On my other account, I tried to adjust the settings to 'low' because it was pretty laggy in Draumheim. I guess just to much awesome details and stuff for my computer to handle. As soon as I pressed okay, my screen reloaded, and sat on 1% and my whole computer froze up. After about 5 minutes, I tried to get into task manager to shut down the game, but my screen went dark and I couldn't get off the game page even though nothing was happening. I had to fully turn off my computer and back on again, and when I tried to log back in it gave me error 2024
Now, I cannot log into glyph, it just keeps giving me that message. I tried logging into the forums to post this, but my 'email or password is inccorect.' I tried logging into my account on the Trion Worlds website to ask for help, but it told me again that my email or password was incorrect. I've been using it for over three years, and I typed, retyped, exited out and re entered the site and typed them in again, I can absolutely guarantee that my username or password is correct. (no caps lock either) Luckily, my account is not the only rift account in my home, so i can log in here and ask for help on this one, with for some reason, no issues at all.
I don't understand. Please help :(