Genetic Engineering to Organs and Body Parts, also Ears, Dental, Eyesware and medical devices
( Highlight WEB site title line, right click, click your search engine and then goto the WEB site )
LUXeXcel announces 3D Printing of Optics Have been Taken to Next Level. 3D Printing Forum
"rolling out a new streamlined ordering and uploading system which will be 100% secure"
Meet the first child in the UK with a 3D-printed prosthetic arm. i100|
"the first child in the UK to have a prosthetic hand made through 3D printing"
3D-print heart used for surgery at Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital.|
"heart defect in a 2-week-old baby at Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital"
PhD candidate on the effect of 3D printing. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven|
"generally quantitative in nature, while many of the researchers also engage in empirical research"
Possibilities of 3D-printing for prototyping. Demola East Sweden|
"manufacturing methods product development processes and roles within our clients’ organizations"
New Liquid Metal Method of 3D Printing Researched by Chinese. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
" energy efficiency, and costhave to register before you can post: click the register link "
3D Printing is Revolutionizing Custom Molded In-Ear Monitors. Paste Magazine|
"impressive when it does so, invisibly, right in front of the consumer’s eye"
Handy work: The making of Hayley Fraser's new hand. BBC News|
"left hand, was this week revealing to the world her new pink prosthetic limb"
3D Printers Making Medical Marijuana Inhalers? Yeah, It's a Real Thing. Motley Fool|
"could save businesses millions, perhaps billions, of dollars in long-term costs"
Boy born without fingers gets artificial hand via New Paltz 3-D printing. The Daily Freeman|
"-year-old boy, who was born without fingers on his left hand"
3Dent™ 3D Printer for Dental Model Production. EnvisionTEC|
"optimized for use with EnvisionTEC’s E-Denstone material for building high quality dental models"
What's What With e-NABLE 3D Printed Devices?. E-nabling The Future|
"to numerous prototypes and a whole lot of media coverage that is often not correct"
Best of #3Dprinting. Domus| 3D printing, the duality between uniqueness and mechanical producti
"week Best of we suggest some projects that respond to these questions in different ways"
3D printed bottle opener designed to help people with arthritis.|
"would then be better than printing objects that help disabled people to participate in society"
3D Printing Technology Provide New Life, Learning and Hope.|
"of patients’ hearts has improved surgery outcomes at the Children’s Hospital of Illinois in Peoria"
Surgeons Save 2-week-old Baby with 3D Printed Heart Model. 3D Printing Forum - 3D Print Board|
"3D model from a scan, to print a replica of the heart in plasti"
3D printed earbuds: for your ears only. Nightly Business Report|
"CEO of Normal, decided to do something about this all-too common problem"
The Syqe Inhaler: 3D Printing Meets Medical Marijuana. Yahoo Finance|
"about a 3D printed pocket-sized metered-dose cannabis inhaler/vaporizer"
With This 3D Printed Brain, I Thee Wed. 2045 Initiative| Interestingly enough, there have been
"Russian specialists in the field of neural interfaces, robotics, artificial organs and systems"
How 3D Printing Can Reduce Medical Expenses.|
"which is used to give doses of medication or fluids to patients"
Statistics: Posted by dukejazz — Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:49 pm