I don't usually post so many images and try to keep my post short but this has been such a great week for photography in my part of the world.
First on July 2nd I had the privilege to witness a spectacular sunset that I would rank in the top three of my all time favorites. I must say it beat any fireworks display that man set off that weekend.
The above 2 images were over the top of our house to the northeast.
If I turned around this was behind me to the southeast.
and this was facing west. The sun was setting a little more off to the right of the picture.
I have to tell you a funny story....when I was standing at this spot (in the neighbor's cornfield I might add), I heard 2 cats behind me yowling at one another. I was standing in awe watching the sky when I realized the yowling was getting closer and the corn stalks were rustling. So I'm thinking "I think they're headed my way". Sure enough here they came right down the corn row at me. They were almost to me when the one in the lead realized i was there and made an abrupt left hand turn and ran down in front of me with the other cat hot on his heels. LOL. It was so funny after I was back in the house and got to thinking about it.
Linking with the gang at SKYWATCH FRIDAY
Ok on with my photo week. Mom and I made a trip to Big Valley on July 4th.
This little guy was wondering what the lady in the black car was pointing at him. I hurriedly snapped the pic because I was afraid his father would come around the corner and see me so it could be a little more in focus.
And the Amish are shocking their wheat. I got a bunch of new pics to share later.
And a random fence pic where I was practicing making a star from the sun.
Linking with Tex for GOOD FENCES.
And last but not least. I've been practicing with my macro lens and flowers are readily available. You all are gonna be sick of macro images. A few of my fav's from the past week.
I don't know the name of these little fellows but they make dandy macro subjects and I have a whole passel of images to show you later.
looks like a big ole chocolate cake right in the middle doesn't it.
Marigolds in a pot on the deck.
And the center of the marigold in the above image on the left.
Linking with Nick for FLORAL FRIDAY FOTOS.
Make sure you stop over and visit each meme to see images from around the world.
Wishing each one a happy and safe weekend.