
BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. 88(3):647–665. 2012

Bulletin of Marine Science 647

© 2012 Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science of

the University of Miami




William F Patterson III, Clay E Porch,

Joseph H Tarnecki, and Andrew J Strelcheck


The effect of circle hook size on reef fish catch rates, species composition, and

selectivity was tested in the northern Gulf of Mexico recreational fishery. Fish

communities first were sampled at natural (n = 19) and artificial (n = 23) reefs

with a micro remotely operated vehicle (ROV) equipped with a laser scale. Fishing

experiments (n = 69) then were conducted with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle hooks.

Hook size significantly affected fish catch rates, species composition, and size. Small

invertivore fishes constituted 33.4% of the catch taken with 9/0 hooks, but were

nearly absent from the catch made with larger hook sizes. In contrast, red snapper,

Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860), constituted only 25.3% of fishery species

total abundance in video samples, but ranged from 59.1% of the 9/0 hook catch to

nearly 90% for 15/0 hooks. A novel maximum likelihood approach was developed

to estimate exponential-logistic selectivity functions for each hook size from ROVbased

estimates of red snapper size distributions and observed hook-specific catch

at size. Both the 9/0 and 12/0 hooks displayed dome-shaped selectivity functions,

while the 15/0 hook size was estimated to have a logistic-shaped function. However,

observed catch-at-size data displayed a dome-shaped pattern for 15/0 catches when

paired with 9/0 hooks, but an indistinct pattern when paired with 12/0 hooks.

Overall, study results suggest that regulating circle hook size would affect reef

fish catch rates and size in the northern Gulf of Mexico recreational fishery, but

potential conservation benefits may be confounded by unintended effects.

Bycatch of undersized fishes and non-targeted species is a global fisheries problem

(Alverson et al. 1994, Lewison et al. 2004, Kelleher 2005, Davies et al. 2009). Circle

hooks have been proposed as a conservation measure to reduce bycatch rates or mitigate

issues related to incidental hooking of non-targeted species. The scientific literature

on circle hooks consists predominantly of studies in which their conservation

benefits have been tested in commercial fisheries targeting oceanic pelagic species

(Kaplan et al. 2007, Carruthers et al. 2009, Sales et al. 2010, Pacheo et al. 2011), and

such studies are well-presented in this volume (Serafy et al. 2012). However, circle

hooks also may have significant conservation benefits for reducing the incidental

catch of undersized and non-targeted fishes in recreational hook-and-line fisheries

(Grover et al. 2002, Prince et al. 2002, Bacheler and Buckel 2004).

Recreational fishing effort has a greater impact on marine fisheries off the southeastern

United States than in any other region of the US, both in terms of total

landings, as well as landings of stocks estimated to be overfished or undergoing overfishing

(Coleman et al. 2004, Hanson and Sauls 2011, Ihde et al. 2011). Increasingly, it

is not just the landed catch that is at issue, but also dead discards of undersized, nontargeted,

or closed-season fishes that contribute significantly to the total harvest for


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several marine species. Red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860), and gag,

Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean, 1879), are two of the more highly targeted

marine fishes in the US Gulf of Mexico (GOM), and management of both, as well as

the reef fish fishery in general, is greatly affected by bycatch issues (Goodyear 1995,

Johnson et al. 1997, Strelcheck and Hood 2007). Recent stock assessments have highlighted

the fact that dead discards in the recreational fishery contribute a substantial

percentage (i.e., 20%–30%) of the total recreational harvest of red snapper and

gag, both of which have a spawning stock biomass estimated to be severely depleted

(Porch 2007, SEDAR 2006, 2009a,b).

There are several aspects of the biology of northern GOM reef fishes, as well as

their fisheries management, that confound issues related to discarding. Fishery managers

have relied mostly on traditional management tools, such as size limits, daily

bag limits, and closed seasons, in attempts to limit recreational effort, hence fishing

mortality (F). However, the GOM reef fish fishery is diverse, with 42 species in the

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council’s (GMFMC) reef fish fishery management

plan. Catch rates for fishes such as red snapper and gag can be high even during

closed seasons given the non-specificity of fishing effort when recreational seasons

are open for other reef fishes. Furthermore, many of the snappers and groupers in

the northern GOM display ontogenetic movements into deeper waters, being found

out toward the shelf edge (approximately 200 m) or deeper as adults (Mitchell et

al. 2004, Lindberg et al. 2006, Patterson 2007), where water depth can exacerbate

discard mortality. Venting is required for regulatory discards in the GOM reef fish

fishery, but acute and chronic barotrauma severely affects physoclistous fishes that

experience rapid pressure changes of several atmospheres when brought from depth,

which in turn translates into high post-release mortality rates even for fish that successfully

return to depth after being released (Gitschlag and Renault 1994, Wilson

and Burns 1996, Rummer 2007).

