XBox support Case Number: 1283013617 Microsoft Billing Case Number: 1283024729 Additional information: I have had several discussions with Xbox live support, Microsoft password reset, Microsoft billing and everyone seems to say it is the other departments problem and that they do not have the tools to resolve the problem. Xbox billing says there is no problem and that it is an Xbox reward issue and that my account should point to GB – Personal and that if it does not it should be escalated with xbox support. . See below for some of the transcript. General Info Chat start time Mar 13, 2015 6:34:24 PM EST Chat end time Mar 13, 2015 8:51:51 PM EST Duration (actual chatting time) 02:17:27 Operator Catherine B Chat Transcript info: Please wait for an agent to respond. You are currently '1' in the queue. info: Privacy Statement You are now chatting with 'Vaneza B'. Vaneza B: Hello! You’ve reached Microsoft Accounts and Billing Support, Vaneza B: My name is Vaneza . Vaneza B: How is your day going today? Vaneza B: Hello Jerome, are you still there? Jerome: Hello Vaneza - not very well to be honest. I'm a little frustrated at how long my issue is taking to resolve. You are the 3rd support person I have spoken to this evening. An one of many the past few months Jerome: Please see below for a brief summary Jerome: case number 1283013617 Vaneza B: I am sorry to hear you are frustrated. Vaneza B: I apologize for the inconvenience it had caused you Jerome: Multiple Billing accounts resulting into Xbox live rewards being unable to deposit funds into Microsoft associated with my Xbox live account account. For several months now and since the very beginning Xbox live rewards has been unable to deposit funds into my account because my Microsoft account has multiple billable accounts linked to it. GB – Personal GB – Business US – Personal. I only use GB - Personal. I need the other two deleted please. Xbox live rewards are unable to make a deposit unless I only have one billable account as the Rewards program cannot choose which account to deposit to and cannot modify any personal account information. I have reached out to Xbox live rewards and they were unable to help me. When I reached out to Xbox support I was helped by a Microsoft support person they stated that my additional billing account cannot be removed but that they had updated the system to recognise only my UK personal billing account. And that I would now be able to receive deposits into my account. This is not the case as I once again received an email saying: "Hi Tech Fanboy, We attempted to deposit funds into your Microsoft account you use with Xbox Live, but we encountered an Jerome: error. To fix this, we need you to take the following steps: 1. Go to Microsoft Billing. 2. Make sure your account information (including country and region) is correct. 3. If you're still experiencing problems, make a post to the Xbox Forums. " This has become very frustrating Vaneza B: Let me check your case number Sir. Jerome: thank you very much Vaneza B: You are most welcome Sir. Vaneza B: Let me review also the message you sent to me. Vaneza B: If I may ask Sir, is it about your card that you use for payment? Jerome: hi Vaneza B: Yes Sir Jerome: no it is not Vaneza B: Okay Vaneza B: I apologize Sir, I got a little confused about your concern. Jerome: please see below for an email I recived from Xox live rewards Jerome: RE: No Rewards Deposited due to an error - but there is no error, please help resolve. Reply by XBLRewards3 Hi Tech Fanboy. We see that you have multiple billable accounts linked to your Microsoft account. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make a deposit unless you have only one billable account. The Rewards program cannot choose which account to deposit to and cannot modify any personal account information. The only support team that can modify your account information is Microsoft Billing. The error we receive tells us that you have multiple billable accounts and until you have only one, we will not be able to make a successful deposit. Until this is resolved, we will continue to attempt deposits to your account. Thank you and take care. Vaneza B: Thank you Jerome: I wish to remove or delete my GB – Business & US – Personal accounts I think. From all indications and discussion I have had - it seems that this is the resolution that will solve my problem Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: Let me check my resources Sir Jerome: And I wish for my GB - Personal to remain active Jerome: thank you Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: I understand Sir Vaneza B: One moment please Sir Vaneza B: May I ask sir for the gamer tag? Jerome: Tech Fanboy Vaneza B: Thank you so much Vaneza B: I tried to search for the gamer tag and I searched two accounts Sir. Vaneza B: In this case Sir since this is about Xbox issue I may need to connect you to our Xbox support team for further assistance Jerome: I just spoke to them as can be seen from the notes on my account in the case number Vaneza B: Because for this account that I searched we need to consolidate all the information if its matches. Vaneza B: Yes Jerome: xbox support, xbox live rewards and the password reset department said it is a billing issue Jerome: to quote.. Vaneza B: Alright Jerome: Hannah V: Alright. We are not actually the Billing Support. May be they transfer you here for us to give you direct link or phone number of the Billing Support. Hannah V: The Billing Support has