The Zend Framework community is pleased to announce the immediate availability
of Zend Framework 2.3.0!
This is our first minor release in 10 months, providing the first new features
since May of 2013.
Among those features, we've updated our minimum supported PHP version to 5.3.23,
fixed a large number of issues with how form collections work, improved performance
of the service manager, and much, much more.
New minimum supported PHP version
This release ups the minimum required PHP version from 5.3.3 to 5.3.23.
Making this change affords the following:
5.3.9 and up have a fix that allows a class to implement multiple interfaces
that define the same method, so long as the signatures are compatible. Prior
to that version, doing so raised a fatal error. This change is necessary in
order to solve a problem with separated interface usage in the framework.
5.3.23 contains a fix for PHP bug #62672.
Adopting this version or greater will allow us to (eventually) remove polyfill
support that works around the symptoms of that issue.
New Additions / Improvements
More than 230 pull requests and issues were closed for this release -- far
too many to list individually. That said, there are quite a few incremental improvements
that will be of interest to Zend Framework 2 users. Below is a list broken down
by component.
#4815 promotes Zend\AuthenticationService\Adapter\Http's
_challengeClient() method to public visibility, and renames it to
challengeClient(); the old method remains as a proxy to the new one. This
allows implementors to issue the HTTP credential challenge manually.
#5901 adds an AuthenticationServiceInterface, to allow
alternate implementations.
#4512 introduces a BlackHole cache storage adapter; this
adapter is useful during development, when you do not want cache operations to
have effect, but need to test that a system using caching works.
Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Apc now supports "check and set" operations, per
#5829 adds a new cache adapter, Memcache (not to be
confused with Memcached), for use with ext/memcache.
#4989 adds the ability to identify PHP traits in the
#6262 adds a getPrototype() method to MethodReflection;
this returns a structured array detailing the namespace, class, visibility,
and arguments (including names, default values, and types) for the method.
#5400 adds the capability for the PropertyScanner to
determine the PHP type of a given object property, via the new method
#4824 adds a JavaProperties configuration reader.
#4860 provides an abstract factory for retrieving named
top-level configuration keys from the Config service. As an example, if you
have a key zf-apigility, you can now retrieve it from the service manager
using config-zf-apigility or zf-apigility-config. Namespaces are also
often-used for top-level keys, and notations such as ZF\Apigility\Config may
be used, too.
A number of improvements were made to the PhpArray config writer to make the
output it generates more readable, as well as more consistent with the values
being passed as input. These include consistent 4-space indentation; putting
the opening array declarations on the same line as => operators; ensuring
boolean values are written as booleans; ensuring strings are written with
proper, and readable, escapeing; allowing writing arrays using PHP 5.4
short-array syntax; and making attempts to replace paths using __DIR__
notation when possible.
#4449 moves the console routing logic out of Zend\Mvc and
into Zend\Console\ConsoleRouteMatcher. This allows re-use of the
Zend\Console component in a standalone fashion.
Zend\Mvc\Router\Console\Simple was refactored to consume a
ConsoleRouteMatcher instance internally.
#4606 adds support for Zend\Console to detect the console
encoding, and use that when emitting text.
#5711 implements the writeTextBlock() method in the
AbstractAdapter, allowing the ability to specify a block size and text to
wrap within that block when generating console output.
#5720 fixes console routing to ensure CamelCase values in
routes will be treated as literals, and ALLCAPS can be used to define value
#5713 adds the ability to specify option callback hooks in
Zend\Console\Getopt. As examples:
Essentially, once parse() is called, if the specified option was provided,
the callback will be triggered. Returning a boolean false will cause cause
parse() to invalidate usage, raising an exception.
#5024 removes the KEY_DERIV_HMAC constant, and allows the
ability to specify alternate PBKDF2 hashing algorithms within the
Zend\Crypt\BlockCipher class.
