critères théoriques, les principaux impacts, le contexte socio-politique, les conditions légales et les règles d'application. Il passe également en revue différentes expériences internationales. S'appuyant sur les critères ainsi développés, le livre évalue le projet de taxe CO2 du Conseil fédéral, montrant notamment que les qualités incitatives de la taxe sont fortement diluées par le régime spécial pour les grands consommateurs et que les taux des autres impôts frappant les énergies fossiles devraient être relevés. Un certain nombre d'amendements au projet sont proposés, qui pourraient accroître son efficacité et son acceptabilité politique. Ce livre réserve une place importante à la présentation des concepts de base de l'économie et aux références bibliographiques, s'adressant ainsi à un large public de professeurs, d'étudiants et de chercheurs en économie, en écologie et en sciences politiques, ainsi qu'aux milieux politiques et à toute personne intéressée par le débat autour des taxes environnementales.
by Philippe Thalmann
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Modern Chinese Literary Thought,Writings on Literature, 1893-1945
This volume presents a broad range of writings on modern Chinese literature. Of the fifty-five essays included, forty-seven are translated here for the first time, including two essays by Lu Xun. In addition, the editor has provided an extensive general introduction and shorter introductions to the five parts of the book, historical background, a synthesis of current scholarship on modern views of Chinese literature, and an original thesis on the complex formation of Chinese literary modernity. The collection reflects both the mainstream Marxist interpretation of the literary values of modern China and the marginalized views proscribed, at one time or another, by the leftist canon. It offers a full spectrum of modern Chinese perceptions of fundamental literary issues.
by Kirk A. Denton
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Knowledge and the Sacred,

by Seyyed Hossein Nasr
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Economic Geography and Public Policy,
Research on the spatial aspects of economic activity has flourished over the past decade due to the emergence of new theory, new data, and an intense interest on the part of policymakers, especially in Europe but increasingly in North America and elsewhere as well. However, these efforts--collectively known as the "new economic geography"--have devoted little attention to the policy implications of the new theory. Economic Geography and Public Policy fills the gap by illustrating many new policy insights economic geography models can offer to the realm of theoretical policy analysis. Focusing primarily on trade policy, tax policy, and regional policy, Richard Baldwin and coauthors show how these models can be used to make sense of real-world situations. The book not only provides much fresh analysis but also synthesizes insights from the existing literature. The authors begin by presenting and analyzing the widest range of new economic geography models to date. From there they proceed to examine previously unaddressed welfare and policy issues including, in separate sections, trade policy (unilateral, reciprocal, and preferential), tax policy (agglomeration with taxes and public goods, tax competition and agglomeration), and regional policy (infrastructure policies and the political economy of regional subsidies). A well-organized, engaging narrative that progresses smoothly from fundamentals to more complex material, Economic Geography and Public Policy is essential reading for graduate students, researchers, and policymakers seeking new approaches to spatial policy issues.
by Rikard Forslid
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The SAGE Handbook of Interpersonal Communication,
The revised Fourth Edition of The SAGE Handbook of Interpersonal Communication delivers a clear, comprehensive, and exciting overview of the field of interpersonal communication. It offers graduate students and faculty an important, state-of-the-art reference work in which well-known experts summarize theory and current research. The editors also explore key issues in the field, including personal relationships, computer-mediated communication, language, personality, skills, nonverbal communication, and communication across a person’s life span. This updated handbook covers a wide range of established and emerging topics, including: Biological and Physiological Processes Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Studying Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication in Work, Family, Intercultural, and Health Contexts Supportive and Divisive Transactions Social Networks Editors Mark L. Knapp and John A. Daly have significantly contributed to the field of interpersonal communication with this important reference work—a must-have for students and scholars.
by Mark L. Knapp
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The Migration of Constitutional Ideas,
The migration of constitutional ideas across jurisdictions is one of the central features of contemporary constitutional practice. The increasing use of comparative jurisprudence in interpreting constitutions is one example of this. In this 2007 book, leading figures in the study of comparative constitutionalism and comparative constitutional politics from North America, Europe and Australia discuss the dynamic processes whereby constitutional systems influence each other. They explore basic methodological questions which have thus far received little attention, and examine the complex relationship between national and supranational constitutionalism - an issue of considerable contemporary interest in Europe. The migration of constitutional ideas is discussed from a variety of methodological perspectives - comparative law, comparative politics, and cultural studies of law - and contributors draw on case-studies from a wide variety of jurisdictions: Australia, Hungary, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada.
by Sujit Choudhry
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Lexicon Technicum: Or, An Universal English Dictionary Of Arts And Sciences,Explaining Not Only the Terms of Art, But the Arts Themselves

