For Sale
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$5 for first book and $.25 each additional book
American History series for young children:
If You Lived series – like new pb $3 each
If You Lived with the Iroquois
If You Lived with the Cherokee
If You Traveled West in a Covered Wagon
If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad
If You Lived in the days of the Knights
If You Lived with the Sioux Indians
If You Lived When Women Won Their Rights
If You Lived at the Time of the San Francisco Earthquake
Troll biographies $1 each
Ben Franklin
George Washington
Daniel Boone
Davy Crockett
Helen Keller
Clara Barton
Marie Curie
Meet… series $1 each:
Christopher Columbus
The Men Who Sailed the Seas
The Pilgrim Fathers
The North American Indians
Benjamin Franklin
Andrew Jackson
American Girl series picture books:
like new
very large HC
$8 each
Welcome to Kaya’s World
Welcome to Felicity’s World
…Josefina’s World
…Kirsten’s World
…Samantha’s World
…Kit’s World
…Molly’s World
Old Testament and Ancient Egypt:
Dance, Sing and Remember A Celebration of Jewish Holidays, Leslie Kimmelman hc $4
Tower of Babel pb $2
Noah’s Ark, Peter Spier hb library discard $1
Growing Up in Ancient China, Ken Teague pb $1
Adara, Beatrice Gormley pb $4
Discovery of Tomb of Tutankhamen, Howard Carter library hc $4
Bess and the Sphinx.Elizabeth Coatsworth library copyhc $3
Shadow Hawk,like new pb, Andre Norton, $5
Fast Forward Pyramid, Peter Dennis hc $5
Eyewitness Pyramid hc $8
The Great Wonder, Building the Ancient Pyramid, Annabelle Howard pb $2
Early Civilizations Egyptian Life pb $3
Tutankhamen’s Gift, Robert Sabuda pb $3
Cleopatra, Robert Green pb $2
Tutankhamen, Robert Green pb $2
Mummies, Tombs, and Treasure Secrets of Ancient Egypt, Lila Perl pb $4
Alexander the Great, Andrew Langley pb $2
Alexander the Great, Robert Green pb $2
History Detectives Ancient Egypt, Philip Ardagh hc $5
Egyptology: Search for the Tomb of Osiris hc $8
Life in Ancient Egypt Coloring Book, John Green $2
Bellerophon Cleopatra Coloring book $1
Ancient Greece:
The Greek Way, Edith Hamilton hc $5
Mythology, Edith Hamilton hc $5
The Original Olympics, Stewart Ross hc $8
Aesop for Children, Milo Winter hc $5
In Search of Knossos, Giovanni Caselli hc $8
Modern Rhymes about Ancient Times Ancient Greece, Susan Altman pb $3
Oxford The Ancient Greece of Odysseus, Peter Connolly pb $6
Ancient Greece, Robert Nicholson pb $3
History Detectives Ancient Greece, Philip Ardagh hc $5
Adventure of Greek Heroes, Mollie Mclean and Anne Wiseman pb $2
Tales from the Odyssey set bk 1-6, Mary Pope Osborne pb $8
Ancient Rome:
A Journey Through Time: Vulca the Etruscan, Roberta Angeletti hc $7
Eyewitness Viking hc $5
Androcles and the Lion, Janet Stephen hc $5
In Search of Pompeii, Giovanni Caselli hc $8
The Roman World The Legionary, Peter Connolly pb $5
The Roman World The Cavalryman, Peter Connolly pb $5
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth, Kathryn Lasky hc $8
Usborne Internet Linked Ancient Rome pb $5
Journey into Civilizations The Romans pb $3
Pearl Maiden, H. Rider Haggard pb $5
Hannibal, Robert Green pb $3
Standing Lions, Mary Ray, hb $4
The King of Men, Olivia Coolidge hb $4
The Romans, Alfred Duggan, hb $4
The Roman Way, Edith Hamilton hc $6
Fountain of Life, Rebecca Martin like new pub $3
Middle Ages and Renaissance book list
Eyewitness Knight $5
Ship, David Macaulay pb $6
Mill, David Macaulay pb $6
Castle, David Macaulay pb $5
The Barbarians The Story of the European Tribes, Richard Suskind hb $2
Favorite Medieval Talks, Mary Pope Osborne pb $3
The Illuminated Manuscript, Janet Backhouse, pb $2
Journey into Civilization, The Vikings, pb $2
