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It looked like fat. 57-year-old Roger Logan’s abdomen was so large the growth hung over his lower body like a boulder.

It felt like fat. Logan was all but confined to a chair and could no longer work in his antiques store or spend quality time outside.

But it wasn’t fat.

It was a 130-pound tumor.

After years visiting doctors only to be told he was obese, the Mississippi man and his family did research and traveled to Bakersfield Memorial Hospital in California for answers.

There, they got their confirmation from Dr. Vipul Dev, a surgeon at the facility. The mass was a tumor, one that may had started as infected ingrown hair.

The idea of surgery was daunting, but Dev told CNN Bakersfield affiliate KERO he was specifically equipped for such a task.

“We’re fortunate to have a facility like this where we can do this kind of surgery with very little or no complications,” he said.

The benign mass was successfully removed recently and Logan is recovering in good humor. When the time comes, he will return to Mississippi as, thankfully, half the man he used to be.

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