

I'm using SecureCRT 6.7.4. I use SSH2 and RADIUS authentication for my connections. I have successfully used the automated logon feature for several years (session properties, Connection -> Logon Actions).

I recently changed my password, and now a very odd behavior has appeared with the SecureCRT automated logon function. The logon automation logic recognizes (as it did prior to this most recent password change) the configured username prompt text and submits the configured username, then recognizes the password prompt text. The row of asterisks corresponding to the password mask then appears, but the display 'stalls' at that point - I do not get logged on. Looking at the log on my RADIUS server I see that it fails authentication because the received password is not correct (the logged received username is correct, as I expected).

Interestingly if I disable the automated logon function, then authenticate manually by typing my username and password from the keyboard when prompted authentication proceeds without a hitch. Sure looks to me like the automated logon function is somehow incorrectly handling sumbitting the configured password.

New password is 17 characters long, while the old password (which did work just fine with the automated logon function) was 14. New password contains, in addition to upper and lower case alpha chars, one or more of the following punctionation/special chars: '/', '.', '?', '\', '#'.

Is there some known issue with password length and/or any of the above characters when using the automated logon function?

Assistance would be appreciated.

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