
3rd time is a charm, I should really write down my passwords. Aka: It's been way too long since you have logged in to Blogger Marrs. And no, I still didn't write it down, pshhh that writing stuff is for the birds. Speaking of bluejays, can you tell I haven't written in for like ever? Life folks, but MAN do I miss it and you, yes You! If any of you are still out there-- I do hope all is well and I'm::: Warning, Warning, click off if you don't want to get bored with family photos, they are about to over take your entire screen.. Hey, I warned ya!

Repeat, you will not find a finger lickin' good recipe(only a pin drop to Little Caesars) or cute cozy blanket to create today(they sell those at Costco) Nope. just a Big o Marrs Photo dump, because man does a lot happen in 6 months and this kid growing up crap and not staying little is seriously pulling at my Mom heart these days.

So enough. Let's get this dump started.

Meet Marvin. "Oh Marvin"
like "alvinnnn, but Marvvvin" get it? Ok.

This is Marvin Marrs the newest member to the crew!

I saw Marvin on my friends FB page. Her daughter was fostering him and he was looking for his forever home. He was a Marrs.

Marvin meet Minnie, and the rest... is history really.

So much history that they have their own IG account. Because with ears like these two, that was a given. @MinnieMarvinAdventures #minniemarvinadventures
Side Note: I can't remember my log-in for their account/go figure. So it hasn't been updated for awhile, but still loads of pics of cute ears.

Up Next, School is Back in Session

(again, taking it back to August peeps)

If you are still reading, fist bump.

Are you kidding me? 12th, 8th and 4th? Dang does time fly!

..... and

just when I thought I dried up all my tears from the school drop offs.. Aaron decided to get his Senior pictures taken.

Just put a fork in me!

Look at this man, yes M.A.N!

- - - - - - - - - - - -

We interrupt this post for a special message:

Happy 14th Birthday Mason!

What in the sam heck is going on around here?

Pizza + Brownies is this kids jam!

And back to the new Marrs Man in the house(yes he is shaving, Man I tell you)

Aaron tested and earned his Third Degree Black Belt in November!

Why Did the Turkey Cross the Road Twice?

To Prove He wasn't a Chicken!

Thanksgiving 2016 was a hit and spent up in Idyllwild!

Last but not least, Bryan and I celebrated our 18th Wedding Anniversary!

Thankful and blessed to enjoy everyday life with these loves above.

Until next time friends, wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!

Love, The Marrs

ps. follow along our everyday on instagram

First, Thank you for just being here and hanging with little me! Second, I am having to change the way I share my posts, yes I know I am asking a lot with One More Click to "read more" -- but this is for me. Do it for me. I don't want anyone stealing my hard work so I have to do this! Thank you so much for understanding- Chest Bump coming at you!

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