Zend\Db\Sql with MySQL can utilize a Select object containing an OFFSET without LIMIT
Zend\Db\Sql's In predicate now supports subselects
Zend\Db\Sql now has a NotIn predicate.
A method inTransaction() has been added to all Zend\Db\Adapter drivers
Zend\Db\Sql\Select's from() can be a subselect
Zend\Db\Sql\Insert can use a Select object as the value source (INSERT INTO ... SELECT)
Zend\Db\Adapter PDO now accepts a charset when creating the DSN
#5356 provides a backwards-compatible rewrite of the
Zend\Dom\Query component and logic. It presents a new class,
Zend\Dom\Document, along with a subcomponent of the same name containing new
Query and Nodelist classes. Usage becomes:
Zend\Dom\Query and Zend\Dom\Css2Xpath have been deprecated in favor of the
new API. Zend\Test\PHPUnit still needs to be updated to use the new API,
#5283 deprecates the ProvidesEvents trait in favor of the
EventManagerAwareTrait; the latter is named after the interface it
implements, and includes the now standard Trait suffix.
#5436 refactors Zend\Filter to ensure consistency
throughout the component. Filters now never trigger errors or throw
exceptions; if a filter cannot handle an incoming input, it will return it
#4400 allows you to pass the string name of the element you
want to create as the second argument when using
Zend\Form\FormElementManager::get() - instead of requiring that you pass it
in as array('name' => 'name value').
The Zend\Form component has had a number of improvements surrounding HTML
escaping and form labels. Among these is the addition of
LabelAwareInterface, which defines methods for an element or fieldset
to provide a label, label attributes, and label options (one of which is the
option disable_html_escape, allowing developers to provide markup within the
label text). Many efforts have been made to keep this functionality backwards
compatible, while simultaneously ensuring that proper defaults are provided.
Numerous improvements were made to how form Collections are managed, including
improvements to counts, managing input filters, handling nested sets, binding
objects, and more.
#5918 ensures that multiple CSRF elements on the same page
with the same name should not conflict, and still validate.
#4846 adds the ability to disable the InArray validator
when defining a MultiCheckbox form element.
#4884 provides the ability to replace elements within a form
#4927 adds the ability to provide a Traversable value to a
nested fieldset in a form.
#4971 updates the form factory to allow specifying null
configuration values. This allows one module to override and cancel the
setting of another when desired.
#5420 adds the ability to compose Zend\Form collections via
#5456 adds the ability for annotations to provide input
filter specifications when provided on an object representing a fieldset.
#5562 adds the unsetValueOption() method to Select and
MultiCheckbox element types.
#4950 adds match() capabilities to the ContentType
header class, similar to the implementation for Accept header instances.
This allows matching incoming data against a mimetype in order to perform
content negotiation.
#5029 adds a new header class for Origin headers.
#5316 adds a new header class for Content-Security-Policy
#5732 adds the ability to set custom HTTP response status
codes via a new Response method, setCustomStatusCode().
#4510 introduces Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberParse, which will
filter a string parseable by PHP's built-in NumberFormatter to a number.
#5034 makes the PhoneNumber validator Locale-aware.
#5108 introduces a TranslatorInterface, defining the
methods translate() and translatePlural(). This will allow for alternate
implementations, but also for other components to create equivalent,
component-specific interfaces, and thus reduce dependencies.
#5825 adds a new translation loader, PhpMemoryArray. It
behaves like the PhpArray loader, but instead of accepting a file that
returns an array, it accepts an array of translations directly. This allows
specifying translations as part of configuration, or via a caching system.
A number of updates were made regarding how collection input filters work to
ensure they are more consistent, and operate according to user expectations
with regard to empty sets, nested sets, etc.
#5933 provides the ability to use arbitrary response codes
with Zend\Json\Server.
#5783 fixes the StandardAutoloader such that if a
namespace matches, but no matching class is found, it will continue to loop
through any other namespaces present. This fixes a situation whereby a map for
a subnamespace may be registered later than the parent; prior to the change,
the subnamespace would never be matched.
