
I'm currently tandem nursing my 3 year old son and one month old son. I'm rarely able to nurse my oldest for more than a few minutes because of the pain. He's 40 inches and was 36 lbs a few weeks ago though he's put on some weight with the newborn milk so finding a comfortable position is getting very difficult especially when trying to nurse them together. I have a very fast let down that I think is causing him to clamp down but it also hurts sometimes right from the beginning of the nursing session. Nursing aversion is getting worse. It just doesn't feel like a baby/toddler sucking anymore. It's adult like and creepy. Which makes me incredibly sad as I still want to enjoy nursing him. It's the easiest way to connect with him during the new sibling stress but the pain and weird feelings leave me angry with him. I miss my time with my big baby. We used to nurse and cuddle all day until nipple sensitivity during pregnancy had me limiting him. I had been hoping to nurse them together more often. Big brother loves sharing his boobies at least.

We've night weaned this week as bedtime was a night mare. Little one has reflux and tends to spend a couple hours at night fussing so my oldest was waiting to nurse to sleep (aka screaming I want boobies for hours until I could get his brother to sleep). Then if he woke up in the night he'd throw a tantrum about nursing back to sleep. He seems happier knowing what to expect though he really doesn't like falling asleep without a boob in his mouth. It's taken less time every night and he's slept through without an issue. I'm really emphasizing that the whole family needs a good night sleep to be able to do fun things during the day. He was so sleep deprived for awhile it was impossible to take him anywhere so that logic is working.

Got to feed the little one. Any advice on his latch would really be appreciated. Thanks!

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