
Hi, I started this thread to share some tips and tricks you can use in Gears of War Judgment. Pls note that these tips and tricks dont work all the time and their usefullness depends mainly on your playstyle. You can also post tips and tricks yourself if you know any. I'll credit you if you post a tip or trick that makes it to the OP. Tips and tricks in this thread may already have names of there own but I use my own naming because thats easier for me. The text in Navy-color is either an extra to the text above it or alternate way of using a tip or trick.

I will update this thread as much as I can. The tips and tricks arent limited to just MP. Campaign, Overrun and Survival tips and tricks are very much appreciated. Try to keep this thread on topic. Dont complain about tips, tricks or the game in general.

Multiplayer Tips

#1: Gnasher battle: When you see an enemy player, think about your options. What can you do in this situation and what would be the best way to take him down? F.e. You see an enemy player and you're thinking about pushing him. What would you normally do? You would probably just shoot at him without knowing how the enemy player could counter you. The best way to counter the enemy' counterattack is to simply wait. Watch how he reacts to you after you landed two or three shots at him. Will he run? Push him if you can. Does he fight back? Keep your distance and try to avoid his shots as it would go down the hill if he gets close to you when thats not even necessary. When in a gnasher fight, resist your urge to push forward and try to get the bodyshot. Instead, walk backwards and spray them. If your opponent is cocky they usually go for a flashy wallbounce that they will try to use in a effort to kill you. Navy, credit to VolatileEagle.

#2: Rifles (Lancer and Retro-lancer): The lancer and retro are best used to weaken or force a player to back off. Rifles are obviously used to kill people and they do their job just fine but using your lancer or retro as a tool to weaken is more effective than as a tool to kill. The Lancer is in medium to long range best used in burst not fully automatic. The recoil is reduced and you hit your target more often. Same goes for the retro.

#3: What to do when someone throws a frag or ink during a Gnasher battle or any other battle? Easy, strafe to the left or right to avoid getting sticked and simply run away. It is hard to kill someone who throws a grenade to put you off when he/she is hurt. The grenades are one of the only weapons that can change the tide of a battle instantly. If a frag is thrown, dont bother pushing him or shooting him, just turn around and run. A frag will most certainly hurt you and could you cost the battle. If you dont want that, make sure you get out of that frag' blast radius and fore your opponent to the pushing. When that happens, you get your chance again to try to kill him.

#4: Melee (when your enemy is basically up in your face):When your enemy melees you, you can do two things. 1: Use the Reverse pop-shot as soon as you get out the stun a melee gives or 2: Melee back and either roll sideways or try to shoot him. Note: Having a gnasher or sawed off equiped is ideal for this situation.

#5: Using your frags carefully: Don't waste your frag by throwing it, because most people will evade if you don't stick them. If you get in melee range hold the Left Bumper and then melee them, after that, run away. Using your Lancer carefully: Or go backwards while spraying with a lancer, and if they get close melee or throw a frag that should do the trick. Credit to Noble Camper and CHAOTIC NINJAZz.

#6: Smart Spawn System (S3): Depending on where you spawn, there is a chance of an enemy spawning just after you do at a nearby spawn. This is useful in FFA as you can spawn, then immediately move into position to get a quick kill with near minimal camping. F.e. Gondola. Spawn near Breachshot, move forward towards the staircase and stay there for about 5 seconds. You should hear footsteps if someone spawns and 9 out of 10 times, they will run towards you and hug that wall instead of giving it a wide birth. Always give walls and corners a bit of extra time to walk around so to mitigate the chances of people who use the S3 technique. Credit to VolatileEagle.

#7: Ink attack: If you direct impact a boomshield with an ink, it will kill the boomshield-user. Credit to gabby5004.

Multiplayer Tricks

#1: Hard-aiming: In GoWJ there are actually 2 way to hard-aim. The first hard-aim is the "regular hard-aim" where you simply press the L-trigger to aim and then the R-trigger to shoot. The second hard-aim is the "weapon swap hard-aim".
Weapon swap hard-aim: When you're in combat and you decide to hard-aim, keep your finger on the L-trigger and press Y on your controller. This allows you to swap weapons while still doing the hard-aim "animation". This is really usefull when you run out of ammo in your first gun, because reloading takes more time than swapping guns, this is also a effective way to counter enemies who are running up to you while you're holding a rifle and have no way of out strafing the enemy. They will be caught off guard and gives you a better chance of survival. Note: This works best with a rifle-shotgun loadout.

#2: Pop-shotting: Simply press the L-trigger and then the R-trigger afterwards but do it really fast. The whole process should last for about a second.
Reverse pop-shot: This is actually the opposite of the pop-shot. You press the R-trigger and then the L-trigger real fast. This shot is actually faster than the pop-shot but still has the spread of a hard-aim. Note: This is a intermediate trick believe it or not as it requires a good sense of accuracy and timing.