the right tools for them to do it. Hannah V: And as I have read, you can transfer some of your Billings info on your account to another account that you want to transfer. Hannah V: The Billing Department can do it for you easily. Jerome Jooste: how do I contact them? Hannah V: Let me provide you the chat link to chat with them and their telephone number. Hannah V: Microsoft Accounts and Billing (US): 1-800-642-7676 Jerome Jooste: in order to get my additional accounts deleted , assuming that you cannot do it Jerome Jooste: is it phone only Hannah V: Wait I am still preparing the chat link. Hannah V: Chat with Billing Support please click here Hannah V: On the phone, You will be asked which department 3 times, for each part, say Billing. Hannah V: Jerome, To ensure that you can have all of the links and info for future reference, I suggest using the envelope button on the top of the chat to email this chat to yourself. Vaneza B: Alright Jerome: how do I proceed? Vaneza B: Let me check it Sir Jerome: thank you very much Vaneza B: You are most welcome Sir Vaneza B: Thank you so much for patiently holding Jerome: no problem - have we managed to get a resolution? Vaneza B: Upon checking my resources all we need to do is to match all the information from your business account to your personal acount Vaneza B: Would you like me to guide you? Jerome: all the details in my GB – Personal and GB – Business are exactly the same, line by line Vaneza B: I understand Jerome: the US - personal is different because it is US details Vaneza B: Alright Jerome: the country region is set to US Vaneza B: Alriht Vaneza B: Alright Jerome: is there any way to delete the GB – Business & the US – Personal. Vaneza B: We just need to consolidate it Sir. Jerome: okay - how do we proceed? Vaneza B: One moment please Vaneza B: May I ask the account that you want to use? Jerome: the account number Jerome: sorry - which account number? Vaneza B: Let me explain to you Sir Vaneza B: Actually you don't have multiple account, in your case you have a different profile like GB Personal and GB Business and the US Personal. Jerome: okay Vaneza B: So what we need to do is to use one account which do you prefer? Jerome: I only ever use GB – Personal Jerome: I don't even quite understand why I have the other two Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: Okay Vaneza B: Let's check your account Vaneza B: I will provide you a link to check for it Vaneza B: Please click this link to check your account Jerome: okay - I have clicked you link Vaneza B: Great Jerome: and it has taken me to my GB - personal account page Jerome: billing overview Vaneza B: Great Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: Please go to Payments and billing tab. Vaneza B: Can you see your subscription there? Jerome: I am already on that tab - I can see all of my subscriptions there Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: Because all of your subscription is under Personal profile. Vaneza B: And whenever you sign up its default that Microsoft will provide you an option to set your profile to Business or Personal. Vaneza B: In this case, we don't have any problem on your account cause you checked that all of your subscriptions are associated to your Personal profile. Vaneza B: We don't need to delete any account Sir, we just need to change your profile. Vaneza B: And I can see also on my end that your subscriptions are associated to you Personal account. Jerome: I'm not sure I understand - change my profile to what? What is my profile at the moment and what will we change it to? Vaneza B: Your profile is set to Personal account Vaneza B: As you can see you only have one Microsoft account or email however you have GB business and GB Personal account, right? Jerome: yes - correct Vaneza B: All we need to do is to change your profile that's why I sent you the link to check it Jerome: change my profile to what Jerome: GB - business? Vaneza B: As you check it on your end Sir you can see that your account is under GB Personal right Vaneza B: Also you can see your subscriptions under your GB Personal account. Vaneza B: Meaning we don't need to delete account all we need to do is make sure that your profile set to GB Personal Jerome: You said that my profile is already set to GB - Personal Jerome: so you are going to set it to GB - Personal again? Vaneza B: No need to change cause its already set to personal. Jerome: Thank you I understand that. However, that means I still have a problem, since Xbos live rewards said "The error we receive tells us that you have multiple billable accounts and until you have only one, we will not be able to make a successful deposit". Vaneza B: Since we don't have any problem on your account, we will need to refer you to xbox reward forum sir Vaneza B: I understand that Sir Jerome: I'm sorry but I have spoken tot hem 3 times Jerome: sorry 4 times Vaneza B: Alright Jerome: and to Xbox live rewards Jerome: how to I escalate this Vaneza B: Okay Jerome: is there a manager I can speak to please Vaneza B: I am still checking Sir Vaneza B: Yes sir, however just to give you a heads up, you will still receive the same information. Jerome: sorry I mean to say, how do I escalate the matter. I have gone full circle several times and keep on getting referred back and forth between the same departments with no resolution at all Vaneza B: Our manager will also check your account as like we did earlier Vaneza B: I can completely understand where you're