
attack of the fish puns!

[BC]Nepalm: Totaltuna r u ofishially epic?
[BC]Totaltuna: you cannot resist the tuna
[BC]Totaltuna: Nepalm cut the carp
[BC]Nepalm: ur such a pain in the bass
[BC]Totaltuna: you cod do batter then this
[BC]Nepalm: i feel reely gillty
[BC]Totaltuna: I will give you one oppertunaty
belatedcube1021: let's tackle the problem then
[BC]Totaltuna: to stop this shellfish behaviour
[BC]Nepalm: go annoy salmon else
[BC]Nepalm: well if u ever find a solution let minnow ok?
[BC]Totaltuna: oh for gods hake stop being so searious
[BC]Totaltuna: Just squidding...
[BC]Nepalm: ur krilling me
[BC]Totaltuna: I dolphinitely am
[BC]Totaltuna: Any fin is possible if you believe in the great tuna in the sky
[BC]Nepalm: u dont have to be a brain sturgeon
[BC]Nepalm: just need to get in-tuna with urself
belatedcube1021: all these puns on the wall eye think I will have to do something about it
[BC]Nepalm: these fish puns get my seal of approval
[BC]Nepalm: had me hooked from the start
[BC]Totaltuna: Hoping to avoid turtle disaster here but i should not get hooked on these fish puns
[BC]Totaltuna: they might sway me from my true porpoise
[VoR]IcyKnightmare: but its not tuna
[VoR]BRNKoINSANITY: belatedcube1021, you get points for creativity
belatedcube1021: thanks
[VoR]IcyKnightmare: funfact: if you want to kill Totaltuna, these never fail
http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2010 ... athsou.png

[BC]Nepalm: u people really make me full of anchor

[BC]Totaltuna: or this icy ^
[BC]Nepalm: ok buoys and gils im off
[BC]Totaltuna: cya on the codder side
[BC]Nepalm: im getting aweigh
[BC]Totaltuna: xD
[BC]Totaltuna: <3
[BC]Totaltuna: #www.fishpuns.com
beats a fishing rod

Statistics: Posted by belatedcube — Today, 03:20

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