The GMFMC has discussed employing non-traditional management tools, such

as tag programs, limits on days-at-sea for for-hire vessels, marine protected areas,

and catch shares, to reduce recreational F in the GOM reef fish fishery, partly because

the pervasive issue of discard mortality hampers the utility of many of the

traditional tools the GMFMC has relied upon. One potential method to reduce catch

rates, especially for undersized fishes, is to regulate the selectivity of the hook-andline

gear used to target reef fishes. Circle hooks have been required in the GOM reef

fishery since 2007, but the size of hooks that may be used is not currently regulated

(GMFMC 2007). The GMFMC considered regulating hook sizes for harvesting reef

fishes but opted not to implement hook size restrictions due to limited scientific

research pertaining to reef fishes and a lack of standardization in hook sizes among

manufacturers (GMFMC 2007). The goal of the present study was to examine the

effect of circle hook size on reef fish catch rates, species composition, and size distributions

in the GOM recreational reef fish fishery. Our approach was to sample reef

sites in the northern GOM with a micro remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to estimate

community and size structure of reef fishes present on reefs. Then, we fished the sites

with different sized circle hooks to test the effect of hook size on catch rates, species

composition, and size distributions. Lastly, we developed a novel method to estimate

hook selectivity for red snapper from estimated in situ size distributions and size

distributions of hook-specific catches.



Field Sampling of Reef Fishes.—Sampling occurred at natural (n = 19) and artificial reef

(n = 23) sites located at depths between 20 and 67 m on the northeastern Gulf of Mexico continental

shelf (latitude range: 85.92N–88.17N, longitude range: 29.50W–30.20W) between

June 2009 and August 2010. Video samples (n = 69) of fish communities were obtained with

either a VideoRay Pro3 (dimensions: 30 cm long, 24 cm tall, 22 cm wide; mass = 3.8 kg) or

Pro4 micro ROV (dimensions: 36 cm long, 28 cm tall, 22 cm wide; mass = 4.8 kg). Both ROVs

have a depth rating of 170 m, a wide angle (105° or 116°, respectively) lens on a 570-line forward-

looking color camera, and were equipped with a red laser scale (10 cm between lasers)

to estimate fish size (Patterson et al. 2009). The ROVs were tethered to the surface where

they were controlled by a pilot via an integrated control box containing a 38-cm monitor to

observe video captured by the ROV’s camera during sampling.

Video sampling was conducted at study reefs either with the point-count method described

by Patterson et al. (2009) or a transect method, depending on habitat type and dimensions.

The point-count method was used to sample a 15-m wide cylinder around isolated reef habitat,

such as single artificial reef modules, while the transect sampling method was utilized

for reef habitat that was more broadly distributed, which was characteristic of natural reef

habitat examined in the present study. Transects were flown approximately 2 m above the sea

floor and the camera angle adjusted such that the field of view was approximately 10 m wide.

Orthogonal 25-m long transects were flown from a center point at a given reef site such that

approximately 1000 m2 of reef habitat were sampled.

Analysis of video samples was performed with a Sony DVCAM DSR-11 digital VCR capable

of frame by frame playback and a Sony LMD-170 high resolution LCD monitor. When

the point-count method was employed, fish counts were summed among all sampling segments

and then divided by the sampling cylinder’s area (176.7 m2) to estimate fish density (see

Patterson et al. 2009). Fish density was computed by summing taxa-specific fish counts and

then dividing by the total area among transects. The mean density of fishery species among all

samples was computed, and then the relative proportion of total fishery species density was

computed for each species.

Fork length (FL) was estimated for fishes struck by the laser scale during video sampling

at study reefs. For a given fish, this was accomplished by multiplying its length measured in a

video frame by the known distance between lasers (100 mm), and then dividing that product

by the distance measured between lasers in the frame. FL was converted to total length (TL)

with regression equations developed from fish captured with hook and line. Bias-correction

in fish length estimates then was conducted based on results from a pool experiment in which

model fish length was estimated for different angles from perpendicular and distances from

the ROV (Patterson et al. 2009). For conditions observed in situ, the mean bias of underestimating

fish length was estimated to be 3% with a standard deviation of 0.6%. Therefore, TL

estimates were adjusted based on a random probability and normally distributed bias with

mean equal to 3% and standard deviation equal to 0.6%.

