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JAW27 wrote:

ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.  I am spending more and more time trying to correct settings in order to receive e-mail.  I get messages from you on both i-phones and occasionally, both I-pads, that the passwords on our two accounts are incorrect, at the same time that the e-mails are showing up on our Outlook accounts.  E-mails are disappearing from our two Apple devices, but remaining on our PC devices.  May I respectfully suggest to your hotshot technical people that there is something drastically wrong with your own servers, if e-mails send and receive on some devices and produce password errors on other devices.  It is really getting to the point that Comcast will not be our company of choice, and I may transfer my internet, my e-mail and my telephone from you, unless you can finally get your product working properly.

I would be interested in any realistic comment you might have.

From: Customer Security Assurance [mailto:noreply@csa.comcast.net]
Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 6:20 AM
Subject: Customer Security Assurance Notice

Customer Security Assurance Notice

Abuse Incident Number: NA0000188108619


Comcast has received a report of email missing from your email address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. After further investigation, we have determined that your email has been downloaded to a third party email program and cannot be restored. We apologize for any inconvenience you may be experiencing from the loss of these messages. The following steps are recommended.

Check all Third Party Email Programs: The email may have been downloaded onto a device on your network without your awareness. Comcast recommends you review all third party email programs (such as Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, Windows Mail or Mac Mail) on all computers, tablets, and smartphones in your home. If you find the program that was used to download your missing messages, Comcast recommends changing the account properties in the mail program to leave a copy of the message on the server.

Change your Comcast Password: If you were unable to locate the missing email, we recommend that you change your password to prevent your current emails from being downloaded by the mail program and removed from our server. You can change your password by going to the Comcast Customer Central website - https://login.comcast.net/account. Please ensure that your new password is strong (containing capital and lowercase letters, numbers, symbols allowed, and between 8 - 16 characters) and unique (Comcast recommends that you do not use this password for any other login website).

Thank you for choosing Comcast!


Comcast Customer Security Assurance

This is a service-related email. Comcast will occasionally send you service-related emails to inform you of service upgrades or new benefits to your Comcast High-Speed Internet service.

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Comcast respects your privacy. For a complete description of our privacy policy, click this link.

One Comcast Center, 10th Floor
1701 JFK Boulevard
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2838
Attn: CHSI

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