
for work and for play: one | two | three


On top of of renal, we are also currently taking a 1 credit geriatrics course this week. According to recent statistics, the elderly make up 13% of the population, but are 36% of all hospital cases and take up 50% of all physician hours. Whoa.

I don't advise going out and drinking your anti-freeze, but if you were to, just buy a bottle of tequila - the treatment for ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) is ethanol (drinking alcohol!).  (while this is actually true, if you were to get ethylene glycol poisoning, please go find your nearest emergency room and not just start taking tequila shots)

The world's largest kidney stone was 13 centimeters wide. The normal kidney is only 9 centimeters wide. OUCH.

On the Internet

I knew Bri's work life was busy, but it's really apparent in her "day in the life" post. Dang girl.

The worst gift guide ever - who even makes these things?! Thanks for the laughs Tier!

How cute is Tam's drawing of her little wiener dog? I insist she makes prints so I can buy one!


I talked about falling in love with this blouse a few weeks ago, and now that it's half the price it was then, I'm finally going for it. Here's hoping I like it in real life as much as I like it online!

Chambray and polka dots just make sense. Wear it with black ponte pants and boots now, and with white shorts in the spring!

I've been using e.l.f. brushes for years, but they are definitely showing their age. This sparkly set of 5 is from one my favorite make-up brands (I'm hardcore loyal to their powders!), so pretty, and currently on sale. Please, Santa?

On Franish

On the blog: I want to wear this dress every day (especially because CR really loves it!)

On instagram: the amazing sunset we saw after leaving school on Thursday

On pinterest: my plans over break including a little crafting (and thrifting!)

Notable Sales

J.Crew: 30% off everything including sale items. This on-sale scalloped dress is beautiful (the perfect neckline for a statement necklace or let it speak for itself with just a dainty charm), while this quarter zip would look great on your man (I'm so tempted to order it for CR!)

J.Crew Factory: 50% off everything. Pick up these Chanel-inspired shoes for yourself, and these flats for that preppy friend in your life ;)

Not a specific sale, but did you know that if you refer a friend to shop at Shopbop and they purchase something, you'll get a $25 credit? Use it to buy these unique earrings, or a sassy passport cover. Or refer two friends, and you can make your dog the most stylish on the block (that buffalo plaid vest!)


I upgraded my phone this week to an iPhone 6+. It's ginormous and therefore I love it - I was debating about getting an iPad mini for when rotations start, but this should do the trick just fine. I bought this case for it so that the gold still shows through :)

Last day of school is on Thursday! Then it's Christmas shopping, baking, and so much napping for the next two weeks.

We had our ugly Christmas sweater party this week and it was a ton of fun. We had some pretty ugly sweaters and then some pretty awesome ones too. We even had the dogs and their ugly sweaters out!

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