Red snapper age distribution was estimated from length with an age-length key for laserscaled

fish as well as fish captured with circle hooks. The key was computed from size-at-age

data (n = 1755) reported in Patterson et al. (2001) for fish from the north central GOM that

were aged via analysis of sagittal otolith thin sections. Size-at-age data from additional red

snapper samples (n = 465) were added to the data set from fish sampled in the north central

GOM off northwest Florida and Alabama in 2009–2010 (WF Patterson, unpubl data). The

probability that fish within 10 mm length bins in the combined size at age data set were a

given age was computed, and then age was assigned probabilistically to bias-corrected lengths

of laser-scaled and hook and line sampled fish.

Fish were captured with hook and line for 30 min by 6–8 anglers at each reef site following

video sampling. Two-hook bottom rigs were deployed on each fishing rod and consisted

of a 1.5-m leader constructed of 60-lb (approximately 27.2 kg) monofilament which had two


shorter leaders extending approximately 0.5 m horizontally from the main leader. Terminal

tackle on the ends of the horizontal leaders was either 9/0, 12/0, or 15/0 Mustad 39660D circle

hooks (Fig. 1). This range in hook sizes was selected due to the fact that 9/0 Mustad 39660D

circle hooks are most similar in size to 3/0 J-hooks traditionally used in the GOM reef fish

fishery and 15/0 hooks are the upper limit in hook size typically employed by recreational

anglers. Hooks were fished with either cut squid or mackerel scad, Decapterus macarellus

(Cuvier, 1833), as bait. At a given site, half the anglers fished with one size of circle hooks

and the other half fished with another size (combination-1 = 9/0 and 12/0 hooks, combination-

2 = 9/0 and 15/0 hooks, and combination-3 = 12/0 and 15/0 hooks), although during 10

sampling events, only one hook size was used. Captured fish were either randomly sampled

and retained to provide biological samples for another study, or were returned to the water

following length measurement and venting their gas bladders.

Statistical Analysis.—The difference in catch rate among hook sizes was tested with

one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA, α = 0.05) for all fishes and separately for red snapper.

Catch per hook hour was log-transformed to meet the assumption of normality prior to

analysis in SAS (SAS, Inc. 1998). Differences among the relative proportion of fishery species

estimated among reef sites, and standardized to sample area, and the proportion of those species

in the hook-specific catches were tested with a one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM,

α = 0.005) model in the Primer software package (Clark and Gorley 2001). Species-specific

proportions were square-root transformed and standardized prior to analysis. The difference

in size of fish captured among hook sizes was tested with ANOVA (α = 0.05) following logtransformation

to meet parametric assumptions.

Red snapper sample sizes were thought to be large enough among laser-scaled individuals

and hook-specific catches that selectivity could be estimated directly for this species. In

many cases, reef sites were limited in their spatial extent such that it was possible to catch a

significant fraction of the local red snapper population. Assuming deaths by natural causes

were a negligible source of mortality during the short fishing event, an appropriate model for

the catches and ROV observations is:

Figure 1. Digital image of 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 Mustad 39660D circle hooks used to test the effect

of hook size on reef fish catch rate and size distribution in the northern Gulf of Mexico recreational

reef fish fishery.



f q S N e

V edN

F fq S




hk h lh lk


lk lk

lk hk h lh







Z ^ - h





/ (Eq. 1)

where Nlk is the number of red snapper of length l at fishing location k, Clhk is the number of

red snapper caught by hook type h, and Vlk is the number of red snapper measured during the

ROV survey. The variable F represents the total fishing mortality rate in the area, which is the

sum of the fishing mortality rates associated with each of the two hook types being fished

simultaneously. The variables f and e represent the relative effort expended during fishing or

the ROV survey. The variables q and d represent the relative fishing power of each hook type

and relative detectability of red snapper during the ROV survey. The variable S represents the

selection function (see below).

The C and V are observed quantities and the effort parameters are controlled with little

error, leaving the q, d, S, and N to be estimated. If the observations C and V were mutually

exclusive outcomes, then the estimation could be accomplished using the SELECT model of

Millar (1992), which would conveniently eliminate the need to estimate the nuisance parameters

(N). However, since the survey was conducted prior to fishing, it is likely that some of

the fish surveyed were also caught and retained. Alternatively, if the size distribution of fish

in the surveyed area (V) is measured with little error, then the system of equations in (1) may

be reformulated as

C edF

f q S V e

F fq S




hk h lh lk


lk hk h lh






Z ^ - h




] / . (Eq. 2)

Assuming the total red snapper catch by each hook type at each location (Chk) has approximately

a normal distribution (with variance s2) and that the proportion of the catch falling

in each length category (plhk = Clhk / Chk) has approximately a multinomial distribution, then

maximum likelihood estimates of q, d and S may be obtained by minimizing the negative loglikelihood


L . log

c c

0 5 log n p p


hk 2



h,k e h,k h,k lhk


= v v l e lhk


/ a k - +/ / . (Eq. 3)

The superscript obs distinguishes the observed data from the value predicted by the model

and n indicates the effective sample size (which in some cases might not equal the total catch).

