
Call me a loser but like many of you, I spend a fair amount of my interwebs time each day reading this forum. Every day I read a bunch of belly-aching about how this or that needs to be fixed and how there isn't enough content and "when are the Waffen SS uniforms going to be finished" or "your custom map sucks" from countless numbers of you. I also read a bunch of "atta' boy's" and "nice jobs" but they're always written by the same handful of guys.

So what I'm getting at is how about all of you complainers start doing something constructive for the community? Start supporting the guys who are actively working, in their free time, to make a contribution for all of us to enjoy. Try out a Custom Game Type or a Custom Map and give some good, constructive criticism to these guys who are working for free to make YOUR game experience better. And don't drag out the complaint that custom maps are not polished enough or optimized perfectly or whatever else. Tripwire gets to test run their maps dozens if not hundreds of times before they are anywhere near ready to release. What makes you think that 1 guy sitting in his basement for 3 hours a night has the time or resources for that? We need your help if we're going to spend our free time continuing to make free s**t for you to enjoy.

Server Admins, I'm calling you out too. How about you try rotating a few custom maps into your wash, rinse, repeat cycle of the same dozen stock maps? And this goes double for those of you running Campaign servers. The added flexibility of that game mode practically begs for a few custom maps, of which there are plenty that fit the themes. Everyone wants more maps to play but without more support from Server Admins. the mapping community can't survive. We spend literally thousands of hours trying to learn the in's and out's of the SDK in the hopes that we can create a map that the community will enjoy only to have it be ignored by the vast majority of servers.

End of rant for tonight. More to follow tomorrow.

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