
For Munashe Mugonda ’19, of Zimbabwe, it was important to attend a small college that promised a highly-personalized educational experience. Since her freshman year, Franklin has consistently fulfilled its promise.

When Mugonda, an applied mathematics major specializing in computer engineering, began college she did not own a personal computer. A faculty member intervened and connected her with Multiply Technology, an Indianapolis business that helps retire unwanted technology and repurpose it to meet critical community needs.  The company generously donated a laptop to Mugonda to support realizing her college dreams and subsequently offered her a summer internship.

Support from college faculty and staff was key throughout the process.

“Computing professor Dr. Kerry Smith (’91) helped me develop goals and objectives going into the internship, and director of career services Kirk Bixler and other staff in professional development also helped me prepare,” said Mugonda.

College assistance didn’t end with professional guidance. A staff member also helped with the practical need for short-term housing.

“After I got the internship, I couldn’t find daily transportation from Franklin to Indianapolis,” explained Mugonda.

When former Franklin College Vice President of Development and Alumni Engagement Gail Lowry heard about the predicament, she invited Mugonda to stay at her family’s Indianapolis home, near public transit. Mugonda said, “The Lowrys are a wonderful family and were a great impact on me.”

After all the logistics fell into place, Mugonda enjoyed engaging fully in developing software for internal applications at her employer. College classes in computer programming and calculus provided several transferable skills that served her well, as did public speaking.

“On the last day of my internship, I had to give a presentation to my supervisors. My public speaking class helped me structure my ideas and feel comfortable presenting.”

For more information about what a degree from Franklin College can do for you, contact the Office of Admissions at (800) 852-0232.

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