Nicely written "dnitedad"
One thing that amazes me about the Pokemon Organized Play is the sheer number of people that are in it with no expectations of any financial returns. They do it because they want to and enjoy doing it.
A giant "Thank You" to all the moms and dads that are still running these events long after their kids have moved on.
I think players look at Pokemon and wonder why it's not more like MTG. But your points about MTG being first and foremost a game are important to note. Pokemon is first and foremost a "Media Franchise". Video games, movies, TV series, books and music all came before the card game. I am glad to see that Pokemon International is making moves to focus more on the card game and make the structure better. I do think it is moving in the right direction and that it will continue to get better.
For the first year ever I know what regionals I am going to attend and I can plan ahead. They have stronger requirements of PTOs in order to run Regionals this year which is the reason we lost some events and locations. it's sad but I think it will make for better run and bigger events. I morn the loss of States and Cities but I remain optimistic about League Cups and am excited for the Continentals
They had a GIANT mis step with San Francisco and their under calculation in attendance. No way to spin that other then a big FAIL. The fear I have is that they may not actually understand just how big of a fail it was. If you were in the main hall and saw the opening ceremony, as all the executives were, then it went off amazingly well. But to put all the effort and cost into getting to Worlds and to be stuck outside in line because they underestimated the size space they needed is unacceptable. But I think, I hope, they learned from it. Time will tell!
I think Pokemon International could do more on the organization side of things but I think they do have a plan and are making things better. Worlds is a spectacular event and something that very few game systems even come close to. Maybe MTG is bigger but is it better? Can we learn from MTG? Absolutely!! But let's make the changes slow and steady not all at once. Also let's not forget the prize money they are providing for Regionals, Continentals and Worlds... Not a bad little incentive.
Anyway the people that really make Pokemon TCG happen are the volunteer staff and moms and dads and former players that run these events giving up their weekends and lives so we can enjoy ourselves. Thank you all!!