The detectability parameter d in Equation 2 is confounded with the catchability parameters

q unless additional information is provided to estimate F, such as might be obtained if a

second visual survey were conducted after fishing occurred. In the present study, d was fixed

to 0.1 because approximately 10% of the red snapper in each area were able to be measured.

The exact value is inconsequential because only the relative fishing power of the gears is of

interest here.

The magnitude of the selection vector Slh is similarly confounded with the value of qh.

Moreover, the model can become over-parameterized if unique selection values are estimated

for each length category. A common solution to these two problems has been to model selection

as a mathematical function of length. Little has been published to guide the choice of

hook selection models; however, an inspection of the data indicated the 9/0 hooks caught

a lower proportion of large fish than the two larger hook sizes. This implies that the hooks

used in our study might exhibit an asymmetric, dome-shaped selection pattern. Two possible

candidates that were examined here are the exponential-logistic and double logistic curves:








1 1


1 1 1












- -


- +

a i

ba i

a i

b i



- -

- -


















(Eq. 4)

where α, β, q, q1, and q2 are parameters to be estimated and l is the midpoint of size interval l.

Note that both functions tend toward a flat-topped logistic function as β tends toward zero.

The data were pooled across all locations fished by the same combination of hook types due

to the relatively sparse number of video measurements in each unique ROV sample. Thus,

there were effectively three locations in terms of Equations 2 and 3, those fished in tandem by

9/0 and 12/0 hooks, 9/0 and 15/0 hooks, or 12/0 and 15/0 hooks. Bias-corrected laser-scaled

red snapper TL estimates were binned into 20 length categories defined by the boundaries:

170, 230, 250, 270, 290, 310, 330, 350, 370, 390, 410, 430, 450, 470, 490, 510, 530, 570, 610,

650, and 730 mm. Broader intervals were specified for the smallest and largest categories

because of the rarity of fish in those size classes in our samples. The initial model assumed the

same parameter values for the selection curves associated with each hook type (i.e., that there

was no hook effect) and that the shape of the selection curve was flat-topped (β near zero).

Additional parameters were estimated in a stepwise approach to allow for dome-shaped (β >

0) selection and hook-size effects. Akaike’s information criteria for small samples was used to

determine the combination of selection parameters that provided the most parsimonious fit

to the data (Hurvich and Tsai 1995).


Fish counts from video analysis of ROV samples totaled 18,347 individuals belonging

to 108 taxa (94% of individuals were identified to species) among 69 samples.

Eleven fishery species accounted for 82% of the total fish count (see Table 1 for names

and authorities), with tomtate alone accounting for 34%. There was a distinct shift in

the relative proportion of those 11 species in hook-specific catches vs the fish communities

observed in video samples. For example, tomtate constituted 58.2% of the

total abundance among fishery species, yet was only 6.0% of the 9/0 catch and only

one tomtate was captured with a 15/0 hook. Red snapper, on the other hand, constituted

only 25.3% of fishery species observed in video samples, yet its percent abundance

in catches ranged from 59.1% for 9/0 hooks to nearly 90% for 15/0 hooks.

Catch rates were significantly affected by hook size for all fishes (ANOVA: F2,66 =

15.1, P < 0.001), but not for red snapper alone (ANOVA: F2,66 = 1.57, P = 0.215; Fig.

2). Overall, the size of captured fish was significantly affected by hook size (ANOVA:

F3,3061 = 42.1, P < 0.001; Fig. 3). Hook size also significantly affected the size of captured

red snapper (ANOVA: F3,1724 = 67.4, P < 0.001), other snappers (ANOVA: F3,402

= 6.65, P < 0.001), and groupers (ANOVA: F3,175 = 18.4, P < 0.001), but was not significant

for red porgy (ANOVA: F2,113 = 0.21, P = 0.809) or tomtate (ANOVA: F2,204 =

1.87, P = 0.157). However, sample sizes were low for red porgy and tomtate, both of

which had essentially no catch for 15/0 hooks, and most individuals caught of those

two species were near the median size observed in video samples regardless of hook

size (Fig. 3).

