Hello Competitors and Rookies (and whatever you guys would like to be called)
Competitive Discussion has now officially gotten a new set of rules, along with a lot of changes. Some of them are listed below:
We have gotten a fully functional archive, where old thread will be taken to. Old threads are either some that haven't been posted in for approximately 14 days, or they are starting to appear at the second page of the main section.
The Tavern has been open for about half a year now. The Tavern is a place where you can look for other players/teams to play with. You can even search for scrims.
A Competitive feedback thread has been created (thanks to forum member VHD who came up with the idea in the first place). The thread will be kept as a sticky and can be used for questions, suggestions, feedback, or anything that is related to the Competitive Discussion forum section, Honcast shoutcasting, the Honcast chat, the HoN Tour admins etc.
The next couple of lines will be used to introduce you guys to the moderating team of this forum section, the HoN Tour admins, and the rules.
Moderators of Competitive Discussion
Section Leader
Stormeren has been around HoN since the late beta stage back in 2009. He has also been an official HoN forum moderator for a little over 2 years (since 14th of March 2013) and has been a dedicated moderator of Competitive Discussion for almost 2 years now (started 11th of August 2013). Stormeren now wears the title of Section Leader for both Fan Media and Competitive Discussion.
Do you think that you can do a difference and moderate any of the forum section? Then don't be afraid to send a moderator application through the Applications tab, or by following this link.
Any questions related to the Competitive Discussion forum section can be sent in a private message to either the section leader or the other forum moderators.
Questions regarding moderator decisions should be taken with a Global Moderator (and not any of the above listed moderators).
HoN Tour Admins
Head Admin
I was a casual gamer, playing console and PC (wc3 campaign, some mmo's , some other games) and HoN since late 2010 at the recommendation of a friend. Ever since then I've been involved in a few clans, helping out with management, organization and others, tho all good things come to an end. In early 2012 I started hosting small HoN tournaments, which later that year lead to a Hontour Admin position shortly before Season 1 began. I've been involved with [TOUR] activities and paperwork right from the beginning, helping out as much as I can so that the events run smoothly. See you in the lobbies !
Friday has been playing video games for most of his life. Before coming to Heroes of Newerth he had played DotA for seven years. He was introduced to HoN by close friends who had convinced him to give the new game a shot. Soon after it became the only game that he played online. Over the years he has been part of several volunteer groups in the Heroes of Newerth community including SBT and the Forum Moderators, but his focus is now firmly focused on his duties as a HoN Tour Admin.
Make sure that you have read the HoN Tour Rules before posting your questions to the HoN Tour admins.
Section Rules of Competitive Discussion
The section rules of Competitive Discussion has been changed a couple of times within the last few years, and this time is no exception. As always, you should try to follow the general forum rules, as the rules mentioned in this thread can be considered as additions. The specific section rules have been listed in the table below.
Former Competitors
You are allowed to create threads regarding the achievements of former HoN Top Competitors*, as long as the thread has content that compares the new achievements with the ones from their HoN days.
Goodbye Threads
HoN Top Competitors* are allowed to post these, as long as the tone can be kept clean and no grudges are held between the competitor and Frostburn Studios.
Unrelated Threads
Do not post threads with content that has no relation to Competitive Discussion. This also includes threads about achievements made in high TMM games.
*A HoN Top Competitor is a player that has had the opportunity to play at a competitive level equal to Diamond Divsion in HoN Tour.
Forum members breaking any of the above rules (and the general rules) will be receiving warnings and infractions (=bans), and have their posts/threads deleted.
You are always welcome to contact one of the section moderators, if you have any questions regarding the content of a thread that you are about to post in this section, or something else that comes to mind.
We really hope that you enjoy your stay!