coming from. Vaneza B: And I really apologize for that Jerome: I know but I have to do something different as I keep on doing the same thing over an dover again and doing the same thing over and over will ultimately always yield the same result Vaneza B: However as I check my resources here that's the option and information that I got. Jerome: it is not your fault - I just need a resolution and if you cannot provide it then I accept that however I need to escalate the matter Vaneza B: Yes Sir, I understand why you feel this way. Jerome: that is fine - please can you escalate this to a manager or superior for me please Vaneza B: Alright Vaneza B: l'll go ahead and check if there is any available supervisor, but then again I would like to give a heads up that for all Xbox reward issue you really need to go to Xbox forum. Here is the link: Vaneza B: Jerome: thank you but all xbox support staff have indicated that it is a billing issue as can be seen from the following Jerome: Reply by XBLRewards3 Hi Tech Fanboy. We see that you have multiple billable accounts linked to your Microsoft account. Unfortunately, we will not be able to make a deposit unless you have only one billable account. The Rewards program cannot choose which account to deposit to and cannot modify any personal account information. The only support team that can modify your account information is Microsoft Billing. The error we receive tells us that you have multiple billable accounts and until you have only one, we will not be able to make a successful deposit. Until this is resolved, we will continue to attempt deposits to your account. Thank you and take care. Jerome: not to mention the several support conversations I have had over the pas 4 months and including 2 this evening Vaneza B: Thank you for this information. Vaneza B: I understand your frustration Sir Jerome: which should all be visible on my account. Jerome: I will wait for a supervisor - thank you Vaneza B: You are most welcome Vaneza B: One moment please sir. Jerome: okay Vaneza B: Thank you so much Vaneza B: In case you want to talk to one of our supervisor you can contact them thru this toll free hotline number 03448002400 Jerome: I would prefer not to close this chat Jerome: would it be possible for you to please invite a supervisor to join it Vaneza B: I understand Sir Jerome: or call one over to take over the chat Vaneza B: Yes Sir info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat. Vaneza B: I am still looking for available supervisor. Jerome: I am prepared to wait - thank you Vaneza B: Thank you. Vaneza B: Let me connect you to my supervisor. Jerome: thank you Vaneza B: You are most welcome Jerome: are we being connected? Vaneza B: I am still connecting you. Jerome: okay - thank you. I will wait info: Please wait while I transfer the chat to 'Catherine B'. info: Privacy Statement You are now chatting with 'Catherine B'. Jerome: Hello Catherine B - shall I give you a moment to review my case and this transcript Catherine B: Hi, Thank you for waiting. Catherine B: I am checking your information right now. Jerome: Thank you. In addition - see below for a brief summary Jerome: For several months now and since the very beginning Xbox live rewards has been unable to deposit funds into my account because my Microsoft account has multiple billable accounts linked to it. GB – Personal, GB – Business, US – Personal. I only use GB - Personal and I need the other accounts deleted please. Xbox live rewards are unable to make a deposit unless I only have one billable account as the Rewards program cannot choose which account to deposit to and cannot modify any personal account information. I have reached out to Xbox live rewards and they were unable to help me. When I reached out to Xbox support I was helped by a Microsoft support person they stated that my additional billing account cannot be removed but that they had updated the system to recognise only my UK personal billing account. And that I would now be able to receive deposits into my account. This is not the case as I once again received an email saying: "Hi Tech Fanboy, We attempted to deposit funds into your Microsoft account you use with Xbox Live, but we encountered an error. To fix this, we need you to take the following steps: 1. Go to Microsoft Billing. 2. Make sure your account information (including country Jerome: and region) is correct. 3. If you're still experiencing problems, make a post to the Xbox Forums. "I spoke with xbox live support again this evening and they were unable to help stating it was a billing issue. Billing is now telling me that there is no issue and I should speak to Xbox support. Ultimately, it seems that no one can help me Catherine B: Thank you. Catherine B: Let me reviwe this information for us to get to the right resolution for this concern. Catherine B: *review Jerome: :-) Thank you very much Catherine, in addition can you confirm if you are a supervisor? Catherine B: Yes. I am part of the Microsoft Escalation Team. Jerome: great - thank you Catherine B: I know that it is already clear that you have several profile on your account, info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat. Catherine B: Sorry I am checking as to what profile your paid subscription is associated. Jerome: okay - if it helps, all my subscriptions are associated to my GB - Personal Account. I do not use the other two for anything. Catherine B: Thank you. Jerome: Office365 Home, Xbox Live and EA Access Catherine