
The Falcons have turned to SignUpGenius to help us streamline the process for volunteering. SignUpGenius is an online tool to help group organizing made easy.  As many of you are already using this product for FSD157c and parent teacher conferences, you should be familiar with this. This new process will help you select, sign up for and get alerted to your volunteer duty.  You will be able to manage your time slot at a later date if you need to change or delete.  No need to wait for a coordinator or team mom to get back with you.  You will see what is available or not in real time on your computer, smart phone or connected device. You are 100% responsible for signing up. Team moms will not be coordinating this.

This year due to the different roster sizes of all football and cheer teams, we had to co-mingle the duties involved across both football/cheer and Black/Blue.  You may now select any time slot for any game for any team for any level for any color.  You have all of the control in your hands to select the time slot that is best for you and not limited to a day or time slot.

Please click on the logo above or below to view the different volunteer opportunities available. Then select one in which you wish to do.  Upon submitting your selection you will be asked to login or create a login. Please create an account with the site if you already do not have one for school otherwise login with the same login info you have with the school.  The email address you create will be the email address you will get alerted to.  You may also get a calendar reminder as well. That is it.  It takes 2 minutes to do and you will be ready for the season.  Remember this is on a first come first serve basis so hurry to select what best fits for you!

Coaches, Asst Coaches and Team Moms are not required to sign up! You have graciously stepped up to volunteer a considerable amount of time already!

Click here to download your blank volunteer card to get signed!

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