
So as many members of the board may know by now we're expecting two X-Movies in 2016, Deadpool and X-Men: Apocalypse. Apocalypse will be the ninth movie in the overall franchise, and we know for sure that the franchise will keep going with movies hopefully centred on the teenage versions of Cyclops, Jean, and Storm, as well as more side projects such as New Mutants, Deadpool 2, Gambit, and hopefully X-Force.

Bryan Singer and co., across 15 years, have given us fans and the wider public various iterations of many characters from the comics, from the most iconic X-teams to some of the lesser known characters such as the Morlocks. The creative teams have taken inspiration from the tv shows (the original animated series, X-Men: Evolution) and from many X-Men runs (Claremont's extensive runs, Millar's Ultimate X-Men, Whedon's Astonishing X-Men off the top of my head). For better or worse (depends on who you ask), the filmmakers have also taken their own creative liberties with the characters and the overall franchise and as a result have given us a universe full of possibilities for the X-Men, even if they don't get to share the screen with the Avengers and other Marvel heroes.

In my opinion, the X-Men are the best Marvel franchise out there due to the fact they tackle one of the most enduring challenges in society, which is the struggle for equality and understanding between different people. Of course there is much more to the X-Men, but ultimately every brilliant X-Men story out there tracks back to that one specific theme. The movies have had their good and bad moments, but ultimately I believe that they hold true to what the X-Men symbolise. The movie-verse's versions of Charles, Erik, and Logan have developed brilliantly throughout the movies and right now the filmmakers have the opportunity to continue that development with the newer versions of Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Kurt. X2 and Days of Future Past also scored massive points in my book by choosing to portray the sentiment of hate and misunderstanding between radicalised mutants and humans as the main antagonistic force in the movie. Singer has said many times that X-Men Apocalypse will be the movie where we see the true 'birth' of the X-Men. I believe he might be right. What do you think?

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