
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Members of the Indianapolis community came together Monday to donate blood in honor of a Kelley School of Business student recently diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Junior Megan Yoder is no stranger to medical challenges, having completed chemotherapy for leukemia just five years ago.

The special blood drive was hosted at the Sycamore School in Indianapolis, where Yoder was previously a student.

“Megan is a fighter and wants to do everything she can to survive and continue leading her life to the fullest,” said Shelli Andrews, a Sycamore School employee. “We want Megan to know that the Sycamore School family supports her.”

“Hosting this blood drive in her name is a wonderful way to honor Megan and help patients in need,” said Meg Ahlering, account manager for the Red Cross Indiana-Ohio Blood Services Region.

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