#4455 adds new service providers for Zend\Log: log_writers and log_processors. These allow you to provide custom log writer and processor services for use with the Zend\Log\LoggerAbstractServiceFactory.
#4742 provides a new interface,
Zend\Log\LoggerAwareInterface, for hinting that an object composes, or can
compose, a Zend\Log\Logger instance. A corresponding PHP Trait is also
#5875 adds a registerFatalErrorShutdownFunction() method to
Zend\Log\Logger, to handle logging fatal runtime errors.
#5261 adds a new NullTransport to Zend\Mail, providing a
no-op mail transport. This can be useful in non-production environments, or
when needing to selectively disable mail sending capabilities without altering
#5470 adds Zend\Mail\Transport\Factory, for simplifying
creation of a mail transport via configuration.
#4849 updates Zend\Mvc\Application::run() such that it now
always returns the Application instance. If an event returns a response
object, it is always pushed into the Application instance now so that it may
be retrieved after run() has finished executing.
#4962 modifies the various MVC factories to reference the
service ControllerManager instead of ControllerLoader (which is a legacy
name from early beta releases); ControllerManager was made an alias of
ControllerLoader. This change future-proofs the MVC. If you are using
ControllerLoader in your own code, we encourage you to change those
references to ControllerManager (though ControllerLoader will continue to
work for the foreseeable future).
#5108 introduces a DummyTranslator, which will be used if
ext/intl is not present, or if the developer wishes to disable translation
(e.g., validators compose a translator by default, but quite often the
validation messages do not need to be translated); translation can be disabled
by setting the translator configuration key to a boolean false.
#5469 adds a new AbstractConsoleController, and logic in
the ControllerManager for injecting the ConsoleAdapter object into such
controllers. This abstract class tests if the incoming request is a console
request, and raises an exception if not; it also provides a getConsole()
method for access to the composed ConsoleAdapter.
#5612 updates Zend\Mvc\Application::init() to allow
listeners specified in the configuration passed to the method to override
those discovered during bootstrapping; in essence, application-level
configuration should have more specificity than module-level configuration.
#5670 provides the ability to create a controller_map
within view_manager configuration. This map allows you to do the following:
Indicate modules that include subnamespaces in their name to include all
namespace segments in the template name: Xerkus\FooModule =>
xerkux/foo-module/ via the configuration Xerkus\FooModule => true.
Map a specific template prefix to a given module: ZfcUser =>
This change is opt-in, and thus backwards compatible.
#5759 adds a new method to the FlashMessenger,
renderCurrent(), allowing you to render flash messages sent in the current
request (using the same API as renderMessages()).
#5897 adds a fromJsonRawBody() method to the Params
plugin, allowing the ability to decode and retrieve parameters passed via the
request body as JSON.
#5080 fixes the Breadcrumb view helper such that it will
now pass the specified separator.
#5803 hides sub menus when all pages in the sub menu are
currently hidden.
#4427 adds the ability to provide $group and $having clauses to a DbTableGateway Zend\Paginator adapter.
#5272 adds a new Callback pagination adapter; the new
adapter accepts two callbacks, one for returning the items, another for
returning the count. The items callback will receive the requested offset and
number of items per page as arguments: function ($offset, $itemsPerPage).
#5628 adds a new AssertionAggregate, which enables two
concepts: the ability to chain multiple assertions, as well as the ability to
use named assertions as plugins. (The change also creates a
Zend\Permissions\Acl\Assertion\AssertionManager, which is a plugin manager
A number of performance improvements were made to how abstract factories are
processed and invoked.
#4995 adds the ability to specify session validators in
configuration consumed by the SessionManagerFactory.
#5792 adds a "debug mode" to Zend\Soap\Server. When
enabled, any exception thrown is treated as a Fault response (vs. only those
#5810 adds a getException() method to Zend\Soap\Server,
allowing you to retrieve the exception that caused a fault response (e.g., to
log it).
