
by neonash7777 (Posted Tue Jan 22, 2013 10:32 am)

J.Sh3ppard wrote:

Hi guys.

What is everyone doing for handling online payments and shopping carts when you're using WE?


Well it's really easy to make your own cart system using real studio. If you need a payment gateway I work for a credit card processing company and I can help you out in getting a merchant account. Payments are done essentially through HTTPS post commands - easy stuff.

Here's something I came up with at the top of my head.

Make a shopping cart Class
CartItems() as CartItem
Discounts() as Discount
ShoppingSessionCookie as string

ItemId as string (or make an item object if you want)
Quantity as integer (maybe double for weighted items?)
Options as dictionary (size, color, etc...)

Whenever a new session is made it should check to see if the user has a shopping session cookie so that they can keep their shopping session in multiple tabs of their browser. The ShoppingCart() objects should a property of the App and then on a new session the proper one loaded into the session's ShoppingCart property. The cookie should be long and unique (74hfg27wdh2838949dndndfash37) and you can randomly generate these and check for uniqueness - or have some algorithm/encryption to them.

While you could implement someone else's shopping cart. For how easy realstudio makes it, you'd spend less time doing it yourself rather than trying to implement some third party system.

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