
Leaders of the World,

I regret that my very first post is merely an announcement of bad news. CyberNations has once again seen the creation of an alliance dedicated to war and violent coercion: the Wolf Pack. Founded and lead by "malarkarlian", the Wolf Pack is reminiscent of the Nazi submarine "wolf packs" of the Second World War.

Since its conception, the Wolf Pack has assaulted over 40 nations.

My nation, Fantaszacklandburg, has become their most recent target and I am currently being attacked by two of their members: American and Mother Russian. Their attack was unprovoked, as typical of these raider alliances, and they had to audacity to offer peace with me on the condition that I join their filthy alliance.

While these raider alliances are a common occurrence on CyberNations, I urge immediate action be taken against this group of thugs.

- Zacharias Maximus.

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