Cumulative frequency distributions of estimated red snapper size and age demonstrate

clear shifts between video samples and catches, with increasing trends in both

fish size and age with hook size (Fig. 4). Median estimated TL was 373 mm for red


Table 1. Estimates of percent relative abundance of fishery-important reef fish species observed in remotely operated vehicle collected video samples of fish

communities at natural and artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico, as well as percent catch of those species captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 Mustad

circle hooks.

Species Common name

Abundance among fishery species

in video samples (%) 9/0 catch (%) 12/0 catch (%) 15/0 catch (%)

Haemulon aurolineatum (Cuvier, 1830) Tomtate 58.2 6.0 1.8 0.5

Lutjanus campechanus (Poey, 1860) Red snapper 25.3 59.1 76.8 88.9

Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758) Red porgy 7.5 17.5 9.7 2.3

Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus, 1758) Gray snapper 3.4 0.9 0.0 0.5

Seriola dumerili (Risso, 1810) Greater amberjack 1.9 0.5 1.8 0.5

Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus, 1758) Lane snapper 1.0 2.1 0.2 0.0

Balistes capriscus (Gmelin, 1789) Gray triggerfish 0.9 1.2 0.5 0.0

Rhomboplites aurorubens (Cuvier, 1829) Vermilion snapper 0.8 9.0 4.7 1.4

Mycteroperca phenax (Jordan and Swain, 1884) Scamp 0.7 2.5 2.0 1.9

Mycteroperca microlepis (Goode and Bean, 1879) Gag 0.1 0.5 1.4 1.9

Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes, 1828) Red grouper 0.1 0.7 1.1 2.3


Figure 2. Mean (+ SE) catch rate per hook hour for all fishes and red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus,

alone that were captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle hooks at reef sites in the northern

Gulf of Mexico. * Catch rate of all fishes declined significantly (P < 0.001) with increasing hook


Figure 3. Boxplots of bias-corrected total length (TL) estimates of reef fishes scaled with a red

laser scale during remotely operated vehicle sampling of reef fish communities in northern Gulf

of Mexico and of measured TL of fishes that were captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle hooks.

Midline of each box indicates sample median. Lower and upper sides of each box indicate 25th

and 75th distribution percentiles, respectively. Extended bars represent 10th and 90th percentiles,

and filled circles indicate 5th and 95th percentiles. * P < 0.001.


snapper scaled with the laser scale attached to the ROV, and 424, 443, and 482 mm

for fish captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 hooks, respectively. Median estimated age

displayed a similar pattern in that it was 2.5 yrs for fishes scaled with lasers, and was

2.9, 3.2, and 3.6 yrs, respectively, for fishes captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 hooks.

However, the distribution of size or age in the sampled population is as critical as the

distribution of the catch when estimating selectivity, and in the present study there

were some differences in the size structure estimated among red snapper sampled at

sites fished with different hook size combinations (Fig. 5). Therefore, comparisons of

the overall size distribution of red snapper to the overall distributions of fishes captured

with the three circle hook sizes fished in our study are insufficient to evaluate

selectivity differences among hook sizes.

The double logistic model did not provide as good a fit to the data as the exponential

logistic, despite having one more parameter, therefore was not explored further.

Figure 4. Cumulative frequency distributions of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, (A) total

length and (B) age estimated with an age-length key for fish scaled with a red laser scale (n = 723)

during remotely operated vehicle (ROV) sampling of reef sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico, as

well as fish captured with 9/0 (n = 430), 12/0 (n = 314), and 15/0 (n = 174) circle hooks following

ROV sampling. Length estimates for laser-scaled fish were bias-corrected as described in the text.


All of the parameters of the exponential model significantly improved the fit to the

data except the β parameter for the 15/0 hook model (β15/0 = 0.002), which did not

differ significantly from zero, thus was not included in the final model (Table 2).

Resulting selectivity function parameters were highly correlated within hook types,

as is typical when a functional relationship is used, but not among hook types (Table

2). The general shapes of the selectivity functions estimated for 9/0 and 12/0 hooks

were dome-shaped, while the shape of the function estimated for 15/0 hooks was

logistic (Fig. 6). Fits of the exponential-logistic hook-specific selectivity models to

the red snapper catch data were reasonably good (Fig. 7). There are some noticeable

trends in the residuals of the fits (Fig. 7), but they are not consistent across locations.


Our results indicate that circle hook size had a clear effect on reef fish catch rates,

species composition, and size distributions. The GMFMC mandated the use of circle

hooks in the GOM reef fish fishery in 2008 with Amendment 27 to its Reef Fish

Fishery Management Plan (GMFMC 2007), but the only stipulation is that hooks

Figure 5. Bias-corrected red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, total length distributions estimated

with a red laser scale during remotely operated vehicle video sampling of reef sites in the northern

Gulf of Mexico. Combination-1 indicates sites where 9/0 and 12/0 circle hooks were fished.

