potential volatility during this Mercury retrograde could be further exacerbated by the abundance of geocosmic signatures involving Uranus. Mercury retrograde with Pluto is confusing enough, but Uranus signatures are like Mercury retrograde tripled in strength (and mischief). On December 24, Saturn will make the first of its three trine passages to Uranus. Two days later, Jupiter will make its first of three opposition passages to Uranus. On December 29, Uranus will end its retrograde motion as it turns stationary direct. Although all are important, it is the opposition between Jupiter and Uranus that stands out most, for it is the highest ranked of all planetary aspects correlating with primary or greater cycles in the DJIA, given an orb of 12 trading days, as reported in our studies of The Ultimate Book of Stock Market Timing Volume 3: Geocosmic Correlations to Trading Cycles. In every instance analyzed since 1934, at least a half-primary cycle has unfolded in this time band, and in over 83% of those cases, it has been a primary or greater cycle that culminated. This is the reason for writing the special stock market report Thursday night, in which the history – and projections for the next three weeks – was examined.
The December 19-January 12 period is the first of two important geocosmic time bands coming up shortly, that involve the cardinal T-square of Jupiter in Libra, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries. The second one involving this cardinal T-square occurs February 22-April 21. This includes the very important Venus retrograde, which begins March 4, 2017. As stated last week, "This might be the most important geocosmic period of 2017. We describe this period in greater detail on our YouTube video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LOEop2Hcr8three. Venus retrograde occurs every 19 months. However, every fifth time – or every 8 years – it occurs in the same section of the zodiac. This one will take place at 13° Aries. This last happened 8 years ago, on March 6, 2009. You may recognize that this was the bottom of the stock market crash, when the DJIA fell to 6469. That ended the bear market in which the DJIA lost 54.4% of its value. It has been in a bull market ever since, with prices now up 205%. Will it reverse again under Venus retrograde and start a new bear market then? This is how financial astrology often works. This is why we are focused on early 2017. This is why we planne
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