by John Harris
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An Introduction to Positive Economics,
New in this edition is the inclusion of international examples
by Richard G. Lipsey
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Principles of Artificial Intelligence,
Previous treatments of Artificial Intelligence (AI) divide the subject into its major areas of application, namely, natural language processing, automatic programming, robotics, machine vision, automatic theorem proving, intelligent data retrieval systems, etc. The major difficulty with this approach is that these application areas are now so extensive, that each could, at best, be only superficially treated in a book of this length. Instead, I have attempted here to describe fundamental AI ideas that underlie many of these applications. My organization of these ideas is not, then, based on the subject matter of their application, but is, instead, based on general computational concepts involving the kinds of data structures used, the types of operations performed on these data struc tures, and the properties of con'trol strategies used by AI systems. I stress, in particular, the important roles played in AI by generalized production systems and the predicate calculus. The notes on which the book is based evolved in courses and seminars at Stanford University and at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Although certain topics treated in my previous book, Problem solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence, are covered here as well, this book contains many additional topics such as rule-based systems, robot problem-solving systems, and structured-object representations.
by Nils J. Nilsson
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Stripline-like Transmission Lines for Microwave Integrated Circuits,
Stripline-Like Transmission Lines For Microwave Integrated Circuits Offers A Unique Combination Of A Textbook And A Design Data Handbook. It Provides An Exhaustive Coverage Of The Analysis, Design And Applications Of Stripline-Like Transmission Lines. Starting From The Fundamental Principles, The Book Builds Up On Analytical Techniques Towards The Solution Of Various Structures In A Lucid And Systematic Manner So As To Be Of Direct Utility For Classroom Teaching. Both Quasi- Static And Hybrid-Mode Analyses Are Included. A Unified Analytical Technique Is Developed Which Is Then Applied To A Class Of Single Conductor, Edge-Coupled Andbroadside-Coupled Structures Using Isotropic/Anisotropic Substrates. The Same Technique Is Extended To Analyse Rectangular Conductor Patches, Open-Circuit End Effects And Gap Capacitances In These Structures. The Analyses Of Losses And Details Of Power Handling Capability Are Also Presented. For R & D Engineers Involved In Mic Design, The Book Offers Unified Formulas And Closed Form Expressions Which Are Readily Programmable, Graphical Illustrations And Extensive Tables Of Data On Propagation Parameters For A Wide Variety Of Practical Structures Using Commercially Available Dielectric Substrates. The Book Concludes With A Chapter On Circuit Applications Which Discusses The Constructional Features, Transitions To Coaxial Lines And Waveguides, And Design Aspects Of A Member Of Mic Components--Couplers, Hybrids, Baluns, Power Dividers, Filters, Pin Diode Switches, Attenuators And Phase Shifters, And Mixers.
by Bharathi Bhat
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Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice,

by Senior John M.
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Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB,
In this supplementary text, MATLAB is used as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics and solve problems to gain insight. This greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in the course. Since DSP applications are primarily algorithms implemented on a DSP processor or software, a fair amount of programming is required. Using interactive software such as MATLAB makes it possible to place more emphasis on learning new and difficult concepts than on programming algorithms. Interesting practical examples are discussed and useful problems are explored. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
by Vinay Ingle
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Turbulent peace,the challenges of managing international conflict
Please see the new, replacement volume Leashing the Dogs of War . Like its predecessor,Managing Global Chaos,this comprehensive volume explores the sources of contemporary conflict and the vast array of possible responses to it. The authors'50 of the most influential and innovative analysts of international affairs'present multiple perspectives on how best to prevent, manage, or resolve conflicts around the world. In the five years since Managing Global Chaoswas published, the geopolitical landscape has changed in significant ways and we have learned important lessons. Turbulent Peaceunderlines the volatility and vulnerability of states and peoples in a world that is both increasingly interconnected and ever more differentiated and decentralized in its political and social structures. Four new themes emerge from Turbulent Peace:the return of geopolitics; the recognition that different societies require different peacemaking strategies; the pull and tug between conflict management and post-conflict governance issues, such as democratization; and the understanding that creating a sustainable peace is as difficult as making peace in the first place. Although this volume features many of the contributors to Managing Global Chaos(in most cases with updated and revised chapters), almost 70 percent of the contributors are new. The editors commissioned the new essays to address emergent themes in conflict analysis and management, to offer a wide range of viewpoints in contentious areas, and to respond to feedback from readers and the needs of educators. The result is a volume of unparalleled breadth and depth, an invaluable resource for teachers and students no less than for practitioners and policymakers.
by Chester A. Crocker
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Essential Revision Notes for MRCP,
Includes 21 chapters that cover the syllabus for the MRCP 1 examination. This title features vital medical facts presented in note format to aid revision. It offers the reassurance of being up-to-date with the facts that matter. It contains key points presented in diagrams, illustrations, lists, tables and mnemonics to aid learning.
by Philip A. Kalra
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Principles of Compiler Design,
Introduction to compilers; Programming languages; Finite automata and lexical analysis; The syntatic specification of programming languages; Basic parsing techniques; Automatic construction of efficient parsers; Syntax-directed translation; More about translation; Sumbol tables; Run-time storage administration; Error detection and recovery; Introduction to code optimization; More about loop optimization; More about data-flow analysis; Code generation.
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