Any idea if this might be hardware related? I have this same topic posted in the activision support forums and they seem to think it is a problem with the hard drive. What do you think?
If you would like to see the full activision discussion here is the link-
Here is some of what I posted there, and the steps I have taken to try and fix the issue.
"-Can't load some maps at all, others load and crash within a minute of playing.
-There have barely been any responses to the same problem on the xbox DLC last month.
-So far the solution on the xbox seems to be re-installing everything, and if that doesn't work to do a complete system wipe.
-Update, I've uninstalled all COD files and re-downloaded them. Not only do I still have the original error, but now I am getting the error and freeze on other maps that were fine before. Just now I got a disk read error imagefile63 instead of 64.
-I have the disk version of COD and had no previous problems. At first I did think the problem may be hard drive related, but why is it that only COD is causing the disk read errors for everyone?
-While researching this issue it seems people have had the same disk read error using up to 3 different playstation 4s that they kept returning. Hard drives are not the problem. No other game is causing this.
-I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled at least 6 times. At least 4 times on a wired connection.
I have initialized the PS4 and done the full reformat, completely erasing all data and starting from scratch.
I have booted the PS4 in safe mode and done the "rebuild database".
I have downloaded the DLC and updates in a variety of orders, and have downloaded other games and files to ensure the downloads were not going to the same location.
None of these solutions did anything at all. I am still having the same problems. One time after doing the recommended initialization of all data the game would not play at all, except for single player. No error code, only a complete freeze. There is a video below. Another time the Free Fall map would not load and gave imagefile63 error, this map had previously worked. Currently after reinstalling again Free Fall works, but the new DLC map pack does not work at all.
this video shows the complete freeze when trying to play anything but the single player. This problem has gone away after reinstalling.
Here is what the imagefile64 error looks like on PS4. It always freezes at the same loading spot on maps.
Here is the imagefile64 error on a map that does finish loading. Freeze happens within a minute of playing every time."