Combination-2 indicates sites where 9/0 and 15/0 hooks were fished, and combination-3 indicates

sites where 12/0 and 15/0 hooks were fished.


Table 2. Maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) of parameters, coefficients of variation (CV, standard deviation/MLE), and correlation matrix for the final

exponential-logistic model fitted to circle hook catch-at-size data to estimate selectivity. In the table, q = catchability, ω = coefficient of variation of the observed

catch, α, β, and θ = exponential-logistic model parameters, and 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 = circle hook sizes. Note that β15/0 did not differ significantly from the null

hypothesis (P < 0.001), thus was not estimated in the final model.

Correlation matrix

Parameter MLE CV q9/0 q12/0 q15/0 α9/0 θ9/0 β9/0 α12/0 θ12/0 β12/0 α15/0 θ15/0 ω

q9/0 0.163 0.121 1.00

q12/0 0.134 0.131 0.03 1.00

q15/0 0.059 0.106 0.04 0.03 1.00

α9/0 0.034 0.086 0.13 0.00 0.00 1.00

θ9/0 442.3 0.018 0.09 0.02 0.02 −0.79 1.00

β9/0 0.180 0.251 0.33 0.02 0.00 −0.42 0.43 1.00

α12/0 0.026 0.091 0.03 0.30 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01 1.00

q12/0 486.4 0.028 −0.02 0.22 0.01 −0.03 0.04 0.00 −0.59 1.00

β12/0 0.300 0.322 0.00 0.42 0.00 −0.02 0.02 0.01 −0.17 0.64 1.00

α15/0 0.057 0.253 0.01 0.00 −0.18 0.01 −0.01 0.00 0.00 −0.01 0.00 1.00

q15/0 515.3 0.082 0.00 0.00 0.22 −0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 −0.99 1.00

ω 0.136 0.299 0.01 −0.01 −0.04 0.03 −0.08 0.00 −0.01 −0.12 0.02 0.01 −0.02 1.00


cannot be made of stainless steel. Others have examined the conservation benefits of

circle vs J-shaped hooks, including in recreational hook and line fisheries, but results

from our study indicate that not only hook style but also hook size can have significant

effects. One goal of our study was to test whether using larger hooks would

reduce the catch of undersized fish, with red snapper (GOM recreational size limit

currently 406 mm TL) being a focus given its predominance among northern GOM

reefs and the fact that it is perhaps the most targeted fish in the reef fish fishery.

Using larger hooks did reduce the percentage of undersized red snapper caught, but

species diversity of the catch also decreased substantially as hook size increased,

with red snapper constituting nearly 90% of the catch taken with 15/0 circle hooks.

Therefore, if a management decision were made to require only larger circle hooks

to be used in the GOM recreational reef fish fishery, then a tradeoff for the benefit of

minimizing sublegal red snapper discards would be diminished catch rates of other

species. Furthermore, during the red snapper closed season, a minimum hook size

may actually increase the number of red snapper discards. This would likely occur

when fisherman sought other species that constituted a smaller percentage of the

total catch when fishing with larger hooks. Therefore, an increasing number of red

snapper would be discarded while seeking to fill bag limits for other species.

Beyond the fact that red snapper were a much higher percentage of the catch, even

for 9/0 hooks, than their percent abundance in reef fish community data, another

apparent trend was a decline of smaller intertivore species with increasing hook

size. These smaller species tended to be invertivores, such as red porgy, vermilion

snapper, gray triggerfish, and tomtate (Manooch 1977, Grimes 1979, Thomas and

Cahoon 1993). Some, such as vermilion snapper and red porgy, constituted a much

higher percentage of the 9/0 hook catch than their percent abundance in reef fish

community data. For others, like tomtate, and to a lesser extent, gray snapper, their

Figure 6. Maximum likelihood selectivity functions estimated for red snapper, Lutjanus

campechanus, captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle hooks at reef sites in the northern Gulf of



percent abundance even in 9/0 hook catches was just a fraction of their percent abundance

in the reef fish community. The decline of the catch of smaller fishery species

with increasing hook size, and the percent abundance of the smallest fishery

species, tomtate, being an order of magnitude less abundant in 9/0 catches than in

the community, is likely largely due to gape limitation (Ralston 1982, Bacheler and

Buckel 2004). However, bait selection and fishing technique, which were standardized

and not tested as factors in the present study, also may have affected catch rates.