B: I can see that. Catherine B: May I have your Ganertag please? Catherine B: *Gamertag Jerome: Tech Fanboy Catherine B: Thank you. Catherine B: I'll be honest with you, for Xbox rewards we really need to contact the forum and provide them the information that you do have the right region which is UK for your personal account. Catherine B: If they will be getting an error they should escalate that issue to their escalation department. Catherine B: And based on their reply, they ask you post the issue to the forum if you encounter this again. Jerome: I have done and they told me the only support team that can modify my account information is Microsoft Billing Jerome: it is on the forum Jerome: as an open ticket Jerome: that they say they cannot resolve Catherine B: They can contact us directly so we can resolve this together if we need to fix this issue with them. Catherine B: But deleting profile is not possible in our end. Jerome: That is fine. I do not need a profile deleted, I just need a resolution, whatever that may be. It would be great if you could work with Xbox rewards - may I ask why billing cannot contact them to resolve it Catherine B: They should clarify why they cannot see the right profile which we can see clearly that your paid profile is your personal profile under UK. Jerome: Okay - that makes sense. Can you understand my position though. Jerome: If I go back to them, they will tell me that they see multiple ones and billing must resolve. Jerome: Why can't the two departments work together to come to a resolution Catherine B: I do, totally understand the frustration because you may feel like we are trying to avaoid the issue in our end. Catherine B: But we have limited access, different department have different tools and we have our limitation. Jerome: rather than me speaking to one and being told the other department must resolve it. I cannot influence either or make it work. Only communication between the two departments can resolve this. Jerome: I appreciate that - make perfect sense. Jerome: It is also what they have told me. Catherine B: Did you already post in the forum again? Jerome: Is it possible for you to reach out to them Jerome: yes Jerome: already posted in the forum again Catherine B: When? Jerome: today at 13 Mar 2015 9:31 PM Catherine B: Thank you. Jerome: I also re-opened a ticket Jerome: from 19 Dec 2014 10:27 PM Jerome: where their response was billing must fix it Catherine B: Let me check other option here please, Jerome: thank you very much Catherine B: You are welcome. Catherine B: Still checking because the main resolution we have here is to contact Forum, Catherine B: Sorry for taking so much of your time here. Jerome: that's fine - I am happy to wait, 3 and a half hours and counting with different support people this evening :-) A few minutes won't make much difference. Catherine, is it possible to escalate this issue higher? Catherine B: This should be escalated with the right department, I know the main issue here is you not getting the points for Xbox rewards, Catherine B: And forum is the best assistance for that concern. Jerome: I don't see a resolution in sight and I don't see xbox live rewards or xbox support being able to resolve it. Catherine B: Based on your account Billing information here is accurate. Jerome: my issue is not getting my points Catherine B: The reason you are being refer to us is because they cannot see the right billable profile, Jerome: but the technical issue is multiple billable accounts according to xbox Catherine B: Which we can see and you can also see that information on the website. Jerome: that is my challenge, every department says it is not their issue to resolve and that they do not have the tools to do it. Catherine B: You may inform them the billable profile where you should get the points, they should be able to find a way to provide you those points, or they should contact escalation in their department for them to have this fix. Jerome: okay - and there is no method or way for yourselves to contact them Catherine B: I know. But you may include this information on your next post. Jerome: or to have it escalated here? They have told me the exact same thing except that I need to escalate with billing and not them Jerome: okay Jerome: I will do so. Catherine B: They might give us more details on what they needed us to do, but then again it will depend if we can do that option in our end. info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat. Catherine B: I hope I can escalate this but based on the research I did, it always route me back to Xbox reward forum. Catherine B: I could surely give you a case number for this conversation. Jerome: okay - I am going to go and paste this transcript in the forum and see what they come back with. Jerome: yes please Jerome: can I have the case number Catherine B: We will surely help them if they need assistance but we need to have a clear description of what they needed us to do, but then again they should be able to know our limitations. Catherine B: Let me generate one right now, and I will make sure that me and my agent will fully document this case. Jerome: thank you Catherine B: You are welcome. And Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Jerome: thank you I will wait for the case number before exiting the chat Catherine B: Yes please. Catherine B: Here is the case number 1283024729. Jerome: thank you Jerome: goodbye info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat.