Hi guys,
I won a registration for the NHC in Grand Rapids MI at the NHC preliminary in Sacramento. I'm not going to make it and I'm posting here to see if any like-minded homebrewer wanted to go. I've asked my local brew club and around at the brewery I work at, but no takers yet.
Please let me know if you are interested, it's a $200-$265 value (the Grand Banquet and AHA National Homebrew Competition award ceremony is included if you desire). I'd rather sell it than give it away, but as it's getting closer to the dates it needs to find a home soon so whoever gets it can make airfare and hotel arrangements. You also need to be an AHA member.
You can message me on here, or emailing me at
would be better.
Statistics: Posted by brewmiss96 — Sun May 25, 2014 3:00 pm