Internet Linked Viking World $4
Saint Francis, Brian Wildsmith hb $7
The King with Six Friends, Jay Williams hb $2
The Vikings (Landmark), Elizabeth Janeway pb $2
Paula the Waldensian, Eva Lecomte pb $2
The Brethren, A Tale of the Crusades, H. Rider Haggard pb $4
Lysbeth a Tale of the Duth, H. Rider Haggard pb $4
Martin Luther Paul L. Maier hc $7
Rule of Saint Benedict in English $1
First Voyage to America, Columbus Dover pb like new $4
Explorers Who Got Lost, Diane Sansevere Dreher pb like new $4
The Story of Christopher Columbus, Nita Brown Bakter hc $3
Colonial America:
The Double Life of Pocahontas, Jean Fritz like new pb $2
Surviving Jamestown,Gail Karkowski $3
Who’s Saying What in Jamestown, Jean Fritz hc $4
Samuel Eaton’s Day, Kate Waters like new pb $3
Sarah Morton’s Day, Kate Waters like new pb $3
The Thanksgiving Story, Alice Dagliest pb $3
A Book of Americans, Rosemary and Steven VIncen Benet, hc $2
The First Book of Presidents hc $2
The First Book of Congress $2
Child Life in Colonial Days, Alice Morse Earle pb like new $5
Home life in Colonial Days, Alice Morse Earle pb like new $4
Will Northaway series 4 pb, Susan Olasky $8
The Colonial Wars like new pb, Alden Carter $2
Revolutionary War:
Leonard Everett Fisher’s Liverty Book hc $3
Fight for Freedom, Benson Bobrick like new hc $6
George Washington, like new pb A Picture Book bio, James Giblin $4
The Boston Tea Party like new pb Steven Kroll $3
The Black Regiment of the American Revolution, Linda Crotta Berman, like new pb $3
The Reb and the Redcoats, like new pb Bethlehem books Constance Savery, $4
The Fighting Ground, Avi pb $2
Madeline Takes Command, Ethel C. Brill Like new Bethelehem books pb $5
Midnight Patriot, Emma Patterson hc $2
Yankee Doodle Boy, Joseph Martin like new pb $3
Encounter at Easton, Avi like new pb $2
Hope’s Crossing, Joan Goodman pv $2
That Lively Man Ben Franklin, Jeanette Eaton hc $2
The List, CD Baker like new Preston Speed publishing pb $4
Jennie Lee, Patriot, Anne Emery hc $2
Duel in the Wilderness, Karin Clafford Farley pb $2
My Brother Sam is Dead, James Lincoln Collier like new pb $2
Lock, Stock and Barrel, Donald J. Sobol, hc $2
Drums of War trilogy, Peter Reese Doyle pb $6 for 3 books
Benjamin Bonneville Soldier Explorer, Helen Markley Miller hc $2
The American Revolutin, Bruce Lancaster pb $1
Guns for General Washington, Seymour Reit pb $2
Johnny Tremain, Esther Forbes, pb $2
Black Heroes of the American Revolution , Burke Davis pb $2
Early America, Pioneers and Civil War:
Indian Captive The Story of Mary Jemison, Lois Lenski pb $2
A Pioneer Sampler, Barbara Greenwood pb like new $7
Pioneer Thanksgiving, Barbara Greenwood pb like new $3
Pioneer Christmas, Barbara Greenwood pb like new $3
Daily Life in a Covered Wagon, Paul Erickson pb $3
The Adventures of Lewis and Clark, John Blakeness pb $3
Susie King Taylor, Civil War Nurse, Simeon Booker hc $2
Tree of Freedom, Rebecca Caudill hc $2
The Far Off Land, Rebecca Caudill hc $2
America’s First Woman Chemist , Ellen Richards, Eshter M. Douty hc $2
Belle Boyd Secret Agent, Jeannette C. Nolan hc $2
Gentle Annie, The True Story of a Civil War Nurse, Mary Francis Shura pb $2
The Long Search, Richard Boning hc $3
Diary of an Early American Boy: Noah Blake 1805, like new pb $$5
America’s First Trained Nurse: Linda Richards, Rachel Baker pb $1
The First Woman Doctor, Rachel Baker pb $2
Soft Rain, The Story of the Trail of Tears, Cornelia Cornellison pb $2
Turn Homeward Hannalee, Patricia Beatty pb $2
Be Ever Hopeful Hannalee, Patricia Beatty pb $2
Bull Run, Paul Fleischman pb $2
The Beaded Moccasins, The Story of Mary Campbell, Lynda Durrant like new hc $4
