What is your experience with limiting older siblings nursing when baby arrives? My 3 yr old daughter was used to me nursing her to sleep and sometimes upon waking (we've gine back and forth with being night weaned) until baby was born a week and a half ago. There are now concerns with baby's weight gain and feeding and so I'm being cautioned to make sure my milk has a chance to replenish between his feedings, make sure he eats first and limit her feedings so she doesn't take all the milk. I still nurse her to sleep but have Introduced a countdown and have tried to limit her to one side, but am trying to limit the feedings upon waking now. My daughter is having a really hard time with this (obviously) and is waking even more now really wanting milk. What is your experience? Do I really have to limit her or will supply/demand nature of breastfeeding mean there will be enough milk? Or do I just need to be more cautious until his feeding and weight are under control? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.