Cumulative catch rates among scamp, gag, and red groupers, all of which have large

gapes (Weaver 1996), were much greater than their percent abundance in the fish

community, which is consistent with the hypothesis that gape limitation explains

much of the decline in the catch of smaller species with larger hooks.

Figure 7. Predicted vs observed (catch) proportion-at-size of red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus,

captured with 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle hooks at reef sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico.

Combination-1 (9/0 and 12/0), combination-2 (9/0 and 15/0), and combination-3 (12/0 and 15/0)

are abbreviated on panel labels as C1, C2, and C3, respectively. Predicted proportions at size

result from exponential logistic selectivity models fit to observed proportion at size data for each

hook comparison combination.


Potential effects of regulating hook size on red snapper stock recovery, as well

as effects on other co-occurring reef fishes, will remain unclear until results of the

present study and follow-up sampling is incorporated into stock assessment model

simulations. Given the diversity of fishes targeted and caught in the northern GOM

recreational reef fish fishery, and the inverse effect of increasing circle hook size on

catches of species other than red snapper, a multispecies assessment approach likely

would be required, or at least effects should be evaluated through simulations examined

with various single-species assessment models. In the case of red snapper, circle

hook size significantly affected the size of fish captured, with an increasing proportion

of the catch above the minimum size limit as hook size increased, but there was

only a subtle shift in the median size and estimated age of fish captured with 9/0 vs

15/0 hooks. Given the size difference in hooks, a shift in median size from 424 to 482

mm TL and in estimated age from 2.9 to 3.6 yrs is not substantial for a fish that can

live to be 60 yrs old (Patterson et al. 2001, Wilson and Nieland 2001), does not reach

maximum fecundity until it is 12–15 yrs old (Jackson et al. 2007), and for which

maximum yield per recruit occurs at sizes >600 mm TL (Goodyear 1995). However,

the fact that red snapper catch rate did not decline with increasing hook size implies

that individuals were aggressive to the bait regardless of the size of hooks, which

is something that has been reported anecdotally by fishermen attempting to target

other species during red snapper closed seasons. Perhaps gape limitation is less of an

issue for aggressive species such as red snapper.

Another issue to consider when evaluating the potential conservation gains of establishing

a minimum hook size for the GOM recreational reef fish fishery is that

during the sampling for our study, we were informed that some charter and private

boat recreational anglers target reef fishes with circle hooks smaller than the 9/0

hooks used in our study. One of the difficulties in comparing results among hook

studies, or even in understanding fishing practices, is that hook sizes are not standardized

among manufacturers, or even within a given manufacturer for different

hook types. Therefore, future work should focus on examining catch rates, species

composition, and size distributions between hook sizes used in the present study

with some of the smaller hooks currently used in the fishery.

Size distributions estimated in situ with the ROV provided a valuable source of

information for estimating selectivity functions of the 9/0, 12/0, and 15/0 circle

hooks examined. Due to sample sizes, functions were computed only for red snapper,

but the procedure developed for estimating hook selectivity from ROV-based

estimates of fish size distributions on reefs and hook-specific catches could be applied

to other species with sufficient sample sizes. Bacheler et al. (2010) reviewed several

methods of estimating gear selectivity, including internally in stock assessment

models (Hillborn and Walters 1992, Porch 2007), through comparison of catches

between gears (Millar 1992), and with tagging experiments (Schultz 2004, Bacheler

et al. 2008). They concluded that tagging methods were the most robust because the

size or age composition of the tagged population was known, especially in shortterm

tagging experiments. The ROV-based method we employed prior to fishing

similarly provided an estimate of the size distribution of the targeted population.

Furthermore, by controlling hook sizes in fishing trials, we could directly test selectivity

for a given hook size and type, and not just estimate overall selectivity for

fishery sectors (Bacheler et al. 2010).


Selectivity curves for longline hooks and recreational hook-and-line gear have

been assumed to have either logistic shapes typical of trawls or unimodal shapes typical

of gillnets (Czerwinski et al. 2010). The shape of the curve is often imposed with

some prior knowledge of the size distribution of the catch. In the method presented

here, a maximum likelihood framework is used to test the shape of hook-specific selectivity

functions given estimates of the size distribution of the fish being targeted

and direct measurements of the fish caught. A critical assumption of this approach

is that laser-based estimates of fish size are random and unbiased. We applied the

slight bias-correction estimated by Patterson et al. (2009), but the issue of whether

fish scaled with the lasers were a random sample of the population persists. What

is known is that fish tend not to avoid the micro ROVs used in our study (Dance et

al. 2011), and no fish were specifically targeted with the lasers. However, a future

experiment should be conducted in which reef-associated fish communities are repeatedly

sampled on short time scales (e.g., minutes to hours) and estimates of fish

size distributions compared. In the present study, if red snapper smaller than those

reported here were present but not scaled with the ROV lasers, it likely would have

had little effect on selectivity estimates for the hooks tested as the smaller length

bins already had zeros for proportion caught. However, if there were fish present that

were larger than those scaled with lasers, then the shape of the 15/0 hook selectivity

function may have been dome-shaped if the pattern of declining proportional catch

with increasing fish size was maintained.