#3: Longshot: In Judgment, the longshot has different feel to it than its Gears 3 counterpart. If you ''quick scope'' the Longshot, the bullet will go the spot you last aimed at. You hold the L-trigger and when you want to shoot, quickly click the Right analog stick and shoot. What makes this shot different to just holding the L-trigger and fire? You actually have a steadier aim compared to the normal "aim and fire". Note: Just try it out and you might see the difference.

#4: Run 'n Roll: Let a guy follow you. Let him get close while chasing then roll straight back. You can catch a player completely off guard because all of a sudden you're behind him. Credit to PopeAdrian37th.

#5 No recoil with rifles: The Classic Hammerburst, Mk2 Hammerburst and Breechshot all have recoil you rather not have. To reduce this recoil, pick up a Boomshield, aim and shoot. You will notice that the recoil is greatly reduced. When you use this tactic with the Breechshot, the ''kick'' of the weapon is gone which gives you a steady aim. Note: This tactic works with a meatshield as well (Execution only). Credit to Two twitch.

#6 Avoiding a horrible death by falling off a ledge or building: Here! Credit to xlEPIC MICKEYlx. Note: He asked me to post a link to the trick, so there's really no point in writing it down.

Campaign Tips

#1: Onyx stars: If your planning on doing the campaign on Insane and you want to get 3 stars every time, it's best to try and headshot or execute as many Locust as you can. In order to do this, you must use a lot of cover and stay with your team.

Recommended weapons (headshots): Longshot, Breechshot and Markza.

The Markza would be the best weapon to use out of the three.

Recommended weapons (executions): Lancer and Retro-Lancer.

These two rifles down Locust most of the time, so you can pick them up.

Note: Watch out for Grenadiers (Locust with a gnasher and frags). They tend to blow themselves up if you play on Insane difficulty.

Note 2: At Act 4, chapter/section 5, Dont go in the Silverback. You'll need to get headshot on pretty much every Locust to get three Onyx Stars.

#2: Killing Reavers: If you throw and stick a Reaver around the body area, you will kill it instantly even on Insane.

#3: Killing Ragers: If you want to kill Ragers easily and you dont want to chainsaw them. Here's what you do: Find a Sawed-off shotgun and any rifle, then spray a Rager wih your rifle until it decides to go "full retard". After that, just shoot your Sawed-off around his body area and his dies in a one shot.

#4: Bloodmounts: Be wary as they are very annoying on pretty much every difficulty. If you have a two or more bots on your team, stay close to them because the Bloodmounts will mostly attack them instead of you. Note: If you by any chance leave their side, the Bloodmounts will start rushing you and almost fully ignore the bots. If you're playing with a team of players, try to split up. This way, the Bloodmounts wont be able to overwhelm you in one go as they are split up and in fewer numbers for both "teams".

OverRun Tips

#1: Taunting Grenadiers: If you're playing as a Medic, try to draw Grenadiers into a Lancer fight but always keep a distance. Most people recognize that the grenadier has more health and will think they can kill you faster. As the Medic, shoot the Grenadier until your health is low then throw your stim at yourself and go in for the kill. If you have a Soldier to keep supplying you ammo you should be able to lock down almost any area while using this tactic. Credit to PopeAdrian37th.

#2: Buying time with Ragers: When you play as a Rager, you're handed a Breechshot and a special ability (ahem, going Full Retard). If you managed to make it behind the COG spawn, dont do anything until the entire team is busy attacking your team. The COG team will be put off guard and you can use this opening to take them down as well give your team more time to destroy barriers and/or the E-holes/Generators. Note: Got myself a nice quad because of it. :)

OverRun Tricks

#1: Quick Escape: As a Scout, you can avoid grenades on your perch by pressing "x" to dismount the post. It is much faster then simply walking off and you can jump right back up soon after. Note: Be careful if Ragers are close by though, as they can easily kill you while you're waiting for the small amount of time between jumping down and then getting back up. Credit to LocustTend2KillYou.

Extra Tips

#1: Smashing Reapers: Damage a Reaper as much as possible with your rifle (or pistol depending if it's FAA) and finish off with melee or with one Gnasher or Sawed-off shot. If they do the disappearing sprint towards you and attempt to do the one hit melee, roll to the left and move backwards while shooting with the Gnasher. Note: Some Reapers can be tricky to kill so it can be hard predicting their moves. It's important to keep moving and stay out of their one-hit melee range. Ink Grenades can be a very good weapon to kill a Reaper in private games because Ink Grenades have a wider spread and can be harder to escape from. Do not underestimate the capabilities of the Reaper. IF you have to run away to reload, do it and do it fast. Credit to XIX V3NGFUL XIX.

#2: Heavy weapons: A Breechshot counts as a heavy weapon. So if you're planning on getting the Onyx Heavy Weapons medal, this is the gun to use.

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