
I am Marco/Soulreapeer, lvl 65 Rouge of Brutwacht

I have some suggestions for RIFT i would like to share with you.

Feel free to comment and discuss and plz no arguements or flames ;)

:8:My Suggestions:8:

I appreciate that u will put all souls inside the b2p expansion that are currently out. Thats a good step.

I like the introduction of pvp combat areas in the new expansion. Great joy for PVP ppl.

RIFT will switch to B2P with SP, so the ftp players playing RIFT will dislike it. RIFT will loose players. There is a high possibility that the remaining players of RIFT wont tolerate any more adding on cash shop that influences the game like earing slots, extra souls to buy or buyable T3 gear. I think there would be a positive effect if you would remove the possibility to buy Raid gear with real money.

Maybe now that Rift goes Buy to play with Starfall expansion it can remove some stuff from Cash shop.

Guild wars/ Dominion once per week where guilds can queque and fight each other to lvl their guilds and get rewards…

The auction house preview window as well as the char wardrobe window need to be enlarged. Some weapons are so long that they don’t fit inside this small window. Include a zoom in option to it too.

The auction house nowadays is really empty. May create a bigger appeal to put sth inside the Auction house.

Many players want more unbounded gear and items due to fill up the auction house or to simply trade more freely…so players have a better view over the whole variety of gear…whereas I only see craft gear in AH…

Some of the armor and especially some weapon skins (medieval look) in Rift look boring. In my opinion some lack of color.

Its not the Rift engine fault, because I have seen very good looking and colored armor and weapons too.

Some T2 gear looks like T1 gear ;(

make mount/mountskin rewards in Raids

there was a time in Rift both fractions fought each other…now they are living in harmony being in the same guilds…why ? Because of this city raids are difficult to organize.

new races in Rift …

auto move for questing to make the pathfinding easier. I often get lost while questing.

Maybe a big red glowing cotton ball, sparkling, when it moves, leading u to the place u want to be after u selected auto-move on the Map.

It would be better to unlock swimming for mounts with platin without having to buy the unlock item.

The glowing of weapons disappearing after 5 sec, let them glow permanently ;)

The pre order mount needs to be unlocked with some kind of marks I heard that can be farmed or bought …make to use it directly

Support RIFT story with cut scenes, something like the RIFT intro acting.

The exploring of new zones is very cool in Rift because u find treasures with useful stuff and artifacts… in shipwrecks I was a bit disappointed because there are no enemies in there no treasures or something special to explore just a shipwreck…

Artifacts in Rift …there are many of them…but the reward for them is very disappointing …a job like artifact crafter would be nice.

the companion system is cool but some players would like to make them fighting each other…that would be very cool for me too…

It would be very interesting to see more rare mobs in the world of telara who drop more useful stuff lock boxes, gear, skins, mounts and so on

I miss the world boss event like volan

I like Rifts graphic and visual effects but I play mostly with max settings on my gamer PC ,64 Bit, and even after the performance updates it lags much and that’s a pity.

new characters on the guardian and sceptican fraction that take high influence on the story line like the Lich King in WoW....

come up with new leaders for both fractions like in WoW where the leaders die from time to time due story...battle/revolution/complot/traitor/ assassination or murder of the leader…

Thx for your time

Best Regards

:smile2: Marco aka Soulreapeer :smile2:

Encluded a few pictures ;)


The way the green glowing dagger glows ...so cool...I want more glowing weapons and more like in my pictures in RIFT. I would prefer more colorful looking armours in Rift like my yellow - blue one.

On the second picture dear Trion Team u see in the left upper corner a blue sword/ dagger like pendant. Could u plz make a sword and/or Daggers out of it that look exactly the same...would be awesome ..thx ;)

Attachment 28831Attachment 28832Attachment 28833Attachment 28834Attachment 28835Attachment 28836Attachment 28837Attachment 28838http://forums.riftgame.com/images/misc/pencil.png

Attached Thumbnails

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