
Updated to 3.6 (April 2016) with expected 3.7 material. As this is a content timeline of STORY, this is going in the LORE section; it will not be including Intrepid anything, unless it helps story progression (like Intrepid IA: Hammerknell).

Will not differentiate between Normal and Expert mode dungeons (or the few Master modes, at that). Just do the Experts when you're done with a game version, when you're directed to it by a questline, or whenever you feel like it.

G = Guardian only

D = Defiant only

Events = Misc. themed zone events, invasions, rifts, instant adventures etc

Bolded = Open Zones
Italicized = Instances (Chronicles, Slivers, Raids, etc)
Underlined = Epic Quests

Note: Aelfwar/Life Saga, Endless/Death Saga, Abyssal/Water Saga, Wanton Maw/Fire Saga, Storm Queen/Air Saga, Lord Arak/Nightmare Saga; and quests may weave around other content, so advance as best you can in a saga before moving on, entering dungeons and zones

CLASSIC (Lv 1-50), 2011-2012:

-Mathosia (G)/Terminus (D) starting zones

-Silverwood (G)/Freemarch (D) zone quests and events, with dungeons Realm of the Fae (G)/Iron Tomb (D), with the start of Life Saga (G)/Death Saga (D), which continue through Classic zones

-Gloamwood (G)/Stonefield (D) zone quests and events, with dungeons Darkening Deeps (G) and Deepstrike Mines (D)

Fork Option 1A, West:

-Scarlet Gorge zone quests and events, with Foul Cascade dungeon

-Scarwood Reach zone quests and events, with King's Breach dungeon

Fork Option 1B, North:

-Iron Pine Peak zone quests and events, with Abyssal Precipice dungeon (higher level); Air Saga begins here and continues through Classic and Storm Legion zones

Fork Option 2A, South:

-Droughtlands zone quests and events, with Fall of Lantern Hook dungeon

-Shimmersand zone quests and events, with Charmer's Caldera dungeon

Fork Option 2B, North:

-Moonshade Highlands zone quests and events, with Runic Descent dungeon

-Stillmoor zone quests and events, with end of Life Saga (G)/Death Saga (D)

-Mathosia (region) expert and raid rifts

-Greenscale's Blight chronicle and raid, River of Souls chronicle and raid, Gilded Prophecy and Drowned Halls slivers

-Sanctum (G)/Meridian (D) Ceremony of Attunement chronicle

-Hammerknell chronicle, IA (Lv 65 version of raid available), Water Saga, Rise of the Phoenix sliver

-Ember Isle zone quests and events and raid rifts, with Caduceus Rise dungeon, Fire Saga, Infernal Dawn raid, Primeval Feast sliver

STORM LEGION (Lv 50-60), 2012-2014:

-Air Saga continues, Exodus of the Storm Queen dungeon

Fork Option 1, Brevane:

-Cape Jule, City Core, Eastern Holdings zones quests and events, with Storm Breaker Protocol dungeon

-Ardent Domain, Kingsward zones quests and events, with Golem Foundry and Empyrean Core dungeons

-Ashora zone quests and events (particularly Volan)

Fork Option 2, Dusken:

-Kingdom of Pelladane zone quests and events

-Seratos zone quests and events, with Unhallowed Boneforge dungeon

-Morban zone quests and events, with Archive of Flesh and Tower of the Shattered dungeons

-Steppes of Infinity zone quests and events

-Brevane and Dusken raid rifts, Hunt and Great Hunt rifts and their questline, Triumph of the Dragon Queen sliver

-A Hero Rises chronicle and Frozen Tempest raid at the same time, Endless Eclipse raid

-Dendrome zone quests and events, Hive Kaaz'Gfuu chronicle, Infinity Gate and Planebreaker Bastion raids, Planebreaker Bastion chronicle, Grim Awakening sliver

-Infernal Dawn chronicle, Realm of Twisted Dreams and Return to Deepstrike dungeons, Ember Isle Breaker Point quests

-Moonshade Highlands Runic Athenaeum quests, Bindings of Blood raids

-Bloodfire Army invasion events, with end of Air Saga

NIGHTMARE TIDE (Lv 60-65), 2014-2016?:

-Nightmare Coast quests and dungeon

-Goboro Reef zone quests and events, with Gyel Fortress dungeon

-Draumheim zone quests and events, with Citadel of Insanity dungeon

-Tarken Glacier zone quests and events, with Glacial Maw dungeon

-Return to Iron Tomb and Return to Empyrean Core dungeons

-Plane of Water raid rifts, nightmare rifts

-Shadow From the Beyond chronicle, Rhen of Fate chronicle and sliver, Mount Sharax raid

-Tyrant's Throne zone quests and events, Tyrant's Forge raid

-Nightmare Saga

-Planetouched Wilds zone quests and events, Rhaza'de Canyons dungeon

-Mind of Madness IA and raid, Comet of Ahnket sliver

-Possibly more

4.0? (Lv 65-?), 201?


I may be incorrect or too vague, particularly for Nightmare Tide content, so feel free to correct.

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