Donald Trump says he hand-picked only the best to teach success at Trump University. But dozens of those hired by the company had checkered pasts – including serious financial problems and even convictions for cocaine trafficking or child molestation, an Associated Press investigation has found.
In a 2005 video targeted at prospective students, Trump said he personally vetted those hired to run his seminars.
“At Trump University we teach success. That’s what it’s all about. Success. It’s going to happen to you,” Trump said in a promotional video, looking intently into the camera. “We’re going to have professors and adjunct professors that are absolutely terrific – terrific people, terrific brains, successful. We are going to have the best of the best. … These are all people that are hand-picked by me
Tell me how a person hand picks criminals including child molesters thinks these folks who are not real teachers is good idea?
How can advocate locking up Hillary when he himself seems to have defrauded so many?