ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI)– If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. That’s what they were doing Monday at Coates Brothers Automotive.
“We’ve been doing it for four years now and it helps supplement the income cause the boss still pays us for today,” says Michael Finn.
For 75 years, the family owned auto repair business has been in Dogtown but had to shut down every St. Patrick’s Day because of parade traffic.
Monday they were grilling up goodies for all those dressed in green.
“What makes a good St. Patrick’s day?” asks Patrick Clark.
“Lots of alcohol,” says Jason Mueller.
“Dogtown because there’s lot of Irish people around, it’s an Irish town so it’s always going to beat the St. Louis parade just because it’s got to better feel about it,” says Ariel Brunais.
“Just having a fun time together with your family and loved ones,” says Dave Watkins.
“Ah a lot of beer and Irish spirit,” says Finn.
Cartoonist Mike Peters was in the spirit as grand marshal of the 30 year old St. Patrick’s Day celebration.
There were brats, beers and beads and both Mayor Slay and county executive Charlie Dooley walked down Tamm from Oakland to Manchester.
And while the top o’ the morning turned into the afternoon, the celebration wasn’t going to continue for all in attendance.
“After we get done we’ll go in and eat corn beef and cabbage and then we’ll go home because it gets a little too much when it gets later,” says Alice Overby. “I’m too old for that anymore.”
After all, it’s hard to have Irish eyes a smiling if you’re too tired.