#5811 creates a public getSoap() method in
Zend\Soap\Server to allow you to access the composed SoapServer instance.
This allows you to use setReturnResponse() and still return fault responses
(which must be triggered by the SoapServer instance directly.)
#4534 introduces a JsonSerializable polyfill, to provide
support for that built-in PHP interface on PHP versions prior to 5.4.
#4751 provides a new interface,
Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorAwareInterface, for hinting that an object
composes, or can compose, a Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface instance.
A corresponding PHP Trait is also provided.
#4908 segregates Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydratorInterface
into two separate interfaces, Zend\Stdlib\Extractor\ExtractionInterface and
Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\HydrationInterfac. The original interface has been
modified to extend both of the new interfaces. This allows developers to
implement one or the other behavior, based on the needs of the application.
(As an example, if an application only needs to extract data for
serialization, it could typehint on
Zend\Stdlib\Extractor\ExtractionInterface only.)
#5364 adds a new subcomponent to hydrators, NamingStrategy.
A NamingStrategy can be used by hydrators to determine the name to use for
keys and properties when extracting and hydrating.
#5365 adds Zend\Stdlib\Guard, which provides traits for
performing common argument type validations. For example, an object composing the
ArrayOrTraversableGuardTrait could call
$this->guardForArrayOrTraversable($arg) in order to validate $arg is an
array or Traversable.
#5380 adds context support to hydrator strategies, allowing
them to receive the object being extracted or the array being hydrated when
performing their logic.
#5702 moves Zend\Mvc\Router\PriorityList into
Zend\Stdlib, as it has general-purpose use cases. The former class was
modified to extend the latter.
#4946 adds two new methods to the
AbstractControllerTestCase, assertTemplateName() and
#5649 adds the assertResponseReasonPhrase() assertion.
#5730 adds the ability to allow session persistence when
performing multiple dispatches.
#5731 adds a new argument to dispatch(),
$isXmlHttpRequest; when boolean true, this adds an X-Requested-With:
XMLHttpRequest header to the request object.
#4940 adds a new validator, Bitwise, for performing bitwise
validation operations.
#5664 removes the translation of validator message keys.
While this is a backwards-incompatible change, this capability should never
have been present, and removing it fixes a number of posted issues, as well as
improves performance when retrieving validation error messages. A related
change, #5666, removes translation of validation error
messages from Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormElementErrors, as translation
happens within the validators themselves; this prevents double translation,
and, again, improves performance.
#5780 adds the ability to set the "break chain on failure"
flag via a configuration option; this allows setting the flag when using the
attachByName() method of the ValidatorChain.
#4625 adds the ability to pass a Zend\Http\Client to
Zend\Version\Version::getLatest(), which should solve situations where
allow_url_fopen is disabled.
#4679 provides the ability to specify Internet Explorer
conditional stylesheets in the HeadLink and HeadStyle view helpers,
conditional metadata in the HeadMeta view helper, and conditional scripts in
the HeadScript view helper.
#5255 adds the ability to retrieve child view models based on
what variable they registered to capture to in the parent; this is implemented
via a new interface, Zend\View\Model\RetrievableChildrenInterface, which
defines the method getChildrenByCaptureTo().
#5266 attempts to make calls to PhpRenderer::render()
slightly more robust by checking the return value from includeing a view
script, and raising an exception when the include fails.
Thank You!
A big thank you to the dozens upon dozens of contributors who helped make this
new feature release a reality! This was truly a community-driven effort, and
would not have been possible without the contributions of each and every one
of you.
At this time, I am proposing a bi-monthly maintenance release schedule; however,
we will often release an initial ".1" maintenance version sooner. After that, however,
we will schedule maintenance releases every 2 months.
For minor (feature) releases, I am proposing every six months, giving us a
September 2014 release date for 2.4.0.
If you have opinions on the release schedule, I invite you to voice them on our
mailing lists.