The difference in shapes among hook-specific selectivity functions estimated here

is due to the fact the β parameter in Equation 4 did not differ significantly from zero

for the 15/0 hook model, thus giving that function a logistic shape. However, when

inspecting predicted vs observed size distributions of 15/0 hook catches, a somewhat

dome-shaped relationship is apparent in the observed catch at size data, especially

for hook combination-2. The divergence from a domed-shape function appears to be

driven by the bimodal pattern of catch-at-size observed for 15/0 hooks fished in combination-

3. There is a sharp decline in the observed catch at size between 420 and 570

mm TL, but then a spike at 610 mm TL. There was an apparent conflict in attempting

to fit that high catch at size for combination-3 data while a different pattern existed

for combination-2. The result was a non-significant β15/0 parameter (i.e., a logistic

shape) and large residuals for the fits of the selectivity function to observed catch at

size for fish >500 mm TL in both combination-2 and combination-3 scenarios. The

logistic fit for 15/0 hooks predicts sizes at median and full selectivity that are similar

to those of 9/0 hooks and smaller than those of 12/0 hooks, which is not consistent

with patterns observed in the data. It should be noted, however, that the 15/0 hooks

had the smallest sample size and perhaps additional field experiments would help

clarify the functional form of their selectivity curve.

The exponential-logistic selectivity model also overestimated the proportion of

small fishes (<400 mm) caught by 9/0 hooks at reef sites where they were fished with

12/0 hooks (combination-1), but underestimated the proportion of small fishes at

sites where 9/0 hooks were fished with 15/0 hooks (combination-2). In principle, the

competing mortality model should account for the fact that the two hook sizes are

competing for fish of the same size. However, it is possible that the behavior of different

fish size classes changes with their relative abundance in a way that affects the

apparent selection. For example, larger, more aggressive fish might drive smaller fish

away or smaller fish might become emboldened at higher densities. The ROV video


data suggest there were proportionally more large fish among reef sites fished with

combination-3 than combination-2, and more at combination-2 sites than combination-

1. In general, a comparison of the residual patterns suggests fewer small fish

were caught on 9/0 hooks than expected at sites with proportionally fewer small fish.

If this trend is real, then it suggests smaller fish actually become more vulnerable

to the gear as they decrease in proportion to larger fish. Additional fishing trials,

especially single hook size instead of hook combination trials, may help clarify this

somewhat counterintuitive result.

In conclusion, results from the present study indicate that varying circle hook size

in the GOM reef fish fishery had significant effects on fish catch rates, species composition,

and size distributions. It is unclear at this point what the conservation benefits

vs detriments would be in requiring a minimum hook size in the fishery, particularly

for red snapper. However, it is clear that increasing hook size does increase the size

of fish captured while also greatly diminishing the diversity of the catch. Future work

should focus on expanding sample sizes in hook trials, increasing the size range of

circle hooks tested, and projecting simulated effects of changing hook sizes and their

associated selectivity functions on biomass trajectories of exploited GOM reef fishes.


Funding for this work was provided by the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Cooperative

Research Program (NA09NMF4540137 to WFP). We are grateful to charter boat captains S

Wilson, S Kelley, G Jarvis, and J Greene, and their crews who provided access to their fishing

vessels and considerable help in the field. We also acknowledge the considerable help provided

by J Neese, H Moncrief, R Scharer, M Norberg, J Flynn, and numerous volunteer anglers

for their help in the fishing experiment portion of the study. Lastly, we thank D Nieland and

two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments that improved an earlier version of the paper.

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Date SuBmitted: 5 August, 20 11.

Date Accepted: 28 February, 2012.

AVailaBle Online: 25 April, 2012.

Addresses: (WFP, JHT) University of South Alabama and Dauphin Island Sea Lab, 101

Bienville Boulevard, Dauphin Island, Alabama 36528. (CEP) National Marine Fisheries

Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Sustainable Fisheries Division, 75 Virginia Beach

Drive, Miami, Florida 33149. (AJS) NOAA Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Offi ce, 263

13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701. Corresponding Author: (WFP) Email:


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