The Sign of the Beaver, Elizabeth George Speare pb $2
Becky Landers Frontier Warrior, Constance Skinner like new Bethlehem pb $5
Sallie Fox The Story of a Pioneer Girl, Dorothy Kupcha Leland $4
Children of the Covered Wagon, Mary Jane Carr, like new CLP pb $3
Moccasin Trail, Eloise Jarvis McGraw, pb $2
Pioneers Go West, George R. Stewart, Landmark pb $2
John Charles Fremont, Trail Maker of the Old West, Olive Burt hc $2
Bound for America, The Forced Migration of Africans to the New World, James Haskins hc $5
A Hunger for Learning, Booker T. Washington, Gwenyth Sawin pb $2
A Pocketful of Goobers, George Washington Carver, Barbara Mitchel pb $2
Voice of Freedom, Frederick Douglas, Maryann Weidt pb $2
Walking the Road to Freedom, Sojourner Truth, Jeri Ferris pb $2
President of the Underground Railroad, Levi Coffin Gwenyth Swain pb $2
Let the Circle be Unbroken, Mildred D. Taylor pb $2
Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, Mildred Taylor pb $2
Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule, Harriette Robinet pb $2
William O’Steele (popular TQ author)
We Were There with the Pony Express like new pb $5
We Were There on The Oregon Trail like new pb $5
We Were There with Lewis & Clark like new pb $5
Battle Lanterns, Merritt Parmalee Allen hc $2
Trappers of the West, Fred Reinfeld $2
Sonia Bleeker:
Horseman of the Western Plateaus Nez Pierce hc $3
The Sioux Indians hc $3
Saving the Buffalo, Albert Marrin hc $5
War Clouds in the West, Albert Marrin hc $4
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher Preachers, like new pb $2
Prudence Crandall Woman of Courage, Elizabeth Yates, hc $2
Yankee Spy Elizabeth Van Lew, Jeannette Covert Nolan hc $2
Downright Dencey, Caroline Dale Snedeker like new pb Bethlehem books $5
Head on Her Shoulders, Gladys Baker Bond $2
Delicate Pioneer, Sally Watson like new pb $4
A Book for Jennifer, Alice Dalgliesh hc $2
The Next Day, Elizabeth Yates hc $2
The Mystery Candlestick, Jean Bothwell hc $2
The King of Prussia and a Peanut Butter Sandwich, Alice Fleming like new pb $
Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to White House, Sterling North $2 like new pb
Boy of the Woods (John Audobon), Maie Well hc $2
The Story of Abraham Lincoln, Nina Brown Baker hc $2
Rifles for Watie, Harold Keith hc $2
The Story of Clara Barton, Ruth Ives hc $2
Clara Barton, Founder of the American Red Cross, Landmark, Helen Dore Boylston hc $4
20th c.
Where the Red Fern Grows, Wilson Rawls like new pb $2
Rascal, Sterling North like new pb $2
A Long Way from Chicago, Richard Peck $2
Over the Waves, Marianne Olson like new pb $4
Bully for You, Teddy Roosevelt!, like new pb $2
Strong and Good, Robert Lawson hc $2
The Book Thief, Markus Zusack $5
So Young to Die, The Story of Hannah Senesh Candice Ransom $2
The United Nations in War and Peace Landmark, T.R. Fehrenbach $4
From Anna, Jean Little pb $2
Escape from Warsaw, Ian Serraillier pb $2
Twenty and Ten, William Pene Du Boi, pb $2
Star of Danger, Jane Whitbread Levin pb $2
Number the Stars, Lois Lowry pb $2
On the Wings of Heroes, Richard Peck pb $2
The Book Thief, Marcus Zuzack pb $5
Fight for Freedom, An Adventure of WW2 , Richard Armstrong hc $2
The Endless Steppe, Esther Hautzig $2
Vintage History Series:
Beacon’s Lights of History 8 vol complete black 1921 set
$58 postage paid (all 16 vol. in 8 hardcovers)
Maker’s Of History Biographies, Jacob Abbott
21 vol
$100 postage paid
William the Conqueror
Richard I
Richard II
Richard III
Margaret of Anjou
Mary Queen of Scots
Charles 1
Genghis Kahn
Hernando Cortez
King Philip
Henry IV
Louis XIV
Madame Roland
Josephine Bonaparte
Louis Phillippe