
by ruslan_zasukhin (Posted Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:09 am)

Bob Keeney wrote:

I just purchased the Omega Bundle and I *will* be using Reports on a Web Edition project. The purchase sequence for Omega Bundle is awful, in my opinion. The hoops you have to jump through to get serial numbers off the Paradigm web store is just dreadful.

I think what concerns all of us is that the Omega Bundle you're currently selling is version 4. That is what's available from the main download section of your website. Our FIRST experience is version 4. You keep talking version 5.

I understand that you are developing version 5 and a lot of things have changed. I would recommend you just tell people version 5 is x weeks away from official release and many of our complaints will change and we can be patient. Berating us for not trying the beta simply makes us mad. You really don't want people new to your product to work with a beta and the inevitable bugs that includes. Why make learning it that much harder?

I would NOT recommend that people try the beta versions. Having been through an upgrade cycle with you guys in the past I will definitely NOT get sucked into another beta cycle. The last time I did that I chased beta versions across the entire product line for months. It left me with such a bad taste in my mouth that it's been many years since I've even thought about purchasing another Valentina product.

The moral of this story is you have a second chance with THIS unsatisfied customer.

Hi Bob,

well you are right of course in most positions.

Current release is 4.9.1.
5.0 should be shipped in about month.
It seems to me in PR of OmegaBundle was mentioned that serials will work during one year with all newer builds (like RB subscription).
So you serials will work with 4.9, 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, ...

5.0 is must to use even in betas if developer want to use REPORTS + (mySQL, Postgre).
4.9 version did have Valentina and SQLite

I see you mention interest to Reports + WEB, and I did promise about 7-8 days ago introduce new feature of Valentina Reports in this regard. I think it is time todo this. I will make post in Valentina blog with picture (no video yet) and some explanations, then post here also. I very hope you will become very interested to play with 5.0b40 then, and we will be happy to get any advices and feature requests to this HTTP generation.

P.S. please note, that for MAC OS X, it is very easy keep Vstudio 4.9 and 5.0 right on table as separate .app packages. They not conflicting. Easy trash if needed one of them.

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