
For Sale

Homeschool Spring Sale

$4 shipping first book plus $.25 per book unless marked ppd for a set

Hutchinson Homeschool Spring Sale

Latin Alive 1 set – $95ppd
Student and Teacher book, DVD/CD set

Chalkdust Geometry – $290ppd with HC text
Hardcover textbook
Student Solutions book
CD set

Chalkdust Algebra 1 & 2 – not ready to sell yet
2 hardcover textbooks
2 student solutions books
CD set

Streams of Civilization vol. 1 & 2 $20

All American History vol 1 package
Student Reader
Student Activity book (light pencil 19 lessons)
Teacher’s Guide and Answer Key
$46 ppd

Teacher Helps:

The Original Homeschool Series Charlotte Mason $45 for set ppd
Vol. 1-6 (only Vol. 1 in used condition) plus Charlotte Mason Study Guide, Penny Gardner

Wild Days – Creating Discovery Journals, Karen Skidmore Rackliffe $5
Keeping a Nature Journal, Clare Walker Leslie & Charles E. Roth $8
Handbook of Nature Study, Anna Botsford Comstock $15
American Boy’s Handy Book $8
Field and Forest Handy Book, both by Daniel Beard $6
American Girls Handy Book, Lina Beard $7
Unplugged Play, Bobbi Conner $7

The Case for Classical Christian Education, Douglas Wilson $6
The Seven Laws of Teaching, John Gregory $4
Wisdom and Eloquence, Robert Littlejohn $6
Classical Education Gene Edward Veith and Andew Kern $6

The Homeschooling Father, Michael Farris $2
Help for the Harried Homeschooler, Christine Field $3
Homeschooling the Challenging Child, Christine Field $3
The Ultimate Guide for Homeschooling, Debra Bell $14 like new

Book list books: (like new)
Great Books of the Christian Traditions, Terry Glaspey $4 gently used
Books Children Love, ElizabethWilson $10
Books That Build Character, William Kilpatrick $8
The Read-Aloud Handbook, Jim Trelease $6

Parenting/ Inspirational - Vision Forum and homeschool conventions
The Ministry of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson $6
The Mission of Motherhood, Sally Clarkson $6
Family Man, Family Leader, Philip Lancaster $2
Raising Maidens of Virtue, Stacy McDonald $10
For Instruction in Righteousness, Pam Forster $12
In My Father’s House, A Vision for Daughters, Tamara S. Valine and Naomi Joy Valine $8 like new hc
Daughters of Destiny, Noelle Wheeler Goforth $4 Like new hc
Gaining Favor with God and Man, William Thayer $6 like new hc
Mothers of the Wise and Good, Jabez Burns $2

Hymn story book series by Douglas Bond:
Mr. Pipes and Psalms and Hymns of the Reformation
Mr. Pipers and the British Hymn Makers
Mr. Pipes Comes to America
The Accidental Voyage – all for $12

Nest Devine Entertainment VHS
Inventor’s, Artist’s, and Composer’s set
Some watched once, many unopened

Audio Memory:
Grammar Songs $13
States and Capital Songs $8

Creation Science:
The Amazing Story of Creation from Science and the Bible, Duane Gish $8 like new
Dinosaurs by Design, Duane Gish $8 like new
The Puzzle of Ancient Man, Donald Chittick $4 like new
The Revised and Expanded Answers Book, Ken Ham and ed. Don Batten $5 like new
Universe by Design, Dr. Danny Faulkner $8 like new
Genesis Finding our Roots, Ruth Beechick $8
Adam and His Kin, Ruth Beechick $5

Exploring the World of Mathematics, John Tiner $8
Exploring the World of Chemistry, John Tiner $8
Exploring the World of Physics, John Tiner $8
Exploring Planet Earth, John Tiner $8
Exploring the History of Medicine, John Tiner $8
Exploring the World of Biology, John Tiner $8
all like new

Apologia General Science kit
from Home Science Tools
complete $24ppd

Drawing with Children, Mona Brooks $8 like new
The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Betty Edwards $9 like new
Mark Kistler’s Draw Squad $8 gently used
Usborne Complete Book of Art Ideas $8 like new
DK The Complete Guide to Watercolor $9 like new
Painting with Watercolor Pen & Ink, Claudia Nice $12 like new

Veritas Omnibus
All Omnibus vol. are teacher texts and come with cds. All texts and reading books are as new. I have heavily discounted Amazon's already discounted prices by 40%. My daughter chose to take online AP humanities classes for high school, so these are unused books.

Veritas Omnibus 3 (teacher cd included)$75

Veritas Omnibus 5 (teacher cd included) $75 plus shipping
Veritas Omnibus reading packs for Vol 5: $120 (Amazon prices listed total $198)
Total package discount $180 postage paid
The Divine Comedy vol. 1-3, Dante $12, $12, $12
Ascent to Love, Peter J. Leithart $15
The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco $11
The Decameron, Boccaccio $12
Tartuffe and other Plays, Moliere $8
The Consolation of Philosophy, Boethius $12
Two Lives of Charlemagne, Einhard and Notker the Stammerer $13
Praise of Folly, Erasmus $11
Selected Writings of Thomas Aquinas $14
Saint Thomas Aquinas/ Saint Francis. G.K. Chesterton $13
Canterbury Tales, Trans Sheila Fisher $15
A Distant Mirror, Barbara Tuchman $13
George Herbert Complete English Poems $15
The Prince, Machiavelli $10

American Girl Mysteries:

The Runaway Friend

Secrets in the Hills
Peril at King's Creek
Traitor in Williamsburg
Lady Margaret's Ghost

Cry of the Loon
The Stolen Sapphirre
The Curse of Ravenscourt

A Thief in the Theater
Danger in the Zoo
Midnight in Lonesome Hollow
The Light in the Cellar
Clues in the Shadows
A Spy on the Homefront

Shadows on Society Hill

All like new except for 2 with slight cover creases.
15 books for $40 ppd


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